I spent the night in jail. Vol. Jail stories/Mardi gras

Oct 26, 2009
First of all I would like to say I'm not proud of the fact that I went to jail.

Now, with that said, jail is whack. I got taken in last night during Mardi Gras celebrations. I was hanging with two girls and I twisted my ankle on a a busy sidewalk. So, I guess the officers felt that was more than enough reason to take me into the paddy wagon. I assume they thought I was over the top stumbling drunk. Now, I wasn't sober, I had a beer and two tokyo teas. But at the same time, though, I wasn't causing trouble, nor was I belligerently drunk.

Anyways, I got stuck in jail for 4 hours. I was completely respectful and the officers were #@!#%. It felt like I was in super troopers. I mean, I asked legitimate questions such as "Where should I go to the bathroom? When do we get out? Do I get a phone call?" And everytime I just got a "Shut the %#@$ up response". The only thing they did do was take the handcuffs off when I asked.

So, anyways. My lawyer said there was no point in suing, but he said I was totally mistreated. It sucks, but it happens. At least I made friends with the gangsters. And there was no paperwork filed. (still no record..yes!)

While I sit here with my In N' Out enjoying my freedom I wonder if anyone else on NT has been thrown in jail/the drunk tank. Like I said, I'm not proud of it, but it's a hell of a story. I would feel worse about it if I actually had a reason to be in jail.

Sidenote- I saw someone get stabbed in the tank.
I saw someone get stabbed in the tank.

Inquiring minds want to know,

How'd you react?

after my dui.

made me take my belt and shoes off. told me so if i thought about hanging myself.

they gave you food??!!!
No, there was no *+@%'ing going on. C'mon, guys. Don't be silly.

The gangsters in there only spoke spanish so I translated for them when the officers spoke. Hence, why they treated me respectfully. As far as the bathroom goes, I got taken out and used the bathroom the officers used. I didn't get that at all. Some dude pissed in a trash can, though.

I was only there for 4 hours. And the stabbing was the craziest thing. I was in the opposite "cell" and couldn't believe it went down. There was an immediate lockdown and at that very moment I think they realized I had no reason to be there because I was released about the commotion had settled.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

First of all I would like to say I'm not proud of the fact that I went to jail.

Now, with that said, jail is whack. I got taken in last night during Mardi Gras celebrations. I was hanging with two girls and I twisted my ankle on a a busy sidewalk. So, I guess the officers felt that was more than enough reason to take me into the paddy wagon. I assume they thought I was over the top stumbling drunk. Now, I wasn't sober, I had a beer and two tokyo teas. But at the same time, though, I wasn't causing trouble, nor was I belligerently drunk.

Anyways, I got stuck in jail for 4 hours. I was completely respectful and the officers were #@!#%. It felt like I was in super troopers. I mean, I asked legitimate questions such as "Where should I go to the bathroom? When do we get out? Do I get a phone call?" And everytime I just got a "Shut the %#@$ up response". The only thing they did do was take the handcuffs off when I asked.

So, anyways. My lawyer said there was no point in suing, but he said I was totally mistreated. It sucks, but it happens. At least I made friends with the gangsters. And there was no paperwork filed. (still no record..yes!)

While I sit here with my In N' Out enjoying my freedom I wonder if anyone else on NT has been thrown in jail/the drunk tank. Like I said, I'm not proud of it, but it's a hell of a story. I would feel worse about it if I actually had a reason to be in jail.

Sidenote- I saw someone get stabbed in the tank.
 spice it up a bit? Say you joined a gang? Saved a kid  from being assaulted? Saw cops breaking procedure? anything?
This is run of the mill, I need pictures of the spiderman and I need em now
I'm only complaining because I had to reason to be there. Everyone (including the only female officer) agreed.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

First of all I would like to say I'm not proud of the fact that I went to jail.

Now, with that said, jail is whack. I got taken in last night during Mardi Gras celebrations. I was hanging with two girls and I twisted my ankle on a a busy sidewalk. So, I guess the officers felt that was more than enough reason to take me into the paddy wagon. I assume they thought I was over the top stumbling drunk. Now, I wasn't sober, I had a beer and two tokyo teas. But at the same time, though, I wasn't causing trouble, nor was I belligerently drunk.

Anyways, I got stuck in jail for 4 hours. I was completely respectful and the officers were #@!#%. It felt like I was in super troopers. I mean, I asked legitimate questions such as "Where should I go to the bathroom? When do we get out? Do I get a phone call?" And everytime I just got a "Shut the %#@$ up response". The only thing they did do was take the handcuffs off when I asked.

So, anyways. My lawyer said there was no point in suing, but he said I was totally mistreated. It sucks, but it happens. At least I made friends with the gangsters. And there was no paperwork filed. (still no record..yes!)

While I sit here with my In N' Out enjoying my freedom I wonder if anyone else on NT has been thrown in jail/the drunk tank. Like I said, I'm not proud of it, but it's a hell of a story. I would feel worse about it if I actually had a reason to be in jail.

