If the 2012 USA Team Can Only Carry TWO Point Guards; Who Makes It? CP3, Rose, or Deron?

wait ppl think kobe is more likely to start than wade? i know they started kidd in 08 as the veteran figure and to instill leadership and confidence in the players, but i dont think this team of guys thats filled with 08 gold medalists will need that since this isnt uncharted territory for them anymore. and all of the players will be legit vets. on top of that, barring injuries wade will easily be the better defender than kobe and will probably be better offensively. the team used defense to get them buckets in 08 and theres no better tandem than bron and wade doing that right now.
D-Will and CP3.....We all saw what happened in 2004 with IVERSON and STEPH. Having Russell Westbrick and Derrick Rose is basically the 2012 version of them.
Originally Posted by Jay02

I say all three. But if you haddd to pick only 2. Its CP3 and Deron. Dont get me wrong Rose is very very good, possibly the best PG but I dont see him as an elite passer like CP3 and Deron. Rose is more of a athletic freak point gaurd, but Deron and Paul are more pure point gaurds. That would fit better with the surrounding cast that is already full of athletic freaks.

The team is gonna have Rose though. Rose will replace Kidd. Durant will replace Prince. Amare will replace Boozer. And Love will replace Redd.

The team will be:














Seriously theres no reason to believe that team cant compete with the dream team. A starting rotation of CP3, Kobe, Lebron, Durant, and Dwight 
 Then to have a second rotation of D-Will, Wade, Melo, Bosh, and Amare. While mixing in Rose and Love throughout the game.
That depth is absurd.

Some may think im crazy for saying this but honestly, i'd rather have an old Jason Kidd come back again instead of Rose. That man knows how to facilitate the ball to his weapons. Either way it doesnt matter, they aint losin.
this team has no pure shooters though... we need some players who can hit the 3 consistently

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Jay02

I say all three. But if you haddd to pick only 2. Its CP3 and Deron. Dont get me wrong Rose is very very good, possibly the best PG but I dont see him as an elite passer like CP3 and Deron. Rose is more of a athletic freak point gaurd, but Deron and Paul are more pure point gaurds. That would fit better with the surrounding cast that is already full of athletic freaks.

The team is gonna have Rose though. Rose will replace Kidd. Durant will replace Prince. Amare will replace Boozer. And Love will replace Redd.

The team will be:














Seriously theres no reason to believe that team cant compete with the dream team. A starting rotation of CP3, Kobe, Lebron, Durant, and Dwight 
 Then to have a second rotation of D-Will, Wade, Melo, Bosh, and Amare. While mixing in Rose and Love throughout the game.
That depth is absurd.

Some may think im crazy for saying this but honestly, i'd rather have an old Jason Kidd come back again instead of Rose. That man knows how to facilitate the ball to his weapons. Either way it doesnt matter, they aint losin.
this team has no pure shooters though... we need some players who can hit the 3 consistently



Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Jay02

I say all three. But if you haddd to pick only 2. Its CP3 and Deron. Dont get me wrong Rose is very very good, possibly the best PG but I dont see him as an elite passer like CP3 and Deron. Rose is more of a athletic freak point gaurd, but Deron and Paul are more pure point gaurds. That would fit better with the surrounding cast that is already full of athletic freaks.

The team is gonna have Rose though. Rose will replace Kidd. Durant will replace Prince. Amare will replace Boozer. And Love will replace Redd.

The team will be:














Seriously theres no reason to believe that team cant compete with the dream team. A starting rotation of CP3, Kobe, Lebron, Durant, and Dwight 
 Then to have a second rotation of D-Will, Wade, Melo, Bosh, and Amare. While mixing in Rose and Love throughout the game.
That depth is absurd.

Some may think im crazy for saying this but honestly, i'd rather have an old Jason Kidd come back again instead of Rose. That man knows how to facilitate the ball to his weapons. Either way it doesnt matter, they aint losin.
this team has no pure shooters though... we need some players who can hit the 3 consistently



Did you really post a pic of Dorell Wright in a thread about Olympic Basketball?
People who are better at distributing the ball, and we all know who the two are. They will have plenty of scorers. If they could only take one: CP3.
D.Will and CP3 are better than Rose in all facets of the game except for driving and slashing.
CP3 and Deron. Not even close.

