If Your A Molester And Have Money You Only Go To Jail For 90 Days In Cali-- vol flawed justice syste

Jul 27, 2012
read this in the paper the other day,  how this dude only got 90 days is sickening. i don't wish bad things upon people, but i would have no problem with on of those kids dads or uncles putting hands on this man.

[h1]Palos Verdes Estates man gets 90 days for molesting teen boys[/h1]
By Larry Altman Staff Writer

[email protected] @larryaltman on Twitter

Posted:   06/26/2013 05:55:21 PM PDT

Updated:   06/26/2013 06:00:54 PM PDT

A retired social worker was ordered Wednesday to spend 90 days in jail and register as a sex offender for molesting teenage boys who lived in his Palos Verdes Peninsula homes, a sentence his victims said was not harsh enough.

Martin Barry Canter, 63, will surrender July 5 at the Torrance Police Department jail to begin serving his sentence under the agency's Pay to Stay Inmate Worker Program. Avoiding county jail, Canter will pay $99 a day for his stay -- $8,910 -- but will be required to complete the entire three months.

Had he been ordered to serve his time in county jail, Canter likely would have served less time because of jail overcrowding. Safety also was

Martin Canter in Torrance Superior Court during his sentencing for committing sex crimes with boys living in his home. June 26, 2013. (Brad Graverson / Staff Photographer)
a factor, prosecutors said.
"There is a danger element in sending a somewhat elderly sex offender to county jail," Deputy District Attorney Wyatt Bloomfield said. "We want him to be punished but we don't want to place him in a situation where he can be harmed."

Canter was arrested Nov. 24, 2011, after prosecutors charged him with fondling two teenage boys he invited to live in his rented Palos Verdes Estates and Rolling Hills houses when their own parents turned them out for problems at home. After the publicity, three more teens came forward to report offenses that occurred in 2010 and 2011.

In some cases, Canter told the teens he was a doctor and



examined them when they were sick or needed a physical for sports.
"He's pretty much a predator," one of the victims said Wednesday. "He goes after the weak and he will strike at you if he knows he can get away with it. ... Him posing as a doctor and saying all these kinds of things to these kids, it just isn't right."

During Canter's preliminary hearing in Torrance court last year, victims said they did not immediately report the molestations because they would have no place else to live. Canter offered rooms for free or rent to troubled teenage boys whose own parents kicked them out of their homes.

During the earlier testimony, one teen said Canter grabbed his testicles while he slept in front of the television and later jumped into the shower with him and touched his body and penis.

Another teen said Canter told him he was a doctor at UCLA Medical Center and listened to his heartbeat when the youth asked him to look at a bump on his waistline. Canter pulled the boy's boxers down and groped him.

In a deal with prosecutors that dropped the need for a trial, Canter agreed last month to plead guilty to misdemeanor counts of sexual battery by fraud and child molestation related to two of the teens, who are now young men.

In addition to the jail time and having to register as a sex offender, Canter was placed on four years probation, ordered to attend 52 sexual impulse counseling sessions, stay away from his victims and not live with minors.

Bloomfield said the key to the sentence was requiring Canter to register as a sex offender wherever he lives. The prosecution's goal is to protect the public.

"This goes a long way to make sure this never happens again," he said.

Two victims, however, told Judge Steven Van Sicklen that the penalty should have been more severe and they did not like the prosecution's deal.

"I think he really needs to be in a place like prison," said one victim, now 21 years old. "It's unfair. He knows he got away with it."

The other victim, who asked Canter to examine the bump on his waistline, said Canter should have received three to four years in prison.

Prosecutors declined to say why they made the deal. The case, however, might have had troubles before a jury. During the preliminary hearing, one victim testified that Canter ran a stethoscope over his body and brushed against his testicles. In his report to police, however, the victim had accused Canter of grabbing his private parts. He then accused the other teens of concocting a plan to get money from Canter.

