I was born in 1987 and I want to know if it is true that gas used to be under $1 in the 1970's?

2 things have to happen.

decrease da money supply

build da keystone pipeline

when bush left office gas was 1.78 a gallon

..you mean when Obama entered the office? Gas prices climbed to an all-time high when Dubya was here.

I was hoping that history would repeat itself and we would see gas prices drop to around $1.89 like it did in late 2007/early 2008 right after election time. I really don't see what the difference is from than to now other than it being better these days. We sent more troops home, took over Libya, economy a little better than it was before and yet we still have $3.79+ prices.

All I can say is whoever is caking off the oil is really caking b. All that money they making and you would think they realized that they're getting us :x
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I started driving in 1999, gas in my area was down to about 67 cents per gallon. 5 dollars used to equal half a tank.
in the mid to late 90s gas was .89

i was driving a Geo Prizm at the time

i'd pay with a 20.. fill up...then go back and get my change
..you mean when Obama entered the office? Gas prices climbed to an all-time high when Dubya was here.
I was hoping that history would repeat itself and we would see gas prices drop to around $1.89 like it did in late 2007/early 2008 right after election time. I really don't see what the difference is from than to now other than it being better these days. We sent more troops home, took over Libya, economy a little better than it was before and yet we still have $3.79+ prices.
All I can say is whoever is caking off the oil is really caking b. All that money they making and you would think they realized that they're getting us :x

People seem to forget that oil experienced a spectacular price collapse when Obama entered office thanks to the world being on the bring of complete financial meltdown.

Yes, gas was cheaper in the 1990's, but it's real cost isn't that high, especially considering the substantial negative environmental impact that we pay for in other ways. Nat gas will probably be the next gen fuel, and hoover between $2-$3 if the shale reserve estimates are accurate.
we will ever see anything under $3 again

prices will only go up. i dont want to know what prices will be next summer.. :x :x :smh:

2 things have to happen.

decrease da money supply

build da keystone pipeline

when bush left office gas was 1.78 a gallon


I remember in 2000 $20 was a full tank in my Celica.

That **** is never going down. now that they know we'll pay that much, why would it go back down???
You aint got to go back to 87 to find gas under a buck. It was under a buck when I was in high school. I graduated in 99. We even had a station that selling it for 39 cent. This is texas though.
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