Honestly, Jason Kidd was nearly the perfect PG for that team. Many of the league's young PG's are incredibly ball dominant (Rose, Westbrook) and that's exactly what you don't need on this team. When you've got LeBron/Kobe/Wade/Durant/Melo on the wings, your PG shouldn't be taking more than a couple of shots a game max. Kidd would get the outlet pass from Dwight and it'd be out of his hands and up the court in a split second. Rose/Westbrook are going to put that ball on the floor and their first instinct is to shoot/attack. I've mentioned this here before, but Kidd's goal all Olympics was to not score to show how he could impact the game w/out shooting.

With the offensive talent on this team, you just need to surround them with pass-first, non-ball dominant PG's, at least one shooter off the bench, and another big to help Dwight on the boards (Love/Odom?)
Rose by 2012 will HAVE to make the US team. He'll be to good to be left off.

CP3 & Rose
I would go cp3/dwill

And for the shooters needed. Anthony Morrow???? ( not that it would happen)
In terms of shooters, I would go with someone that has some legit size out there. I would fill those last two slots with Kevin Love and my man Cole Korver. I know his name.
Originally Posted by dland24

Why does everyone assume that Rose deserves the number 3 spot over Westbrook? Westbrook was the better player in Turkey.

I knew that you were going to be in here and I knew that you would say this

I'll just quote what I said in the Russ v Pooh thread about this and save my fingers a few key strokes.

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Russy was the better player when they were on the court together this summer: They had two completely different roles out there and that was clear as day. He never had the ball in his hands unless he grabbed a board (even then he was giving it up) or made a steal. Other than that he was off the ball, catching and shooting or driving. While Pooh's primary objective was to run the offense, he was the primary ball handler and distributor the entire time he was on the floor whether it was with Russ or Chauncey. He was on the ball attempting to set people up and Russ/Chauncey were off the ball attempting to score.
therefore with what has already been said in terms of USA having enough fire power and needing someone who is willing to defer and play his role (which we saw Pooh do last summer) and not struggle/attempt to be "The Alpha Dog" (which the entire world is watching/complaining about Russy doing right now) why would it be assumed that Russ would be in the discussion over Pooh especially considering what he's done this year?  Then you add in the fact that he didn't play a lick of PG in the WC's, while under the same staff that will coach in the '12 Olympics and there you have it.

We all get it, you seriously believe Russy is a STAR and that everyone should think that he is as well.  Well we do, but in the same way that Steph was a star during is tenure in Sota... He was drafted into a position to be a #2 star,  not saying that he couldn't be a #1 if in another situation but currently that is not the case.  Currently as talented as he is, he's displaying that he isn't happy with that role and it appears to be more detrimental than good to team chemistry.  With that being said if we as fans and announcers/analyzer of the game see it why would one assume that this display isn't being noticed by the powers that be as well?

But to get back to the original question... In Euro ball experience is everything, hence Jason Kidd was invaluable, with that rationale in place you would almost have to take Chris & Deron.  But Pooh has made strides that we never saw coming so who's to say he won't improve even more as a play maker next year and then the answer changes.  But as it stands if faced with this scenario I would assume he gets left out.

Meanwhile in the real world we know that barring injury there's no way he doesn't make the team
I don't think he'll get left based on principle. He's a new superstar in a major market. You heard Stern raving about how we was the perfect "star" in today's league shortly after the MVP announcement. He and Durant are the anti Lebron & Kobe. Superstars w/o any of the extra #$$$. He won't get left off the team off of name alone.

whatever nitpicking you can do with his game...he's pretty much reached that plateau of stardom where he's about to be on every all star, usa team, all-nba list, etc. year in and year out just because.
C- dwight is a lock.. but still need another rebounder banger for the center spot (chandler or noah)

PF- lebron, KD and melo can all play PF in the international game.. but i think KLove and griffin both have a chance (does this leave bosh out?)

SF - see PF

SG - wade is a lock (who knows if kobe will even want to go at this point).. deron will also see his fair share of mins at the 2

PG - CP3 goes in as the starter (if healthy) being the best facilitator out of the bunch.. deron is a lock since he best can float between the PG and SG position out of the options
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Since this thread is old...no Rondo mentions? I'd have CP3/Rondo as a POINT guard.

Rondo does't even want to shoot a 12-15 jumper. He is a liability at times, you have to keep the defense honest. 
Not rose; game does fit international ball. At least that's what I saw last time.
C - Dwight, Noah
PF - Kevin Love, Blake Griffin
SF - Durant, Melo, Lebron (I've got a feeling he doesn't go)
SG - Joe Johnson, Wade, Steph Curry
PG - Derrick Rose, Chris Paul
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