Canter, who was free on $100,000 bail throughout the case, left the courtroom without making any comments. His attorney, Robert Courtney, did not return phone calls.

On Wednesday, the two victims in court said they have moved on with their lives. One goes to school, and the other works in the restaurant business. The now 20-year-old said he was pleased Canter must undergo counseling.

"If he didn't have to do that, he would probably just go strike again at younger children," the victim said. "He's just a predator and he won't stop at nothing."
Acting like he was a doctor to cop a feel of kids he was ment to be helping? Sick ****.

I'm not too surprised with the sentence tbh. The judge even said why they didnt send him to jail. He knew he'd get ****** up if he was locked up.

If they didnt want him to be ****** up then they should have sent him to a minimum security prison with less violent offenders. But this man needs his freedom taken away for an extended period of time.
I believe that we, as a society, have lost our way, when we come to expect extra judicial, jail house punishments.

The idea of leaving people hanging in billets or locked in public pillories, with the extent of their punishment at the discretion of an angry mob, is best left in the past.

When a court sentences a person to jail or prison time, it should not include the unspoken addition of the risk of being murdered, mutilated or sodomized.

If you think that rapists or murderers deserve to be subject to violent and painful corporal and/or capital punishment, have the courage to advocate for those policies. Judges should have to issue, in clear language, sentences that require state sanctioned rape and injury and murder on certain types of criminals. To sentence a person to jail or prison and to expect that some random convict will "take care of him," is cowardly.
Deja ************* Vu.

I swear I've seen this thread before. So much so, that I had to check the date a couple times to make sure it wasn't a bump.

Even OPs wording was the exact same.
I believe that we, as a society, have lost our way, when we come to expect extra judicial, jail house punishments.

The idea of leaving people hanging in billets or locked in public pillories, with the extent of their punishment at the discretion of an angry mob, is best left in the past.

When a court sentences a person to jail or prison time, it should not include the unspoken addition of the risk of being murdered, mutilated or sodomized.

If you think that rapists or murderers deserve to be subject to violent and painful corporal and/or capital punishment, have the courage to advocate for those policies. Judges should have to issue, in clear language, sentences that require state sanctioned rape and injury and murder on certain types of criminals. To sentence a person to jail or prison and to expect that some random convict will "take care of him," is cowardly.

Do you really believe that?
Title is pretty misleading. Where in the article does it say that dude had "money"?
Having ~$10,000 to pay for the safe jail or whatever that situation is doesn't necessarily mean he has money. It sounds like they were being lenient due to his age.
Don't agree with that at all and I think dude should have gotten a full sentence, but to say he got off because he has money isn't how I'm interpret the case.

Sad story though. Teens get kicked out of their houses and have nowhere to go. Access to social services that can help in a situation like that is crucial.
jail is stupid, america has the highest imprisonment of their own citizens.

We don't address or rehabilitate any problems. We toss them in a box like time out for a kid, and hope that magically makes them come out better.
I thought we all knew if you had enough money you can usually get by, even if it's murder. So no surprise molesterss have found a rather obvious loophole.
I believe that we, as a society, have lost our way, when we come to expect extra judicial, jail house punishments.

The idea of leaving people hanging in billets or locked in public pillories, with the extent of their punishment at the discretion of an angry mob, is best left in the past.

When a court sentences a person to jail or prison time, it should not include the unspoken addition of the risk of being murdered, mutilated or sodomized.

If you think that rapists or murderers deserve to be subject to violent and painful corporal and/or capital punishment, have the courage to advocate for those policies. Judges should have to issue, in clear language, sentences that require state sanctioned rape and injury and murder on certain types of criminals. To sentence a person to jail or prison and to expect that some random convict will "take care of him," is cowardly.
I see your point

and I think if you molest or rape someone then a few grown *** men should **** you in the ***

I also think some of these white collar criminal bankers should be publicly hung in the street. steal people's pensions? knowingly wreck the global economy? public hanging. 
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