I wish I were articulate, smart.

Not to say you can turn yourself into an English professor, but you can work to improve it if you really want to and try.

Get a word-a-day calendar or spend 10 minutes a day on dictionary.com or thesaurus.com to learn some new words or to replace the elementary words in your vocabulary. Read novels, essays, articles, etc. They don't even have to be about subjects that are very advanced, just anything to expose yourself to proper writing, grammar, vocabulary, etc.

If you really wanted to improve your speech/writing, then you just need to practice. Write a basic essay, doesn't matter if it's good or not, just write it. It can be an album or film review, it can be a write-up about your favorite team's most recent game, and so on. Then afterwards, go back through and edit what you wrote, see if you can spot common mistakes or errors, read what doesn't sound right, then try to fix those mistakes, improve certain words, etc. If you're serious then keep at it and try to write at least once a week, you should start seeing improvements and maybe that will help your confidence.
There are a couple of things you can do to improve your vocabulary, improve diction, and acquire knowledge like reading, iTunes U, and Khan Academy.
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

Originally Posted by kiendienn

I wish I was a shot caller

I wish I had who looked good, I would call her 
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a '64 Impala

I wish I was like 6'9. 
Read a book you're interested in. On every word that you don't know stop yourself and look up the word. Repeat the word in a sentence that you would use and you'll find yourself with a much better vocabulary
I read the thread title first and then instantly knew it was from you....Well maybe you should think things through before you say them (both online and in real life). Also read things carefully before you comment on it. And finally have some confidence in what you say, maybe you are right, just be able to provide reasoning (non-ignorant) about why you are right..If you are wrong, no big deal, you now just learned something and won't make the same mistake on that topic again. 
Start reading books with lots of words that you don't know.
Eventually your vocabulary will increase.
Also check out dictionary.com and learn at least 5 new words a day.
I think I could get my opinion across a lot faster and more efficiently if I spoke like Meth typed.
I'd be killing the convo competition.
whatever you say, say it with confidence.

and if you're wrong, admit wrongness with confidence

Stop twittering & pretending your famous because you have 50-100 followers & then read more, read more, & then read more. You will accomplish being smart & articulate...
Man I'm far from stupid. I read a lot, I know a @$# load of words because I used to just read the dictionary and my vocabulary is up to par, I think. I wana take some type of writing class though. I know a ton of words and just wana learn how to use them more in conversations and writing. Do they have anything online? Suggestions?
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