I Quit Smoking and It Feels GOOD

May 31, 2007
I wanted to share my experience and maybe help someone else out there who refused to acknowledge the negative effects it was having on their life. 

Honestly, I think I'm going through a quarter-life crisis.  I'll be 24 in a couple months and I am nowhere near where I thought I would be.  For the past few weeks when
all I could think about were negative things.  After talking with a few friends I finally had a wake-up call.  All I could think about were friends I have neglected to get high, the fake "friends" who really just see me as a quick $10 and someone to talk to, the trouble I could get into riding with these people, the people who's last memory of me was trying to get them to smoke, etc...  When I bought my car, it HAD to have leather interior and a sunroof to help with the smell.  I wanted an apartment sooo bad just so I could smoke without worrying about my surroundings.  A close friend of 10 years has become nothing but my connect...  But really, the thing that made me want to quit the most was a phone call from a friend I hadn't talked to in a year asking me if I had any on me
.  (The last time we were together I got him to smoke for the first time...)

I really turned into that friend but I refuse to be that guy anymore.  I cleaned my car yesterday and it felt GREAT.  Threw away my ash cup, all the lighters, papers, empty air freshener cans.  I really feel like a new man.  I'm re-connecting with my non-smoker friends for the game and I'm really looking forward to it

Listening to music, watching sports, concerts were all AMAZING when
but I'm sure Mary J can be replaced with some good company.  If you are satisfied professionally and socially then by all means continue to put it in the air.  But if you aren't and you continue to smoke maybe you need to take a good look around and realize that the stuff might be holding you back..

Thanks for reading 


Kudos to you sir 
 The content of your post leads me to believe this action has brought some happiness into your life and for that, I'm happy for you. 

I'll be chiefing watching the Superbowl tonight though. 
like anything else in life, it's all about moderation.

props for realizing when enough is enough.
Originally Posted by MetroKid26


Hats off to you fam.
Take that *@%% down man.. This is a positive thread. I was at the game last night watching them get destroyed

But thanks everyone.  It's only been 4 days but I have like a completely different mindset now.  Cant wait to go back to school for my 2nd degree and finally start a career versus these dead end jobs 
Good for you man keep it up theres more to life than getting high
But for those who do chief enjoy it while you can.I use to be a pothead but them I realized that it was taking over my life mentally, physically, and sociallyGirls don't like potheads also
How long have you been smoking?

I used to think like you when I would smoke weed and saw it as something good rather than bad. See the herb is simply making your inner thoughts loud and clear. You are not where you need to be like you stated so smoking feels bad. Gotta be well rounded and responsible. Stay busy and you won't even think of smoking. I always take a month long break here and there. All mind.

nothing like a good slap in the face no matter where its coming from.
yeah its all about having that balance in life...you can't just smoke your troubles away or you'll aggravate your own personal discrepancies...everybody has different preferences as well.. a lot of times I feel more efficient when I smoke.

the biggest problem with it is its cost...so thats why I plan on growing.
Originally Posted by MrBrown

How long have you been smoking?

I used to think like you when I would smoke weed and saw it as something good rather than bad. See the herb is simply making your inner thoughts loud and clear. You are not where you need to be like you stated so smoking feels bad. Gotta be well rounded and responsible. Stay busy and you won't even think of smoking. I always take a month long break here and there. All mind.

nothing like a good slap in the face no matter where its coming from.
Only about 5 years and I wasn't that big a smoker.  When I was unemployed for a few months I smoked every damn day.  Before that I was smoking almost every weekend and a day or 2 during the week.  The bad thoughts really didn't start happening until I started smoking with the dudes I was buying from.  These dudes started sharing their stories and it was like "the *+@# am I doing with yall?"
.  Dudes getting robbed for pounds, snitched on, DEA, cops pulling guns on em.. I'm not about that life at all.  They would spark me up just because they felt at ease around me.  What hurt the most was that my desire to smoke only encouraged a friend to start living that 'trap' life.  Thats when I started re-evaluating my life, talking it out with some friends, and now I'm leaving the stuff alone..

Am I saying never again?  I dont know but I just realized that it went from being something to do to relax, to a habit, to an escape, to a source of liabilities.. 
Just Mary, or are you a big cig smoker too ?
I started smoking blacks on and off but I'm done with those too
Congrats man. I remember when I stopped living that life. One of the best decisions I ever made. I
 every now and then but nowhere near where I used to be. 
Honestly the way things are now I don't know how anyone can smoke or really do anything and hold a job..I get randoms at least monthly and in order to get hired or anything there doin a DT. I quit smokin bout 8 years ago..Id like to go back for recreation from time to time but I can't be employeed like that. Good for you OP keep your focus and don't look back
From what you wrote, it sounds more like you can't handle the chronic. After all, you said for weeks when you would 
 you would think negatively.  Sound like a waste of weed to me 

I quit as well, a couple weeks ago.  All I've been feeling is ambivalence towards petty matters 
Word, I can really relate to what you said. I went from burning 1-2 J's a day to maybe once every week (if that). Remember, as long as you smoke in moderation, it really won't effect you long-term. It's always good to have one with those you've established as your true friends since it's an activity you guys can just kick back, relax, and have a great time with while doing some other fun & productive stuff. I'll be 25 this year and I can say that I've gone on a streak for the past 6 years where I've smoked every day and it got to the point where I was telling myself in the morning, "*#%@ the rest of the day, I can't wait 'til I get home so I can just
." That took a toll on everything I did throughout the day because that was what I'd be thinking about when I did have important shizz to do.

Great to hear you got through that phase man.
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

After all, you said for weeks when you would 
 you would think negatively.  Sound like a waste of weed to me 
Another reason I quit
.  The very reason I started was to chill but recently it just made me more aware of the position I was in.  Smoking in college was cool because there wasn't a damn thing to worry about but now I see things can get really real out here...  I know a chick with a law degree but cant practice because of a possession charge.  I hate that my job search is limited now.  Sure I could get those cleansers initially but I'm really not trying to do all that and still have to worry about random tests when I land the job like someone else said
Congrats to you.

Im salty at you for introducing your friend to it,I hope you reach out to him and kick him the knowledge you have gained, you owe him that much.
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