I suck at CoD4 any advice

Practice....at one point when I started I had about 1,000 more deaths than kills....

Now I am only about 100 kills to getting my K/D ratio over 1.0
I almost always use L1 when I shoot. It helps my accuracy. Also when you see someone fall to the ground, shoot them a couple more rounds to be safe. Theysometimes use that last chance kill. And always, don't forget about melee and grenades. I toss them in the area of people, especially in close areas. Andinstead of trying to reload right away in a close battle, use the melee. If you're reloading, chances are they are too.
Go for headshots - it's much quicker, if you find yourself losing 1 on 1 battles a lot b/c your bullets aren't finishing them... aim for the neck yo.

Use grenades to soften people up... crouch and take cover around corners.

edit: i also like using double tap... good stuff.
i just aim for the upper body ive been using the m16 only gun i can do decent with consistently, but my main problems is corners whenever i turn a corner imdead!
how exactly do u peak around a corner my whole body is exposed
First off this game is crack and should have a warning on it when you buy it.

I'm not as good as alot of people that play, but there are a few things you can do to try and help yourself out. Like other people have said, just keepplaying. The more you play, the higher ranking you get and then you can get some of the better perks that can help you out. I just got the Slight of Handperk a couple days ago and it really helps alot if you like to use guns like the RPD since they take so long to reload.

Try not to stay out in the open for too long. Always be on the move and keep an eye on the radar so you can see if anyone is near you.
^Still can't believe PS3 dudes get double xp day, I am on my 4th time going through prestige mode and double xp would be great.
dont go by the radar, i learned that lesson quick. Also always sprint when you move place to place and chances are you can run up on somebody and meleeem'. I suck too though, but im getting better. Im a level 40 on Halo but i'm only a level 6 on COD
I should go buy this game today, I'm hearing so much about it like I did with GoW and I became addicted to that game.
All you need is practice, this was the first game I actually played online with and I was gettin murked my first couple of days...I had about 1000 more deathsthan kills, now its the other way around.


SEE ME!!!! PSN: BoostTheLows
straff left and right when in combat and when turning corners peak first and if feel awkward about going into a certain area flash bang or stunn grenade first
Stay on the move, DON'T CAMP. The M60 is a good gun to use because you don't reload alot , you can get like 10 kills without reloading. The best killsare the ones when the player can't see you. Why battle when you can just shoot him in the back. And if see someone on the radar then the dot goes away, itdoesn't mean he's dead he might have just stop shooting.
First off what type of style do you like to play?
Run n' gun or slower?

I don't play TDM or FFA because imo they're boring. I almost always play a team objective game.
I started off pretty horrible too but you just have to get to know the maps and get cp0nfortable with a certain playing style.
There's nothing wrong with moving slow. Staying put in a spot for 15 -20 seconds is not camping as some would have you believe.
Know the high areas oftraffic on maps and choke points. Listen for footsteps and look for tracers. Sometimes its better to run if you're outnumbered than to stand there and getkilled.

Your set up is very important for maps. Some maps require SMG or LMG's, other long range rifles, etc. I'm trying to finish all of the challenges sosometimes my set up is horrible and I do horribly.

Also, there is a nice host advantage and plenty of lag in the game. It's masked very well but you just have to know its there. look at the killcam. If youfired off some rounds and the killcam doesn't register it than that's lag. It'll be nice with the update to see whose hosting. The game most likelyallows a person to host who should have no business hosting. unless someone has > 800 kb/s upload than hosting is a no go.
dang got more replies then i thought.
and about the kill cam i realized that today id empty like half a clip into someone b4 they kill me and when i watc replay i didnt shot a single shot....
coming from someone who is learning the ropes...the thing that has worked for me the best is using cover...it can be anything basically sprint to the nextcover spot and look around dont just run around...sprint to the next place where you can find protection..a box, a wall, whatever...as long as one of yoursides is covered you can keep your eye on less of your surroundings...i try to pick people off from a distance looking down a scope or the red dot sight from acrouched position from a distance almost like sniping...try not to spray when you do this...instead tap rapidly...this helps your aim by reducingrecoil...after taking out a few perps...sprint to your next cover location...this reduces the amount of time you spend exposed...and allows you to pick peopleoff from a distance...
oh yeah btw...a good setup for this is something stealthy with serious range...if you can aim well with the standard gun sights...use an M4 or an M16 with asilencer, Bandolier, UAV Jammer, and Martyrdom(or whatever you choose for perk 3)...or if you need a scope or sight try and keep your firing to a minimum andmake sure to keep moving...basically minimum visibility maximum range...
Like everybody said...practice.

Weapon wise - I use the MP5 with the red dot sight.

The radar is very important so pay attention to that if you can.

Claymores and Martyrdom perk 4tw
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