I'm a Black Dude. This Mormon Wants to Recruit Me. What Should I Bring Up To Him???

wait a minute...

I always thought that the book of mormon originated during the expansion era of US History... :nerd:

cliffs - During the 1820's in NY (yes 1820's, before mental hospitals were up and running) Joseph Smith saw an Angel that appeared to him and revealed to him missing sections of the bible. Eventually he was killed, and Bringham Young took all the followers to Utah because of violence occurring in the states.

If this happened in the 1920's or even today we would have a 'cult' and an 'insane person' entered into the hospital... just saying

and as the rza would say, bong bong.
your bell went rung rung rung!


No way in hell I would read what he sent. :x
i never said anything about restrictions. i said that the implication that one's skin color is the result of a curse sounds racist.
from Second Nephi; Chapter 5, Verse 21:
21 And he had caused the acursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and bdelightsome, that they might not be centicing unto my people the Lord God did cause a dskin of eblackness to come upon them.
and from Alma; Chapter 3, Verse 6:
6 And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a acurse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph, and Sam, who were just and holy men.
dark skin is a curse, white skin is exceedingly fair and delightsome. this isn't racist?

Only if you attribute race specifically to the color and shade of things.

But yeah, definitely some racial undertones in such a statement.
tell them you are a part of the Nation of Gods and Earth

Believe it or not I was for a little while. I never got my first degree, though, cause I just couldn't get over how anti-semetic the literature is.

Aside from that, I will say just doing the day's math and going through the Supreme Mathematics and Alphabet really does improve your outlook on the world.
Believe it or not I was for a little while. I never got my first degree, though, cause I just couldn't get over how anti-semetic the literature is.
Aside from that, I will say just doing the day's math and going through the Supreme Mathematics and Alphabet really does improve your outlook on the world.
Peace to the God
Believe it or not I was for a little while. I never got my first degree, though, cause I just couldn't get over how anti-semetic the literature is.

Aside from that, I will say just doing the day's math and going through the Supreme Mathematics and Alphabet really does improve your outlook on the world.
Peace to the God

Peace :smokin

This is what I told dude:

Wow, I'm not even going to pretend like I have read all that, but I'm going to take some time and read that and let you know how I feel. You're really cool to be this open to some random dude like that.

I'm not gonna fake, just growing up in AOL chatrooms in the 90's i'm always wary of people who are down to have internet convos with strangers, so if dude turns out to be a perv I'm gonna milk it just for the sake of posting what he says in this thread.
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whats the days mathematics?

disclaimer: I'm years removed from that,

but to be honest i see equality through wisdom culture as really moving and acting in a way that is true to yourself without second guessing a thing, really living without any constraints or outside influences, especially those which you are used to giving a **** about in life (i.e. family's opinion of you, your girlfriend getting mad, etc.) Sometimes you have to really not care in order to be who you truly are, and that will rub EVERYONE the wrong way, while simultaneously leaving you at peace.

Anyway, Mormon dude hit me back:

At 07:50 PM 11/2*****12, you wrote:
Wow, I'm not even going to pretend like I have read all that, but I'm going to take some time and read that and let you know how I feel. You're really cool to be this open to some random dude like that.

Its a long story.
But it really lays it all out.
I was NOT born a Mormon, none of my real friends were Mormon and no one in my family was Mormon.
So I came at it pretty much out of the blue.
Its a good story, or so many others have told me.
You will probably enjoy reading it..

You have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
I am NOT easily offended, so feel free to ask what you want to know.

What kind of questions do you wanna ask this middle aged seasoned religious vet and author?
whats the days mathematics?
disclaimer: I'm years removed from that,

but to be honest i see equality through wisdom culture as really moving and acting in a way that is true to yourself without second guessing a thing, really living without any constraints or outside influences, especially those which you are used to giving a **** about in life (i.e. family's opinion of you, your girlfriend getting mad, etc.) Sometimes you have to really not care in order to be who you truly are, and that will rub EVERYONE the wrong way, while simultaneously leaving you at peace.

