I realized life was no joke when...

I wouldn’t know how to react if I found out my entire life was a lie like that. There are some things only a father can teach his son and for a mom to take that away from her son while the father is alive, able, and willing is beyond foul.
I got locked up for 3 months after hs graduation right before college for strong arm robbery/extortion. Not trying to get into details but I work for a firm in the city now, no way in hell would I if those charges weren’t as a minor and sealed. Nothing realer than being stuck in a box and can’t leave until someone else says so.
Got kicked out when I made $116 a week.

Lived in my GF’s car and picked up a second job.. had to go on food stamps because 2 part time minimum wage jobs isn’t enough to do anything at all in California..

When you and your girlfriend think that “spaghetti night” is a privileged moment to enjoy.. that’s when it hit me.
I was 16 years old. This was in the cold winter of January. It was basketball season. I was a Junior in HS. I played JV. Our games were always before the Varisty teams games. I left after our game and didn't plan to watch the Varsity game due to the fact that by 8pm the train isn't free for students anymore because your pass is only active 6am-8pm. The train system had changed recently so I couldn't sneak on anymore. It was a normal night. Walked to the T Station from school as usual, take the smooth train ride home....

I got out of the T Station and went to the corner store as usual. I grabbed 2 bags of chips. They were $0.50. Soon as I got out of the corner store I planned to take the usual "cut through the school yard for a shortcut." Soon as I got out there's like 15-20 dudes walking towards me and I'm walking towards them on the street where the school is. I was pretty shook being a small. I guess they were young as well 16-19. I walked right past them slow minding my business looking down. They didn't say anything or do anything...

I'm relieved.

As I'm walking on the street and cutting through the school yard the voices start getting closer. I didn't look behind me at all. I kept speed walking. Keep hearing the voices getting closer. Soon as I hit the side of the building which can't be seen from the street, I took offf.... I'm running down my street like Reggie Bush with no real confirmation anyone was behind me. I get inside my house and lock the first door that's never usually locked. I looked outside of the door through the glass and seen a gang of dudes running down my street looking around and confused. Once I seen that they were chasing me for real and for no reason I was shook. Couldn't even eat the chips. Lost all of my appetite. I would've prolly got stabbed, shot along with the beating I would've received.

Ever since that day I would take the train and get in the cart where it's closest to the exit stairways so I can get it and jog home. I stopped taking that short cut and 1 month later ended up getting my permit and my license before the start of the next school year. Ever since that I don't really mess with public transportation.
Being stopped and frisked with my friend after cops said I “parked suspiciously.” We both young black men, college degrees, jobs, no records but all that doesn’t matter if you fit the description.

Mom lost her job and hearing my parents legit talk about cutting back and having their kids chip in on bills.

Best friends father passing and then hearing him say he’s been preparing for it for over 5 years when his dad collapsed randomly.

Sister and other women I grew up with becoming mothers.
Paid 550 to get my car fixed... and it still ain’t fixed...
When I got a gun in my face and locked in a closet at 4/5 years old. Told the story a few times. Reason why I will never raise my kids in the city.
I wouldn’t know how to react if I found out my entire life was a lie like that. There are some things only a father can teach his son and for a mom to take that away from her son while the father is alive, able, and willing is beyond foul.
Yeah, to me, the most jacked part of it is that the guy I grew up believing was my dad was on that rock and was a general f*** up my whole life. In his late 40s getting locked up, still doing drugs, getting caught up with prostitutes and s****... While my real dad was a pretty stand up guy with a good career and was way more family centered (he didn't know I was his son because my mom never mentioned she was pregnant). She straight up robbed me of having a decent father, for whatever reason (my Grandpa still held it down though). The timing of it sucked, but I guess it all worked out alright... I still don't really talk to my mom that much now either.
Yeah, to me, the most jacked part of it is that the guy I grew up believing was my dad was on that rock and was a general f*** up my whole life. In his late 40s getting locked up, still doing drugs, getting caught up with prostitutes and s****... While my real dad was a pretty stand up guy with a good career and was way more family centered (he didn't know I was his son because my mom never mentioned she was pregnant). She straight up robbed me of having a decent father, for whatever reason (my Grandpa still held it down though). The timing of it sucked, but I guess it all worked out alright... I still don't really talk to my mom that much now either.

Damn bro :smh::frown:
Yeah, to me, the most jacked part of it is that the guy I grew up believing was my dad was on that rock and was a general f*** up my whole life. In his late 40s getting locked up, still doing drugs, getting caught up with prostitutes and s****... While my real dad was a pretty stand up guy with a good career and was way more family centered (he didn't know I was his son because my mom never mentioned she was pregnant). She straight up robbed me of having a decent father, for whatever reason (my Grandpa still held it down though). The timing of it sucked, but I guess it all worked out alright... I still don't really talk to my mom that much now either.
That's so messed up, hate to hear that.

Props to everyone that shared their story. Very eye opening and humbling stuff in here.

This doesn't really apply to the thread but when I was like 11, one day I was riding my bike and was getting ready to cross a street. For some reason I thought it was a one way street and only looked left. Next thing I knew, I car flew by from my right side and hit my front tire. I slammed on brakes not knowing what happened. The car circled back and it was an older black lady, she came to check on me. I legit could've gotten seriously hurt or killed that day.
Earlier this year I had to witness my mother cry because her younger sister in the Philippines passed away due to some disease. I've seen my mom cry before, but this time she was crying all night. I felt so sad for her because she's here in the US and can't really be with her fam in the PI. RIP to my auntie, she showed me the very first gameboy when she would take care of me in the PI.
Watched my grandfather die in front of me at 18 from a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Dude was my hero and the most influential person in my life. Right before he took his last breaths he looked me in my eye and tried to tell me something but couldnt get it out. **** will eat at me inside until the day i die

Tried to attempt suicide more times than i can count. Tried to hang myself multiple times, sat in my whip in a parking lot with my pistol on my lap for hours trying to force myself to end it. Moms came to my house because she knew i wasnt in a good space and the things i said that day killed her inside. The first and only time ive ever seen my mom cry. Toughest woman i ever met. So glad im not in that space anymore. Worst time of my life.

