I think I "like my wife" but I'm falling for my girl on the side... What do I do?

Tell your wife i loved her in Cloverfield.

I hope everything goes well for you and your wife.
here is some actual advice.

#1 - you married your wife just because you knocked her up. Thats one L for you.
#2 - you arent being faithful, which is something you agreed to when you married her. Thats your 2nd L.
#3 - you actually came to NT for advice?
your 3rd L.
#4 - you actually had sex with that sea monster? I
just thinking about how you explained to your buddies how you got that thing pregnant. They gave youthe
didnt they?
Im so happy im not you right now. Messing with a side chick..married some one I didnt really want to
You need to ask yourself, how did I get here?
If this is the truth, your child is better off if you put aside any personal desires and do what you and your wife need to do in order to live close to eachother after the divorce and see family counseling.

You can find the type of women you're looking for in any city so that shouldn't be a problem. Finding a job outside of the military may be difficultdepending on your skill set and the level of education you've completed, but nothing you accomplish in life will better than being a good father so,you've got to do whatever it takes.

Of course, I'm not dumb. I've read your replies and if your story is true, I'll doubt your child will see much of you.
here is some advice from a 29 year old to 25 year old. if you aint happy then get the divorce. thats it.
I can't believe dudes settled for just one pic?

People the side peace might be worst....... I really can't really tell if you should from just this. I need to see both options and so does the rest of NTthat actually care to give advice

please pics of the side peace
I take of my daughter, I have her in private school, i pay for any after school programs, my wife is the one who is about saying if i did get a divorce thatshe wants this amount, and money this, money that.
Originally Posted by etorres03


, hold for girl on the side, trying to find a suitable one for the kids on NT.
! I try to say nice things about people all of the timebut all I could think of was...


Sorry homie I call them like I see them
i don't care what u guys say about her, my wife but about my daughter, thats a different story. I talk to her everyday, ask her about school, what shelearned in school that day, how she likes her teacher. If i was to divorce my wife I would still stay in touch, just for Kayla, my daughter.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Go to counseling or divorce. Poor kid.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by etorres03

I already banged out the girl on the side, some good stuff
, marriage is over rated anyways.., the girl on the side is a freak in the sheets,
the grass isnt always greener on the other side. but go ahead & divorce your wife for the jumpoff & let us know how it goes

$10 says he marries her, has another kid and the cycle reruns

if you make your side your main she will do all the stuff that your wife nags you about now...i promise you that...she's cool now cuz you don't live with her...spend all your time with her and see how ishh changes...

all the stuff she find cute about you or doesn't really care to much about right now will annoy/become a big deal to her when she's the main...especially if she knows about your wife...right now she's playing her part...if all she can offer is big boobs you'll find out real quick you made the wrong decision leaving your wife for her...but if you're really not happy leave...but not for the side...
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by etorres03

So I've been married to my wife for 5 years already but, I only married her b/c we have a child, real talk, now i meet somebody else bc my wife is back in TX, I'm in VA, i didn't want to meet anybody but It's like we click, so what do I do, this Is some real stuff, not for the young kids on here, by the way I'm 25, my daughter is 5, someone give me some advice, pics if u really need them...haha...

for postin' this on nt
for postin' this on nt for advice
for postin' this on nt for advice and actually considering the advice

I swear people make such a mockery of marriage it's not even funny any more
Originally Posted by etorres03

I take of my daughter, I have her in private school, i pay for any after school programs, my wife is the one who is about saying if i did get a divorce that she wants this amount, and money this, money that.

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Actually, it's not. He's morally responsible for his child and her emotional well being.
It isn't all about the money. I'm not sure that either of you are up to the task of being responsible parents, but if you are, get thedivorce, live close enough that dinner at your place doesn't have to be planned, and seek family counseling so that you and the mother are able to have andmaintain a relationship that allows the both of you to raise your daughter right.
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