I want to show you guys this vid from the /B/ Cringe thread vol. Do fat people repulse you?

To be perfectly honest, fat people (fat white males, really) are all we have left to make fun of. Everyone else has an advocacy group that will go after you if you make fun of them. Let us hang onto that last shred of humor, before everyone sucks us dry.
To be perfectly honest, fat people (fat white males, really) are all we have left to make fun of. Everyone else has an advocacy group that will go after you if you make fun of them. Let us hang onto that last shred of humor, before everyone sucks us dry.

You're saying that you have to make fun of people, or comedy will be dry? That works.

Oh and hey, you're ugly. HA!
And dude... stop it with this nonsense about a society where old people get shot. I never said that, it doesn't follow from anything I said or any philosophical view I may hold, and if you had the slightest clue as to what you're talking about you'd realize that such a society would never exist under the conditions you assume I'm imposing.
Trust me, if you're talking nonsense like "morality is outmoded," I have a pretty good idea of "where you're going with that."  Either you're flogging utilitarianism (under which euthanizing "unproductive" individuals could be considered serving the greatest good for the greatest many) or you think that things like "government" and "morality" are just buzzkills that impede business and ruin your good time, and the only freedom you really want is the freedom from responsibility to others.  

If you want to build a private island in international waters or propose building a 50 foot wall around Colorado so you can enjoy all the non-guaranteed rights money can buy, go nuts.  I really don't give a damn.  It's sidetracking the conversation and you know it.

People would be free to create whatever private organizations they wanted in your "ideal" world, anyway, even IF they existed to promote harmful diets.  Hell, they could create businesses that discriminated against YOU.  Freedom, baby!  Yeah!
I live in an environment where if anyone is fat, it is most likely their choice. I don't come into contact with people who are fat because they were raised like that, because they're poor, stressed, uninformed, or too busy. So, for these people, if they're fat, its their choice. If they didn't think about the fact that they'd be made fun of before making the choice, that's their problem.
So, the only thing that matters to you is what goes on inside your little bubble?  Got it.  

Maybe you don't get out much, but if your judgment extends to people outside of your "environment," perhaps you should spare some thought to their situations and how they might differ from your own.   Just a thought.
Basically, I think that what you're trying to do, namely legislating morality, is unrealistic.
Isn't "thou shalt not kill" an expression of morality?  

Again, this is where your "philosophy" is just muddying the waters.  

If seriously think that private businesses should be allowed to engage in racial discrimination, and you prize property rights ahead of personal rights, then I certainly wouldn't expect you to give a damn about basic empathy.  
You claim making fun of fat people has a profoundly negative effect on their life, so we shouldn't make fun of them. What if making fun of fat people has a profoundly positive effect on my life? By your logic, that should be reason enough for it to be okay to make fun of fat people..
Seriously?  That quality of argument tells me pretty much all I need to know about your intentions here.  

Clearly, you're not terribly familiar with the field of ethics if you can't locate the distinction between those statements.  If you think you're representing "my logic," you haven't grasped the argument.

If the only person you care about is yourself, there's no point in even discussing this with you.  You can think what you like.  
To be perfectly honest, fat people (fat white males, really) are all we have left to make fun of. Everyone else has an advocacy group that will go after you if you make fun of them. Let us hang onto that last shred of humor, before everyone sucks us dry.
Oh yeah, remember the days when you could make fun of minorities with impunity?  Man, those were some gooood times.  

Where did our freedom go?  
You rep that one with your other account, "Gatzby"?

This from the kid who tried to crack jokes about the Boston Marathon bombing.  So sorry to have spoiled your fun.
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Overweight and obese people should really consider making their lives better for themselves. Look at the people on the biggest loser. They take matters into their own hands. Some overweight people are just lazy as **** and expect people people to be okay with it. Get off your a** and do something about your lifestyle and eating habits. Can't believe nafa exists. Fat people can lose weight the majority of them are just lazy and don't want to hit the gym. I feel no remorse for them if they're not going to take action to make their lives better.
Trust me, if you're talking nonsense like "morality is outmoded," I have a pretty good idea of "where you're going with that."  Either you're flogging utilitarianism (under which euthanizing "unproductive" individuals could be considered serving the greatest good for the greatest many) or you think that things like "government" and "morality" are just buzzkills that impede business and ruin your good time, and the only freedom you really want is the freedom from responsibility to others.  

