If you intend to represent NikeTalk - please represent the values and integrity we stand for. Perso

I'm sorry for posting in that thread, it wasn't a smart move at all.

This all sounds so contractual. Hopefully, for everyone's sake, this does not end up in litigation. If so, methical, you know you have about 99% of nt's support. If in court they try to claim you 'highjacked' or stole the user base that is totally unfounded - people have been asking for years about yuku updates or simply leaving that particular host site altogether. Also, as i understand it, possession is 9/10th of the law and seeing as how posters own any original post content and wanted outfrom yuku it certainly appears as if theyhavno legal recourse. Appears is the key word as im sure there is more to all of this. Additionally, there is more id like expounded upon but ill reserve those questions for later, now is probably not the time for that asi can tell your hands must be quite full.
Posting from phone so please bear with me.
Good luck.
We own our posts' content, right? How would we go about getting them to get rid of our old posts? :nerd:
This all sounds so contractual. Hopefully, for everyone's sake, this does not end up in litigation. If so, methical, you know you have about 99% of nt's support. If in court they try to claim you 'highjacked' or stole the user base that is totally unfounded - people have been asking for years about yuku updates or simply leaving that particular host site altogether. Also, as i understand it, possession is 9/10th of the law and seeing as how posters own any original post content and wanted outfrom yuku it certainly appears as if theyhavno legal recourse. Appears is the key word as im sure there is more to all of this. Additionally, there is more id like expounded upon but ill reserve those questions for later, now is probably not the time for that asi can tell your hands must be quite full.
Posting from phone so please bear with me.
Good luck.

Where is HOVkid to make sense of all this?

edit: I got my post count and join date back :smokin
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Frankly, i don't see how the "law" is on ST's side and I certainly don't understand this "hijacked" nonsense they talk they're speaking.

Irrespective of whatever contractual agreements were in place, I can't fathom how YUKU can claim ownership of Niketalk CONTENT. Niketalk content is made by us, the users, and is our property. WE, the users of this board--past, present, and future--OWN the content because we are the progenitors of said content. It really is as simple as that. If this goes to court, insert "interwebz is serious bizness" pic/gif, I can't see how Yuku can argue ownership. They simply maintained the platform, and that is not saying much, on which we generated our content. 

Now I don't know the dynamics of how much revenue NT generates via corporate ad placements and agreements, but I can imagine that our relationship to Yuku was very beneficial, financially speaking, to their parent--Cloudgather?--company. It is no wonder why they are all out of sorts over our departure. Who wouldn't be pissed at losing a great partner? But it's certainly too little and too late for that now.

Now Meth, here is a question for you. In light of everything that has happened over the past couple of days, what measurements has the staff--as gatekeepers and protectors of this community--taking to ensure that this kind of thing doesn't happen again? For example, what sorts of contractual agreements do we have with Huddler? Especially pertaining to matters such as content? Worst case scenario, if things don't work out here like at Yuku, is there some kind of understanding, explicitly spelled and written out, that would ensure our safe departure from the Huddler platform WITH all of our user generated content?

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this lying SOB is trying to single handedly destroy a community thats been together for 10+ years. smh. i don't know what his intentions are but we won't lose. this is nt :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
Let's pay no mind to them and stay in our lane.

Majority, if not all of us regulars have made the jump.

I admin'd an uncensored NT clone forum that invited only chill poster.
You know what happened, it died within a year.
Lurkers stayed lurking and there weren't many content making posters.

The same will happen to them.

As long as we do what we've been doing all these years, they won't be able to compete.
Let them eat up some of that ad revenue, it'll soon dry up, amd we'll be here.
To Meth and/or Dirty as far as those propaganda posters on ST posting about how they didn't like NT or hwo it was being run and will give ST a chance I think you should look out for this Sanjay clown and whoever is running with him coming here and starting **** or just plain infiltrating. With the one month wait registration gone at the moment I'm seeing a lot of ppl claiming they were lurkers on NT before the move with brand new SNs and what not.


I still log in to **** every now and then to see if there's new posts :lol: I honestly don't know what happened. There was a tight knit group of us that stayed in the chat but after that summer everything just fell off HARD.
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Damn Meth has some writing skills, wish I could write like that. With that being said, that website and its owners brought this on themselves. And if your down with sneaker talk **** you too!
I was fooled when I logged on that day to what I thought was NT. The color scheme similar to that of the recently released Cool Grey 12's and the renaming to Sneaker Talk made me think NT was doing some forum/server/hosting upgrade.

