If asked to join the Freemasons....would you join?

Is that what a “Masonic temple” is for? I know where one is. I’ll try and get pics.
I joined a fraternity in college and when we attended the formal regional initiation, it's NOTHING like what's represented at parties and such. The ritual ceremony was basically like a Greek mythology course. Some of the stuff that we were asked to repeat definitely didn't sit well with me and I didn't repeat certain things. I'm no longer affiliated at all tho and kinda wish I saved my money and never joined. So much division and politics. Crazy how important that stuff was to us back then.

Regarding society in general, I think there's a lot of brainwashing going on and we're encouraged to value/worship the wrong things (money/celebrities/overworking ourselves), and it leads to a lot of separation and lack of morals.

I come in 100% peace but you have knowledge on the topic more than others since you were a member. I won't ask with group because I'm sure you would have said it if you wanted folks to know.

1. How much money are we talking about? I always suspected folks were shelling out thousands to join.

2. Can you give more details of the "rituals/chants" that didn't set well with you?

3. Are we talking about division/politics that would basically exist in any group or is it something else?

I come in peace.
Man, people walk right by those things and have NO clue what they are. I legit found out I worked near one a few years ago and I guess it is an "important" one.

Home - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, S.J., U.S.A. https://scottishrite.org/

the FAQ doesn’t explain anything man. :lol:

just seems like any other cult to me, you have to pay, believe in certain things, be invited etc etc.
Just googled John Brown. I think I understand your comparison but please explain.
John Brown knew that telling the truth about slavery in this country, could lead to its salvation. Too many secrets lead to too many lies, and Carlin telling the truth about this nation of thieves, is in the spirit of John Brown.
Man, people walk right by those things and have NO clue what they are. I legit found out I worked near one a few years ago and I guess it is an "important" one.

Home - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, S.J., U.S.A. https://scottishrite.org/

I feel like you already know this but there are two masonic temples on 16th street and the prince hall temple is on U street right across the street from oohs and aahs
I joined a fraternity in college and when we attended the formal regional initiation, it's NOTHING like what's represented at parties and such. The ritual ceremony was basically like a Greek mythology course. Some of the stuff that we were asked to repeat definitely didn't sit well with me and I didn't repeat certain things. I'm no longer affiliated at all tho and kinda wish I saved my money and never joined. So much division and politics. Crazy how important that stuff was to us back then.

Regarding society in general, I think there's a lot of brainwashing going on and we're encouraged to value/worship the wrong things (money/celebrities/overworking ourselves), and it leads to a lot of separation and lack of morals.
The idea of the talented tenth definitely split
the black community. The elitism is prevalent in sports, entertainment and corporate America.
Even the W.E.B. Dubois had a issue with the talented tenth ideals in hindsight.

Taking part in rituals and oaths to pagan deities that are apart of a subordinate organization to racist white people can be a souls crushing realization once all the partying is over.
Here's a little somethin to move the discourse along

- If you've ever wondered about the whole sheep vs. goat comparison? - Watch
- Want to know how Christianity ties into Masonry? - Watch
- Want to know why Lucifer worshipers don't see this spirit as the evil satan spirit? - Watch
- Want to know the mechanism behind the world we live in? - Watch

If anyone has some media links that can top this one, please share. This has been one of the most detailed bits of info I've found throughout the years.

random thoughts / facts

- Jesus raised a Widow's son in the bible (a meaningful coincidence, I wonder if it this is mentioned in the mystery schools)

- Phosphorus is known as the "light bearing" chemical element. It literally glows. google it. Is it a meaningful coincidence that phospo-lipids ( fats attached to phosphorus derivatives) are a crucial nutritional element that factor into human brain-power / intellect? Getting into that kind of topic is interesting because supplements and herbs that we know of in modern times may have been used in the past by witch doctors and royalty to have superior level of physical/mental human strength.

I come in 100% peace but you have knowledge on the topic more than others since you were a member. I won't ask with group because I'm sure you would have said it if you wanted folks to know.

1. How much money are we talking about? I always suspected folks were shelling out thousands to join.

2. Can you give more details of the "rituals/chants" that didn't set well with you?

3. Are we talking about division/politics that would basically exist in any group or is it something else?

I come in peace.

1. When i joined in 05 it was $1,000. No idea what it is now.
2. Don't really want to get into that. I was just surprised that so many cats were repeating it.
3. Mainly division between who got hazed and who didn't... Who was financial/active and who isn't.... And alumni/undergrad members.
Here's a little somethin to move the discourse along

- If you've ever wondered about the whole sheep vs. goat comparison? - Watch
- Want to know how Christianity ties into Masonry? - Watch
- Want to know why Lucifer worshipers don't see this spirit as the evil satan spirit? - Watch
- Want to know the mechanism behind the world we live in? - Watch

If anyone has some media links that can top this one, please share. This has been one of the most detailed bits of info I've found throughout the years.

random thoughts / facts

- Jesus raised a Widow's son in the bible (a meaningful coincidence, I wonder if it this is mentioned in the mystery schools)

- Phosphorus is known as the "light bearing" chemical element. It literally glows. google it. Is it a meaningful coincidence that phospo-lipids ( fats attached to phosphorus derivatives) are a crucial nutritional element that factor into human brain-power / intellect? Getting into that kind of topic is interesting because supplements and herbs that we know of in modern times may have been used in the past by witch doctors and royalty to have superior level of physical/mental human strength.

I’m about halfway through. It’s very interesting but definitely a lot to follow.
I can't speak for black frats but I know as for PH masonry all of our principles are from the Bible..but you don't have to be a Christian to join...there's a couple people in my lodge that are muslim and one guy is an atheist
I've asked questions in my youth out of genuine interest about them, not really joining but just knowledge and got coy answers and giggling like little girls with a secret so that forever turned me off. Also at the time they were as broke as me, with lives and health in terrible disarray, saw no point to it then.

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