I Think I Have A Problem

Went I see a hot girl on the street or on tv sometimes I do think of them having sex. It's fun.
Call Love Line and talk to Dr. Drew. I can't wait to hear this on the radio

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When I see a person who's boring or ugly or awkward or strange, and they have a kid, I think about the fact that someone has had sex with them and itweirds me out. I don't go so far as to visually imagine them having sex, though.
ok i cant begin to understand how yall say its fine if you do it with women, but i say the same thing happens w/animals and now i'm weird. when you thinkabout it, its the same underlying principle isnt it? its the same thing just not whats common
I have actually heard of this a little different. My friends cousins girl had like an odd sex addiction like seriously like the guy in super bad obsessed withpenis' and what not. I forgot what it's called though.

OCD my dude...i be picturing random jawns in the club takings 'shots'

.......days after i left
Wouldn't be much of a problem if it was just imagining girls gettin work, but dogs, cats, rats, pigeons???????
Bestiality = FTL &

Originally Posted by solematic j21

This happens to me in class sometimes. I catch a boner and cant even go up to the board cause of it.

So you also think about people sexing up naked animals?
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