Didn't like the layout and it was hard to navigate. Lucky for me, I saw a post by a member directing me to this site and was relieved to see the real NT somewhat stay true to the forum style before the shenanigans went down.

Then I tried to redirect people over here by posting the link to this forum and I got banned for it lol. So that told me Sneaker Talk was up to something shady.

I look at this situation as a positive. The forum on this new host seems faster and has not been getting "yuku'ed" so far. I also like how when I subscribe to a topic, I get instant notifications if there are any new replies and can view the topic to keep up with the discussion. On Yuku, I would get notifications, but it would always come late and by the time I get them, there will been over 10 pages of replies already and makes it hard to keep up with the topic (Yeezy 2 topic anyone?).

I'm pretty sure there are new features to this forum that I've yet to discover but in the mean time, I'm happy with the new revamped Nike Talk.
To say that Yuku was "maintaining" the platform is giving them far too much credit. The forum was awful for far too long under their "care."

That Sanjay guy has some nerve. :smh:
it's already dead. there is like 4 topics in general with posts from today. sanjay lost.
Site was on niketalk.yuku.com. I guess yuku let Meth mask the url with niketalk.com just to make it look more legit but the content was still on yuku. Meth must have owned the niketalk.com domain but content was on yuku. Meth then hired some other company to steal the content from yuku and put it on their own servers. Then meth changed where the niketalk.com domain was pointing and now it masks niketalk.huddler.com.

Meth pretty much used yuku servers to grow his site, stole the content and bounced to another spot because he can make more money there. He'll probably do the same once he finds another option to make even more money. Thats some grimey !%%% right there.

lol @ all the cats on the other side who think the peeps who stayed here are sellout. We're at the OG spot still with all the OG content...not some variant !%%% they duped.

:x :smh: the audacity...
I was fooled when I logged on that day to what I thought was NT. The color scheme similar to that of the recently released Cool Grey 12's and the renaming to Sneaker Talk made me think NT was doing some forum/server/hosting upgrade.

I think many of us were fooled and some probably still do not know.
I had meetings all day at VCU last couple days, immediately going home, doing the family thing, and crashing, so I missed all that happen as it was going on live.

But, here is my main beef (which I have shared on Facebook with other "pre-2001" members from the D.C. area)...

I'm all for competition. I'm all for the "more options is better" line. For all the members here who weren't here way back when, Niketalk experienced this before when Steve of "instyleshoes" made a proposal to "buy" NT for "free99" over 10 years ago... After being denied, he used the skeleton of NT to create instyleshoes. Thus, this is nothing new for the powers that be here.

HOWEVER, to intentionally take all the hours, *volunteer work*, manpower, information, posts, rules, templates and decisions (even as far as keeping banned members banned) to create an identical site and claim it as THEE one is foul... Foul beyond comprehension.

To attempt to sway and recruit the same volunteer "employees" to the copycat site is even worst.

It's a #FAIL trying to claim McDOWELL'S is the "real" McDonald's. People will instantly react emotionally to such fraud.

Give me a break.
Site was on niketalk.yuku.com. I guess yuku let Meth mask the url with niketalk.com just to make it look more legit but the content was still on yuku. Meth must have owned the niketalk.com domain but content was on yuku. Meth then hired some other company to steal the content from yuku and put it on their own servers. Then meth changed where the niketalk.com domain was pointing and now it masks niketalk.huddler.com.

Meth pretty much used yuku servers to grow his site, stole the content and bounced to another spot because he can make more money there. He'll probably do the same once he finds another option to make even more money. Thats some grimey !%%% right there.

lol @ all the cats on the other side who think the peeps who stayed here are sellout. We're at the OG spot still with all the OG content...not some variant !%%% they duped.

:x :smh: the audacity...

What kind of idiot logic is this? who wrote this?
:x :smh: the audacity...

I *rarely* play any kind of OG card... But was that post serious?

I changed my screen name back in '00 to make a "voice" for myself and used it ever since, but I remember when NT initially went live, it's first day of operation, as I came over from Nikepark.

Even calling yuku the "o.g." host clearly shows how long said member has been apart of NT, and the ignorance (and blind arrogance) he possesses in his frame of thinking.

You probably can't even mention ezboard to him... Let alone NT before Regional Sections, an officially buy/sell, etc...

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