i mean i just cut my hair and i feel like killing myself
but if i were to really go bald, i have no idea
Originally Posted by beat street 718

i was just thinking i dont think i have ever seen a bald asian

aren't monks what you call "Asian"
I'd shave it and buy lots of hats to wear
Im not balding yet, but i probably will be in 10 years....hopefully there is a cure by then because i would look terrible bald.
It's happening, I just wear a hat every day.

I don't even think my barber seen me without a hat on.
My right corner is already showing sign of receding but i have thick hair so it's not much of a problem. If i go bald i would just buzz it really short allthe way around. Balding sucks if you're in your 20 and 30s but i heard there's already a cure , the company that found it just need to test it on humanand then patent it. There will be a cure in about 5-10 years . It's just part of being a man
hair started pushing back last year and i always had a full head of hair
i keep it cleanly shaven and the women love it
keep a nice tan rocksome nice earrings and ur set
Blame mom dukes for your baldness, its from her side of the fam

I'm either starting to bald at the corners or my barber pushed me WAY back.

Hopefully its the latter
i've been losin it since like 18

just shaved it today...not REALLY short shave, but like a 5.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

i heard there's already a cure , the company that found it just need to test it on human and then patent it. There will be a cure in about 5-10 years . It's just part of being a man

where did you hear this from?
Originally Posted by anDown Goes Frasier

can black ppl. use rogaine? i never see them in tn the commericals
yea, but they grow back hair like white ppl then. doesn't look right.
I've been balding for the past few years. Used to shave my head with a #1 or #2. For the past 5 months I said +!!$ it and letting it grow out for as longas possible before it gets really really bad. It's so thin up front, but it's so thick in the back.
I think im safe. My grandad is like 61 and he has a low cut but he's not bald, my moms has a long as hair and she's 40. Im 21 and I never had a problemwith my hair receding or falling out. My dad has all of his hair and he's 42 and my uncle, who's 30 has all of his hair as well. Hopefully Im safe::::crosses fingers:::: (Oh yeah, and Im black)
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