If NCAA had a 4 team playoff Bowl system in place ....

Originally Posted by WE GET MONEY

this is getting pretty annoying. we are all aware that SC lost to Stanford at home, problem is that was almost 2 months ago, not 2 weeks ago!! everyonethat knows anything about college footbal knows that if you are going to loose it better be early because late losses in the season means you dont get it. Hellask Missouri that. For some reason LSU & OSU apear to immune to that. Look im not trippin that we didnt get in the NCG, im just tripping that 2 teams thati dont feel can beat us that have the same blemish's on there own records got the nod ahead of us.
^So who do you think deserves to be in the game if it isn't USC or LSU or tOSU? The only teams I can see is Oklahoma and Georgia.
Oklahoma & Georgia would be fine, if Oklahoma didnt just lose to Texas Tech themselves but what? 2 weeks ago?

Everyone is flawed, Georgia didnt win the SEC, VTech got blown out by LSU earlier in the year.

The way it is supposed to work is the teams at the end of the year that are hottest should get the nod.

Those teams wouldnt be either Oklahoma, Ohio st., LSU, West Virgina or Missouri all with losses 2 weeks ago or sooner.
8 team playoff
6 bcs conferences get automatic bids
2 spots for highest ranked team with non-bcs schools having a chance

Ive been wondering this for a while. Why doesnt NCAA go to a bracket format kind of playoff system? Like, is there a reason why there is a 60 day layoffbetween the final game of the regular season and the championship game? IMO, it would be better to give the top 16 teams a shot to win it. It might give moreof a march madness kind of feel. I know alot of people might not like it, but is there a particular reason why NCAA football wont go to a different kind ofplayoff system? I know bowl games are tradition, but im wondering if there is any other reason than that.
Like, is there a reason why there is a 60 day layoff between the final game of the regular season and the championship game?

only Ohio State really goes through that layoff, they have no championship game and their season ends pretty early. for LSU, or a Big 12 team it'd only beabout a 5 week layoff

I know alot of people might not like it, but is there a particular reason why NCAA football wont go to a different kind of playoff system? I know bowl games are tradition, but im wondering if there is any other reason than that.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

If a playoff system was adopted, U can say good bye to teams scheduling tough out of conference opponents. everyone would do their best to go undefeated or as close to it as possible just to end up ranked high enough to enter the playoff

EXACTLY. There is no incentive to schedule tough OOC opponents. What would result from this is a lot more teams with perfect records and a HELL of a lotof teams with 1-losses. Why is that important to note? Well if you go with a conference champions + 2 non-BCS automatic bids format, there would be MAJORcontroversy over a team like Hawaii or Boise State getting the nod over the BCS conference 1-loss teams that lost to the conference champions. If we went withthe BCS Top 8 playoff format then there would be a log-jam to decide who gets the 4-8 spot (probably where the 1-loss teams begin) since that is likely wherethe 1-loss teams will battle to get a place in the playoff; plus in this system the mid-majors would have almost no chance of ever making it into the playoffsince, even with a perfect record, they wouldn't be able to beat out a 1-loss BCS team in the rankings.
A CFB playoff makes no sense IMO. Plus we haven't even discussed who a playoff would ruin the CFB regular season.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Like, is there a reason why there is a 60 day layoff between the final game of the regular season and the championship game?

only Ohio State really goes through that layoff, they have no championship game and their season ends pretty early. for LSU, or a Big 12 team it'd only be about a 5 week layoff

I know alot of people might not like it, but is there a particular reason why NCAA football wont go to a different kind of playoff system? I know bowl games are tradition, but im wondering if there is any other reason than that.


Yep. The presidents of the schools won't agree to it. Jake Crouthamel (look him up) along with other BE ADs had a playoff plan outlined but thecommissioner of the Big East shot it down. It won't happen because there is too much money to be lost in a change of this magnitude.
Ok, thats what I was wondering. See up here in Canada I dont really get much NCAA coverage. Thats why im asking.
A playoff is not the answer. It would take away the importance of the regular season. But it is apparent some changes need to be made. Teams shouldn't beallowed to even be mentioned for a shot at a National title if they don't win their conference. Every conference should be forced to play a conferencechampionship game. Conferences should be able to send as many teams to BCS bowls as are deserving. The Big 12 had 3 legit contenders for BCS Bowls and theyshouldnt have to leave one team out in the cold because there is a two team limit per conference.

ND should be forced to join the Big 10 seeing how they play a big 10 schedule anyway. It isnt fair to teams that struggle to win conference titles and theseclowns get a free pass by finishing in the top 10.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Ok, thats what I was wondering. See up here in Canada I dont really get much NCAA coverage. Thats why im asking.

It's not all about money, although it is a big part just like any other sport, rather it's simply the excuse that many uninformed people use whentrying to explain the absence of a playoff. Many conference commissioners, particularly Jim Delaney of the Big-10, have cited the preservation of CFB'sregular season (clearly the most exciting of all American sports) and maintaining of tradition as a MAJOR part of their decision to refuse a playoff. Ofcourse the same people saying that it's all about money will say that Delaney and the other commissioners are simply lying and using those reasons as acover-up to make money, but their logic falls in the same line as the conspiracy theorists who believe everything is conspired and the fault of the government.
Originally Posted by maddskillz17

ND should be forced to join the Big 10 seeing how they play a big 10 schedule anyway. It isnt fair to teams that struggle to win conference titles and these clowns get a free pass by finishing in the top 10.

In defense of Notre Dame, they play a MUCH tougher schedule year-in and year-out than most teams in BCS conferences.
well i feel the playoff is the only logical conclusion. lets settle it on the field. and let me say this SINCE 2002 PETE CARROLL AND USC HAVE WON ALL BUT 2 OUTOF CONFERENCE GAMES. MEANING THEIR TOUGHEST GAMES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IN CONFERENCE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO STILL WANT TO PUT THEM DOWN GO AHEAD LOOK IT UP. TEXASAND KANSAS STATE. USC bodied auburn,arkansas just last year w/ players like chris huston and jammal anderson on the team. LSU couldn't beat a an Arkansasteam whose best QB is their RB. the way to end this is having an 8-16 team playoff.
i would be satified with either a n 8 team playoff or a plus 1 game. either way i feel tOSu doesnt deserve to be there and arguably neither does LSU. tosudidnt have to play a conference champ. game and they have a very easy schedule. i would have been cool with UGA, USC, OU, even VT but cmon OSU play somebody.everyone is flawed this year so its really a toss up but i think OSU is least deserving out of everybody. they have no quality wins AT ALL, PERIOD while everyother team can site not only quality wins but also not losing in their second to last game, common opponent tie breakers and tougher schedules. this is whathappens when the children aren't playing for two weeks and the MEN are out playing the toughest opponents in college football. come jan. 7th history willrepeat itself. osu will have a chance to trump last years game which was one of the worst national champonship loses right behind when USC forced OU to get onthere knees and proceeded to lodge multiple bullets into thier heads. this could be avoided if they put a REAL DESERVING TEAM IN THE NCG.

If Ohio State didnt have the BIG 11(10) tradition backing them they would be the equivalent of BSU or Hawaii. another team who plays cupcakes week-in andweek-out. and benefits from the hardships of real teams.

Where's MIzzou?????????????
USC should be no where a BCS bowl.

Anyway, they should adpot at least an 8, maybe a 16 game playoff. It would only take a month to play out at the end of the season. Maybe a 10 with two byes for3 weeks. There needs to be a way to get the teams who turned it on at the end some type of shot rather than the media loved big named schools getting the bigbowls every year.
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