If you want to build a private island in international waters or propose building a 50 foot wall around Colorado so you can enjoy all the non-guaranteed rights money can buy, go nuts.  I really don't give a damn.  It's sidetracking the conversation and you know it.

People would be free to create whatever private organizations they wanted in your "ideal" world, anyway, even IF they existed to promote harmful diets.  Hell, they could create businesses that discriminated against YOU.  Freedom, baby!  Yeah!

So, the only thing that matters to you is what goes on inside your little bubble?  Got it.  

Maybe you don't get out much, but if your judgment extends to people outside of your "environment," perhaps you should spare some thought to their situations and how they might differ from your own.   Just a thought.

Isn't "thou shalt not kill" an expression of morality?  

Again, this is where your "philosophy" is just muddying the waters.  

If seriously think that private businesses should be allowed to engage in racial discrimination, and you prize property rights ahead of personal rights, then I certainly wouldn't expect you to give a damn about basic empathy.  

Seriously?  That quality of argument tells me pretty much all I need to know about your intentions here.  

Clearly, you're not terribly familiar with the field of ethics if you can't locate the distinction between those statements.  If you think you're representing "my logic," you haven't grasped the argument.

If the only person you care about is yourself, there's no point in even discussing this with you.  You can think what you like.  

Oh yeah, remember the days when you could make fun of minorities with impunity?  Man, those were some gooood times.  

View media item 385175

Where did our freedom go?  

Killing old people would not serve the greatest good for the greatest many. If you really think that...I don't know what to tell you, I can't believe you really think that. I won't waste my time trying to disprove such a stupid claim. And why do you keep on bringing this same example up? Is this the only "example" of a downside to amorality you learned about in Phil 101?
Have you ever seen any group of animals kill all of their elders?

Yes, people would be able to create organizations that only serve to ridicule and mock me. Just as I would be able to create organizations that ridicule and mock others. Anyone with a minimum of common sense wouldn't do that, because it doesn't make any sense in terms of utility. If we accept morality, though, then it's easy to come up with moral codes stating that "being a Jew is wrong", because moral codes are completely arbitrary anyways, and then suddenly you have tons of groups that mock and ridicule people, don't you? You end up with groups that judge and ridicule gay people (What reason do anti-gay people give for their views? That being gay is wrong), etc. etc.

My judgement doesn't extend to people with circumstances radically different from my own. I guess you missed that...

I'd say there's a difference between killing someone and offending them by making fun of their weight. Just a thought.

Since you obviously hold a Phd in Ethics, why don't you explain how "denying fat people the basic right to be respected has a profoundly negative impact on their life => it shouldn't be okay to make fun of fat people" is different from "denying people the basic right of free speech to comment on fat people has a profoundly negative impact on their life => it should be okay to make fun of fat people"?

Ah, the typical "if you only care about yourself, discussing about anything else is pointless" argument. Except I don't live by myself on this planet, right? Basic game theory assumes that people only care about themselves, yet somehow, by some mysterious and magical process, they end up being interested in the choices of other people. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Oh, and by the way, way to completely ignore my initial point about the NAAFA's website. That's the reason I posted in the thread in the first place.
"denying people the basic right of free speech to comment on fat people has a profoundly negative impact on their life => it should be okay to make fun of fat people"?
Oh, this one?  Really?  This one's always funny to me.  Why do you think free speech means speech free from consequences?  Does this little flow chart seem right to you?  Don Imus makes racist statements on air -> listeners boycott station -> Imus loses show  -> Free speech rights denied -> Nazism?  Nobody's sending you to Gitmo for making sexist jokes.  There are, however, social consequences to such behavior.  That's not in any way a violation of your speech rights.

Discrimination is not speech.  That's a separate issue.  (And one you're apparently privileged enough not to care about.  Lucky you.)  

