I talked to my dad for the first time in 8 years today.....

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

How did it make you feel honestly?

Phone rang and his name came up on the TV? The hell kinda technology do you have
My cable provider does that when someone calls. The person's name and number pops up on the television.

OP I can sort of relate but not to the full extent of what you must have been going through because my dad and mom seperated when I was 1 and I only saw him 1day a week.

Listen don't ever worry about ever having to prove anything to him, your, your own man and you made yourself that way with probably the help of people youlook up to. If anything he has to prove everything to you, so while you may be mad and hold resent and anger towards him for what he didn't do, if he'strying to start to do something right now, whether it be call you more often or e-mail I say don't shut the door on him. Let him do all the work, because Ithink/hope he understands he messed up and he's feeling guilty and mad at himself so I figure thats why he decided to call you today.

Life is much to short to hold grudges or hatred towards someone. But at the same time you have the piece of mind knowing you made yourself the way you are andyou probably owe him nothing besides just some genes he gave into your creation.
Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

this is like exactly what op just said
SO back to the main topic in discussion....

How do I get numbers to appear on my tv ? I have Comcast.
I aint talked to my dad in like 4 or 5 years... I dont need him or anything like that but it would be cool to hear from him every once in awhile...

OP you gotta stop living in the past and take what you can get. Everyone needs a second chance...
Life is too short to hold @%$ and when real +*!! goes down and you need somebody to call(outside of your realm) when LIFE happens you just never know. Besidesthere is always two sides to every story and then the truth.
He cheated on your mom..thats enough disrespect to never talk to him again
Your mom raised you herself the ++*! do you need him for to act like a few emails and a phone call are equivalent to fathering a child
I say hes a dirtbag you never needed him..I say be thankful to your mom two folds..he might as well have been a sperm donor
I feel u... I lived with my dad for a year after my moms passed away and he used me for the social security check, fast foward to a year living there- hedisrespects my mom I flip out (no details) and I left his house, havent spoke to him since. That was back in 2005, I'm 19 now I was 15 at the time. I justgot word that he's sick and in the hospital his liver is failing because he has been a heavy drinker for 30+ years. I thought I would smile at learning ofhis death but this news pained me... I dont know if I should go see him in the hospital or not
In a close parallel, my mom left when I was 5, and I never spoke to her again 'till I was 24.

I looked her up, found her, we kept in touch for a couple years, and then she just stopped e-mailing and calling and what not.

Some people just lack the emotion and commitment it takes to be a parent. But from time to time, even those people have moments where they regret theirirresponsibility and mistakes.

But they are just moments.

That's my experience. I hope yours is different. I'm 32, and haven't spoke to my mom in 6 years. Maybe we'll go another 19 years betweentalking to each other again, like when I was 5 and never talked to her again until 24.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Not really sure how to feel about it...

We live 2500 miles away from each other and i was 15 the last time i spoke to him, some emails have been sent during that time too but I let him know that emails dont cut it.

It was also around that time that I found out why my mom split from him, as he cheated on her and was caught when i was only like 2 years old...

So I was eating my thanksgiving dinner and I hear the phone ring and see his name come up on the TV... Immediately lost my appitite and my mom picked up the phone, talked to him for a few and then handed the phone to me... I let him start talking and didnt really say much but he kept asking me different questions about what im doing now so it turned into a 1.5 hour convo...

He says he is going to email and call often but I dont even know if i want him to. I just have this feeling of wanting to prove to him that I didnt need him and that ive made it on my own. I taught myself how to shoot a basketball and throw a football without him and Ive got a great girlfriend that Ive been with for almost 5 years and put myself through school and got jobs and opportunities without him.

The only thing I can really say I learned from him is how NOT to be a father. I suppose I can thank him for that

I figure theres people on here that have been in similar situations so I decided to share and hear what yall have done/felt ...
that made me think of this scene from the Fresh Prince
damn bro, where do you guys each live???

I guess I should be grateful my pops has been in my life.
ive had the same occurence with my dad.

I just basically realized that i dont "Want" him in my life so i didnt give him a chance...
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