If you had only 1 hour to ZOMBIE proof your place, what would you do?

Originally Posted by onlyjays9P

I would get water and non perishable foods fill up my sinks and tub with water so if water supply goes out i got that for back up then get all my weapons guns knifes bow and go up stairs then id proceed to break out all my stairs so that the zombies would have nothing to climb up to get me then id be target shooting till the national guard came to save me or kill me

sounds like someone read the zombie survival guide.

I'd do the exact same thing.
Originally Posted by Boot and Leg

you need to first get supplies to survive..who knows what kind of zombies are they?...like the 28 days later type or the never dieing type unless you remove there head. are they fast or the slow moving type. so you figure you got a good month to get by baracaded. if you have a basement i suggest you hang there so that theres only one place they can come in from so you can be focused and not have to worry about your back. gun won't really do much...i suggest something light and sharp so it's easy for decapitation.

Haha, yeah dude talkin like he a pro. Like he's already went through this.
I'd cop Two AK's and two handguns along with tons of ammon then go to Home Depot and get boards/sheet metal and nails to board up the windows in thehouse. I would then buy as much canned food as I could and hope for the best.
oh you know the cal is on me.
but i would do to the trading post, get every weapon i can get.
the go to BJ's load up on food,
then home depot for other supplies
then im good
Plant my house first with C4 and Claymore
Board up all my windows
Get a AK47 with Grenade Launcher
Tons of ammo
Get a machete

Start zombie practice.
I'm not much of a pessimist, but I would tell all of my loved ones that I love them, and prepare for my (un)death. I would put up a fight, but I reallydon't see a way out of something like that.
Originally Posted by babyface34

I'm not much of a pessimist, but I would tell all of my loved ones that I love them, and prepare for my (un)death. I would put up a fight, but I really don't see a way out of something like that.

thats mad soft. you should off yourself before they even become a threat.
like some one said, unless it broke out in your city/town, even if they are runners, your probably going to have a month or so to prepare. id sharpen the edgeof a shovel for easy/silent beheading, stock up on food/water/booze/
,and decorate my roof to indicate to the national guard that im still alive. then, i'd install hurricane shutters, board up my doors, and then get rid of mystairs to completely isolate myself. fill my tub with h20 would be a must as well. if it was at all feasible, a generator would be clutch too. i'd alsotry to get seeds/soil so i could garden on my roof. after that, i'd play the waiting game. another good idea would be to make sure you had access to abicycle incase a quick/silent escape became necessary.
hmm claymores on the outer perimeter. Id tightly barricade the the crib also so it could withstand mindless pounding for a while like a drunken one nightstand. Id setup a sniper housing on the roof so i could snipe on at a time while im bored. Lots of bullets for the rifle of course, shotty and pistol for closecombat if they do get close, which they wont. An assault rifle or machine gun, which can be used from that sniper tower also for when im bored ill mow somedown. otherwise lots of food, books, entertainment and some %#*% grateful for me keeping them safe. then just wait it out till the troops get there.
Ha I'm a huge zombie mark and thought about this a few times before..I would be alright in my crib cause I'm three stories up and only one way in so Ijust gotta hold that door down and I'll be fine. Food and some sort of weapon that wouldn't require ammo that would run out, and give me some sort ofdistance..machete maybe.

You guys should check out allthingszombie.com they take topics like this to another whole level lol.
Originally Posted by WhiteJoeYoung

like some one said, unless it broke out in your city/town, even if they are runners, your probably going to have a month or so to prepare. id sharpen the edge of a shovel for easy/silent beheading, stock up on food/water/booze/
, and decorate my roof to indicate to the national guard that im still alive. then, i'd install hurricane shutters, board up my doors, and then get rid of my stairs to completely isolate myself. fill my tub with h20 would be a must as well. if it was at all feasible, a generator would be clutch too. i'd also try to get seeds/soil so i could garden on my roof. after that, i'd play the waiting game. another good idea would be to make sure you had access to a bicycle incase a quick/silent escape became necessary.
generator would cause noise and attract more zombies...

And if i was in my dorm, I'd be good.

I'll also take some more ammo and some claymores and motion sensors.
50 caliber machine gun mounted on the roof and fill the entire crib with lines of ammo.

Board up the windows, barricade the doors, stock up on food and water, and i'm set for a while.
spend all the money I can to buy an iron man suit

no zombie will touch me then and I will have beating them all up
i'm boarding up windows with BARS! then wooden boards.
getting TONS of bandages and rubbing alcohol.
get some machetes, guns and ammo and lots of sweatshirts and bulletproof vests (just in case they bite me)
lotsss of water, canned goods and 3 can openers.
I'd inform everybody near my house, and I'd have them all dig a moat around my place, allowing them to stay until we can dig holes unerneath their ownhouses so they can go to and from the safehouse. Drawbridge for effect, and some barracudas and piranhas for the water. maybe a little chlorine to keep it fromgetting ridic.

Lots of loam soil, and wood to build a small farm atop my house. If these were the stupid types of zombies, I would run a hose from my house to the bay andhave a mini-distillery intact.

The 10 people that would be living with me would all take shifts standing guard. We don't allow guns in my kingdom, so katanas will be used. Oneperson's job will be to spend entire days cleaning out a zombie corpse until only the skin remains, then retrofitting it as a costume so that he can go outand get us more supplies.

I'll put up a scarecrow too to keep them away

Finally, lots and lots of pipe bombs.
Originally Posted by osem87

I'd inform everybody near my house, and I'd have them all dig a moat around my place, allowing them to stay until we can dig holes unerneath their own houses so they can go to and from the safehouse. Drawbridge for effect, and some barracudas and piranhas for the water. maybe a little chlorine to keep it from getting ridic.

Lots of loam soil, and wood to build a small farm atop my house. If these were the stupid types of zombies, I would run a hose from my house to the bay and have a mini-distillery intact.

The 10 people that would be living with me would all take shifts standing guard. We don't allow guns in my kingdom, so katanas will be used. One person's job will be to spend entire days cleaning out a zombie corpse until only the skin remains, then retrofitting it as a costume so that he can go out and get us more supplies.

I'll put up a scarecrow too to keep them away

Finally, lots and lots of pipe bombs.

for some reason this had me
This is hard, but here goes.. 1) walkie talkies/radio to communicate with other rooftop survivors (you got to identify who the leaders are so you can protectas many as possible) 2) reinforce all the windows with 2x6 3) build small soil hubs on the roof so that i can grow and sustain root vegetables 4) purchase thethickest leather motorcycle outfit 5) two desert eagles with the ammo carrying joint like solid snake for close encounters 6) fill bathtub with water 7) akatana (for when push comes to shove)
grenades 9) create a "clothesline system" to transfer food from roof top to roof top for supplies andwhatnot. i have always wondered how long a zombie can survive with out food..while it is undead, it's cells must need something to sustain them, or theydecay to the point of being immobile/useless. it is important to sustain the community as long as possible so that either we can get picked up by authoritiesor the undead die.
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