Nobody's said that the guy in this video should be sent to PRISON because he thinks obesity is "repulsive."  People have an unfavorable opinion about his unfavorable opinion.  Isn't that their right? 
Killing old people would not serve the greatest good for the greatest many. If you really think that...I don't know what to tell you, I can't believe you really think that. I won't waste my time trying to disprove such a stupid claim. And why do you keep on bringing this same example up? Is this the only "example" of a downside to amorality you learned about in Phil 101?

Have you ever seen any group of animals kill all of their elders?
I've provided other examples, like killing off the disabled or infants with birth defects.  There are obviously less extreme and mocking examples to be cited here, but such a ridiculous "philosophy" isn't deserving of it.  

Again, have fun in your gated fortress colony where you're free to discriminate on the basis of race, class, gender, etc.  Just don't ask me to visit.  It's gonna make the RNC look like a Benetton ad.    
Yes, people would be able to create organizations that only serve to ridicule and mock me.
That's not what I said.  I said they'd be able to create organizations that could actively DISCRIMINATE against you.  And hey, depending on your working definition of obesity, that might actually place you in the minority.  What an interesting experience that would be for you.
Ah, the typical "if you only care about yourself, discussing about anything else is pointless" argument. Except I don't live by myself on this planet, right? Basic game theory assumes that people only care about themselves, yet somehow, by some mysterious and magical process, they end up being interested in the choices of other people. Funny how that works, isn't it?
There's nothing "magical" about it.  This is a society.  That means we have a lot of different people living together.  I'm willing to make certain accommodations for others because we're all sharing the same space.  That's sort of the social contract.

The whole adolescent "you can't tell me what to do, DAD" mentality isn't the world's most perfect expression of Adam Smith's sacrosanct "invisible hand."  

I'd rather chew glass than have this conversation with another college sophomore.
Oh, and by the way, way to completely ignore my initial point about the NAAFA's website. That's the reason I posted in the thread in the first place.
I already addressed it.  My point was that the original post didn't even bother to actually examine the NAAFA's stated goals.  It was just assumed that it existed to promote obesity (or "mediocrity," as he put it.)  An actual look at the site challenges that.  

They aren't sending out newsletters with advice like "brush your teeth with milkshakes."  At WORST, what they're suggesting is that 1) you don't have to hate yourself if you're overweight and 2) healthy bodies can come in different sizes.  Those BASTARDS.

People gain weight for many different reasons, and environmental factors can and do play a major role in many, many cases.  If the goal of the organization is to promote understanding among those who aren't obese and support, if nothing else, positive MENTAL health for those who are, I don't see what's so terrible about that.

The grand irony in all of this is that anyone who champions individual freedom above all else should be the first one to support someone's "right" to put gobs of corn syrup in children's vitamins or buy Big Gulps that come with free diabetes.  

It's pretty sad, then, that there's so much controversy over something so simple as treating people heavier than you with civility.  
even brought out gatsby fav gif....lol..
Careful, they're gonna call y'all "cheerleaders" now.   
Because "segregation is hilarious!" is definitely what I was implying. God, you are an insufferable person.
My heart weeps.

What you were implying was some sort of longing for the Halcyon days when it was still socially acceptable to make fun of minorities.  My point was that not everyone shares your view of that era.
I'd rather chew glass than have this conversation with another college sophomore..

meth........ im making that a tshirt
Would I get da banz if I inquire about Meth's weight?...

He done went Extremis IronMan mode on dudes bashing overweight citizens.

I'd rather chew glass than have this conversation with another college sophomore..

meth........ im making that a tshirt

Posts like this are why the cheerleader comments are thrown out there. I can't disagree with anything that Meth is saying, although I do find it absurd to compare the plight of fat people to that of individuals who are persecuted for their race. Not hiring someone because they are fat or smoke cigarettes is in no way similar to refusing employment over race. Anyone has the capacity to quit smoking or lose weight, nobody can change their race, nor should it ever be necessary.

Would I get da banz if I inquire about Meth's weight?...

He done went Extremis IronMan mode on dudes bashing overweight citizens.


His weight isn't even relevant to the conversation. I don't have to be Jewish to stand up for the rights of Jewish people to practice their religion anymore than he has to be fat to defend fat people.
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