Got pulled over about a month ago for expired registration. Was blowing loud on the way to the airport at 4 am to go to Vegas with my girl and her fam for her 21st. Cop pulled me out the whip, cuffed me and threw me in the back of the squad truck. Unexpectedly dude pulled me out and told me to stomp out all my bud. White cop in the middle of Texas spared a black dude with nike slides and jordan shorts and dreads. I gained a whole new respect for police that night. Dude coulda ruined me. Didnt even give me a ticket for the registration. Luckiest day of my life. I will find that dude and repay him somehow some day.

Lived in my whip when i was 19 for a bit. Bathed in a parking garage with water bottles and soap from a bathroom dispenser

Booted out of UH a couple years ago for academic probation. Too much smashing and 2K.

Love of my life got ran thru by dudes i hated in HS. Didnt find out until she told me couple years later after we got back together again. ***** was trying to force me to marry her too, lost her mother****ing mind. Turned me ice cold to women for a minute. Girl never been ****, let me smash multiple times while she was ******* with some lame too. One of the best things to ever happen to me tho.
When I moved away from Taiwan and kids pointed at my food, slanted their eyes and called me Ching Chong when I was 5. I knew I wasn't on equal playing ground back then
- Going through 3 home burglaries. The last one especially ****** me up as it happened when me and most of my family were out of town. Bloods busted out one of our back windows at 4AM, put a gun to my family members head, forced them into the bathroom and barricaded them in. They stole every single car in our driveway and everything of value in the house was gone. Every single room was a destroyed mess.. I had been through the 2 other burglaries before this and the one before that made me punch a hole in the wall, rushing back home to absolutely nothing but destruction man I just broke down in tears having to experience it yet again and seeing the pain on my families face. Dont want to add any more detail since it ended up on the news.

- Goofing off knocking on random peoples doors and running off when I was in HS with my boys... Burner got pointed right at our face in one instance. Never did it again.

- At a party in HS with my boys, soon as we were walking out after they cut the lights on a car comes flying up the street dumping at the building, hearing the clanks go off as random cars got hit with bullets and the general madness that situation creates. Don't remember if anyone died. First time actively being a part of a shooting.

- At a cramped party in HS with my boys. Gang fight getting ready to take place in the middle of the party and dudes were ready to start firing at each other in a shoulder to shoulder type of venue. We had a specific call at this point so we knew we to gather & find each other when we heard it. Dipped out.

- Watching one of my friends show up at my dorm room door crying and hiding her face... Her turning to me and revealing to me a gigantic swelled black eye is forever burned into my memory. I legitmately didnt think domestic violence was a widespread thing back then and not something i'd ever encounter. My mind was changed after that. Even worse.... watching her eventually make excuses for dude and go back to him even after a restraining order.

- Watching one of my friends dad get his house raided multiple times by police over two decades for absolutely nothing. First time I witnessed this had to be when I was about 9 and they rolled up on his house about 12 cars deep. I think this was when I first started to hate and fear the police. They found nothing every single time linking him to a crime.

- RA in college straight up calling my roommate a n with the -er. What made it so bad is that we were cool with this chick, ate lunch with her at least two dozen times. It was the first time I experienced something like this, especially from someone that seemed nice on the surface. Was at an overwhelmingly white university too, made me stop wanting to talk to or deal with white people for almost 2 years.

Had to leave a lot out since it was too personal and I could be ID'd off it. Left some since the person that could ID me will never know NT.

This thread really puts into perspective the trials and tribulations we've faced effecting our mental health.
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Tried to attempt suicide more times than i can count. Tried to hang myself multiple times, sat in my whip in a parking lot with my pistol on my lap for hours trying to force myself to end it. Moms came to my house because she knew i wasnt in a good space and the things i said that day killed her inside. The first and only time ive ever seen my mom cry. Toughest woman i ever met. So glad im not in that space anymore. Worst time of my life.

Glad you made it through, man :pimp: Also glad to see you're still making beats. Stay up.
Tried to attempt suicide more times than i can count. Tried to hang myself multiple times, sat in my whip in a parking lot with my pistol on my lap for hours trying to force myself to end it. Moms came to my house because she knew i wasnt in a good space and the things i said that day killed her inside. The first and only time ive ever seen my mom cry. Toughest woman i ever met. So glad im not in that space anymore. Worst time of my life.

That's a dark place to be in. How did you bounce back?
As OP said, mad props to everyone sharing a piece of their heart.

I have nothing as major as most of y’all in here, although I’ve had my fair share of challenges.

All we are able to do is go forward!
That's a dark place to be in. How did you bounce back?

Realized my mindset was selfish as hell. All I was concerned about at that time was getting to a better point financially in my career, which didn't happen when I wanted it to. I felt like I didn't have anything to life for if I couldn't get to the point I wanted to be at. It clicked one day though that I couldn't put my mom, pops, grandmother and the rest of my family through the same pain I felt when I lost my grandfather. Ever since that day my outlook on life completely changed. You don't live for just yourself, you live for those who love you. Family became my #1 priority and will remain that way from now on.
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