Anyway, Mormon dude hit me back:
At 07:50 PM 11/2*****12, you wrote:
Wow, I'm not even going to pretend like I have read all that, but I'm going to take some time and read that and let you know how I feel. You're really cool to be this open to some random dude like that.

Its a long story.
But it really lays it all out.
I was NOT born a Mormon, none of my real friends were Mormon and no one in my family was Mormon.
So I came at it pretty much out of the blue.
Its a good story, or so many others have told me.
You will probably enjoy reading it..

You have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
I am NOT easily offended, so feel free to ask what you want to know.
What kind of questions do you wanna ask this middle aged seasoned religious vet and author?
what exactly is a modern day prophet? and are their prophecies added to the modern canon of the scriptures?
^^^Think of the prophet more as the president of the church rather than a prophet in the traditional/historical sense.
My issues with their faith:
1. Look at Jesus as not 1 and the same with God and the Holy Spirit
2. Groups that keep women in certain roles
3. Didn't think I was human until 1978 and you know that carried over around 20 years after for that generation to die out or be truly convinced otherwise. Probably still lingers around today.
I am an African American non Mormon who has been living in Utah for longer than I may have wanted (19 years) but it is cool. I am pretty knowledgeable on the Mormon religion and being on the outside looking in (Utah is mostly Mormon) it has been very interesting to say the least :lol:. I may be able to answer some questions that you guys are curious about though. Let me know
Do you deal with any racism while there? Cite examples if you can.

the part about the americas is interesting because we have zero evidence that there were israelites in the americas when the book of mormon claims. i brought this up a few pages ago because i was interested to see what the nt mormons had to say about it.
Do you deal with any racism while there? Cite examples if you can.
There have been instances that I have ran into when dealing with women and their families. It is a strange type of racism though.

I have noticed that in households they say a lot or racist/offensive things just because they don't know any better. There has never been anyone there to tell them that what they are saying is wrong or offensive because they have been surrounded only by Caucasian Mormons their entire lives. Not only that either though because Utah's entire political structure/government is centered around the LDS religion. So basically they live in a Mormon world and it is all they know (especially women :smh:).

I wouldn't say that blatant racism is frequent though, I would just say that the level/amount of ignorance here is VERY HIGH and they are VERY CONFIDENT.

I hear out of state Mormons tend to be much more open minded and overall just a lot 'cooler.' But then again, they don't have a choice but to be diverse.
I am an African American non Mormon who has been living in Utah for longer than I may have wanted (19 years) but it is cool. I am pretty knowledgeable on the Mormon religion and being on the outside looking in (Utah is mostly Mormon) it has been very interesting to say the least :lol:. I may be able to answer some questions that you guys are curious about though. Let me know

Just curious...what "interesting" things have u witnessed?
And what were those thigns said by families of girls you dealt with?

When you are out in public do people look at you as if you are some endangered specie? Since you are........kind.......:nerd:
And what were those thigns said by families of girls you dealt with?
When you are out in public do people look at you as if you are some endangered specie? Since you are........kind.......:nerd:
I have ran into a couple of flat out racist parents and then the ones that aren't convinced that I am the 'type' for their daughter. From a religious stand point I'm not tho so no biggie. I am sure those kinds of things happen all over.

And people do look a lot. Especially when I am with a pretty white girl. People just stare. Especially other girls.
And what were those thigns said by families of girls you dealt with?
When you are out in public do people look at you as if you are some endangered specie? Since you are........kind.......:nerd:
I have ran into a couple of flat out racist parents and then the ones that aren't convinced that I am the 'type' for their daughter. From a religious stand point I'm not tho so no biggie. I am sure those kinds of things happen all over.

And people do look a lot. Especially when I am with a pretty white girl. People just stare. Especially other girls.
How many white girls with queen of spades tats have you met?

that number 1 high school player Jabari Parker is a mormon, and he is black. 

Andrew Wiggins > Jabari Parker imo
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