Sidenote- I saw someone get stabbed in the tank.
You was in the N.O?
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

At least I made friends with the gangsters.
You think that's funny?


Well, it's not. They were treated like dirt, too. I helped them understand the situation they were in and they truly appreciated it. Don't get smart with me, guys.
I've gone to jail a couple times. The food is garbage. Plus, I'm not trying to eat some food that will give me the BG's when I'm in a room with multiple other people and a toilet out in the open. Guy in my cell (four person cell) had to poop. The toilet/sink/water fountain is about one foot from the beds. Not cool. Both times I got bail posted between 8-10AM, but "the system" is down for 12 hours at a time so you don't get out until 8-10PM. Of course, they're POS liars and when they finally feel like looking at your paper work, they just type something in and let you out. The jails and police departments are--in large part, b/c some a very small amount aren't *#@!%!#+--employing a bunch of people who were never hugged as children.

The criminal justice system is a joke. In that respect, America hasn't really progressed an inch since they established themselves as a sovereign country; they've just retitled things.
The worst part IMO is that there are no clocks and little communication. If you don't have a landline or a pre-paid collect call account on your mobile, you won't be able to get a call. You'll just be sitting in there while your friends and family wonder... unless you are the type they expect that to happen to and they look. But you have no sense of time unless a guard tells you and fat chance of that happening. My second time was much more chill because I knew what to expect. Once they get you out of a tank and into a cell with bunks and blankets, just shut up and go to sleep until you're asked to do otherwise because there's really nothing else you can do.

I was lucky enough to speak well to the people working there and I was dressed well (word to the thread) and I was able to keep my cell phone until I got into the smaller cells. Allowed me to set everything up for getting out and picked up, etc. 

As far as the "hardness" test, the average jail encounter is trivial. It's about 70% people w/ possession or DUI, 29% assault or theft, and 1% drunken/crack-induced madmen who won't shut up. All of whom are just sitting around wondering what's going on and ready to leave, too.
Not proud of it, but I've been in the holding cell multiple times and I don't consider that jail. It's in a jail, but you know you're not in for the long term.

Only once have I had to go to actual jail for a short stay, about 6 days and that's cause my dumb*** was young and dumb.

Either way not fun.
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

As far as the "hardness" test, the average jail encounter is trivial. It's about 70% people w/ possession or DUI, 29% assault or theft, and 1% drunken/crack-induced madmen who won't shut up. All of whom are just sitting around wondering what's going on and ready to leave, too.

Pretty much. It's only jail, not prison. People wanna get out just as fast as you do. Just mind your business, be respectful and you most likely wont have any problems.
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

I've gone to jail a couple times. The food is garbage. Plus, I'm not trying to eat some food that will give me the BG's when I'm in a room with multiple other people and a toilet out in the open. Guy in my cell (four person cell) had to poop. The toilet/sink/water fountain is about one foot from the beds. Not cool. Both times I got bail posted between 8-10AM, but "the system" is down for 12 hours at a time so you don't get out until 8-10PM. Of course, they're POS liars and when they finally feel like looking at your paper work, they just type something in and let you out. The jails and police departments are--in large part, b/c some a very small amount aren't *+#%$@++--employing a bunch of people who were never hugged as children.

The criminal justice system is a joke. In that respect, America hasn't really progressed an inch since they established themselves as a sovereign country; they've just retitled things.
The worst part IMO is that there are no clocks and little communication. If you don't have a landline or a pre-paid collect call account on your mobile, you won't be able to get a call. You'll just be sitting in there while your friends and family wonder... unless you are the type they expect that to happen to and they look. But you have no sense of time unless a guard tells you and fat chance of that happening. My second time was much more chill because I knew what to expect. Once they get you out of a tank and into a cell with bunks and blankets, just shut up and go to sleep until you're asked to do otherwise because there's really nothing else you can do.

I was lucky enough to speak well to the people working there and I was dressed well (word to the thread) and I was able to keep my cell phone until I got into the smaller cells. Allowed me to set everything up for getting out and picked up, etc. 

As far as the "hardness" test, the average jail encounter is trivial. It's about 70% people w/ possession or DUI, 29% assault or theft, and 1% drunken/crack-induced madmen who won't shut up. All of whom are just sitting around wondering what's going on and ready to leave, too.

You ain't lying about the food!

I didn't eat nothing for 6 days, lost like 10 lbs, but I did drink the milk.

I was going to eat the fresh fruit they gave out, but I knew I wasn't in for the long run, so I gave it to the celly, he could put it to better use.
I've been to jail a couple of times. Once 2 weeks for a %@+%@#@@ possession of marijuana with the intent to sell charge. People in jail aren't that bad, almost got in a fight once though.
Buddy and I were taken in for making smoke bombs and throwing them in intersections. Laid in the station for about 4 hours too. Cell was empty. We were seeing who could break wind the loudest since the whole cell echoed ten folds. Should have taken the situation more serious. Was a young idiot. Oh well, got a fine and 40 hrs community service. Did it at the YMCA, slept in the bleachers.
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