I think I'm about to succumb to the Beats by Dr. Dre hype

I have a pair of  the white Beats Studio headphones.

The Studios have a design fault where the plastic easily breaks around the screws near the hinges (the headphones fold up for storage)

Mine broke when I was folding them.  This has been reported by other users on Apple.com.  In fact I went to the Apple store to see if I could exchange them for Sennheisers and the display Beats had tape around the hinges from being cracked.  I am pretty sure Monster is aware of this crappy design because they replaced mine no questions asked with brand new ones.

If you look at the Beats Pro, the part that would break on the Studio model is some sort of metal.
I currently have some bose on ear headphones, i love the sound but i think it can do better..

also looking to buy some beats by dre but not retail price.
Shure 240. Around 50-60 bucks. Excellent for the money.
I'm thinking about getting the in-ear ones....? i like in ear headphones better
I was in the market for headphones, but I ended up with in ear monitors because i didn't feel like carrying them around

My choices were

Creative Aurvana Live - $55

ATH-ES7 - $75

Both look and sound good for much cheaper than the monsters
If you really like how they look then just cop the Beats, plus it seems like it gives out sound that's above average so there you go.
as a young lad DJing across the land I've encountered and banged on many headphones. Dre Beats are quality but you can find better headphones for cheaper.
Ahh I like this thread. Just started looking for new headphones since these earbuds arent cutting it anymore.
Summary: There are better headphones for cheaper, but they're likely not as stylish as the Beats. If its quality sound you're after, look elsewhere. If you want fancy pretty headphones, buy the Beats. They were made by Monster, the same company that charges $60+ for HDMI cables you can get for $5, so yeah, they're definitely overpriced.
i picked up the tours(ear buds) and i am still unsure about em. i did some research and found that the klipsh s4 are considerably cheaper @ 80 bux and according to several reviews and websites they sound amazing. some even say they are better than headphones that cost 3 to 4x as much. the catch is that they are ugly and the quality of the cable is suspect. the tours look great, and they sound great, and the quality seems to be there with the cable, jack and earbud construction. i just dont like the price and wanna know what earbuds are comparable in quality and price. i post this here because im havin trouble finding any reviews on the tours on google.

thanks in advance NT
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