I never knew that......

According to the U.N. - 0.0% of Qatar is forested.

Qatar has some 151 known species of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles according to figures from the World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

Of these, 0.0% are endemic, meaning they exist in no other country, and 5.3% are threatened. Qatar is home to at least 355 species of vascular plants.


Two-thirds of the labor force in the Federated States of Micronesia are government employees. Pop. 105,216 (July 2015 est.), Median Age: 24.2 years old.

Micronesia is a group of Pacific islands between Hawaii/Indonesia that are supported and defended by the U.S. until 2023. They're enrollment in the United States Armed Forces is double that of the continental U.S.

Micronesia maintains an embassy in the United States on N Street NW in Washington D.C.

The position of FSM Ambassador to the USA is currently vacant.
Heard electricity and water free out there in Qatar
Some stuff about Robocop (1987). While it remains a classic 80's, ultra-violent sci-fi/action flick peppered with satire and social commentary, there's so much more to the film. A lot has become common knowledge over the years but figured I'd consolidate.

The actor Kurtwood Smith, who played the main villain Clarence Boddicker was also Red Forman on That 70's Show (I wanna hear him threaten to put his foot up Robocop's ***)

Robocop was a Jesus metaphor:
-when Murphy dies, he takes a blast to the hand, equivalent of having a spike driven through his hand while being nailed to the cross
-dies, gets resurrected, "and then is like the supercop of the world."
-even walks on water
View media item 2032694Reaching? Well, the theory was confirmed by director Paul Verhoeven himself: http://uproxx.com/filmdrunk/paul-verhoeven-robocop-was-a-jesus-metaphor/
The point of Robocop, of course, it is a Christ story. It is about a guy who gets crucified in the first 50 minutes, and then is resurrected in the next 50 minutes, and then is like the supercop of the world, but is also a Jesus figure as he walks over water at the end. Walking over water was in the steel factory in Pittsburgh, and there was water there, and I put something just underneath the water so he could walk over the water and say that wonderful line, “I am not arresting you anymore.” Meaning, I’m going to shoot you. And that is of course the American Jesus.

A movie blogger also discovered that Robocop is an almost perfectly symmetrical film:
The Old Testament is full of examples of chiasmus, which is a figure of speech used in ancient times to emphasize balance. It lists a bunch of ideas or things and then repeats each of them in reverse order. It’s often not an identical repetition. It frequently uses the opposite of what came before or something similar to it.

Here’s a simple chiasmus I came up with to show you what it looks like:

A. The cat was heavy

B. She ate too much food

C. Something had to change

B. I gave her less food to eat

A. Now she’s less heavy

The first and last lines are similar, the second and fourth lines are opposite but related, and the third line is the turning point that links the ideas contained in the chiasmus.

Why am I giving a grammar lesson? Because I’ve noticed this same pattern used in films – a Cinematic Chiasmus, if you will. That shouldn’t be too surprising. Good storytelling involves setting up ideas and then paying them off over the course of the story. But some films have second halves that so closely mirror their first halves that it makes them truly breathtaking to behold once you notice their chiasmus at work.

RoboCop (1987) is the first film I reviewed on this website, so it’s fitting that it should be the first that I talk about here. Get ready to see how RoboCop is an almost perfectly symmetrical film.

The Chiasmus

First of all, I’ll write out the chiasmus in the film’s sequence of events:

A. Main title

B. Media Break 1

C. Main character identifies himself as Murphy

D. OCP Junior Executive Kenny is killed after holding a gun in a meeting

E. Bob Morton goes over **** Jones’ head to initiate the RoboCop Program

F. Clarence Boddicker makes his debut

G. Car chase with Boddicker and his cohorts

H. Partners Alex Murphy and Anne Lewis separate to take on Boddicker’s gang

I. RoboCop is born and he tests his abilities at a shooting range

J. RoboCop causes property damage in the name of law and order

K. Media Break 2

L. Lewis reminds RoboCop who he really is

M. RoboCop visits the home where he lived

N. RoboCop hunts for Boddicker

O. Boddicker reveals he’s working for Jones

P. RoboCop gets shot at by a lot of drug dealers in a warehouse

Q. RoboCop arrests Boddicker

Q. RoboCop attempts to arrest Jones

P. RoboCop gets shot at by a lot of cops in a parking garage

O. Boddicker gets another assignment from Jones

N. Boddicker gets a tracking device to hunt RoboCop down

M. RoboCop hides at the steel mill where he died

L. RoboCop sees his own face for the first time

K. Media Break 3 (Note: This is the only thing that’s out of order. It actually takes place where O is)

J. The bad guys cause property damage in the name of chaos

I. RoboCop fixes his targeting system

H. RoboCop and Lewis split up to take on Boddicker’s gang once again

G. Car chase with Boddicker

F. Boddicker is killed

E. RoboCop plays a recording of Jones saying, “I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake”

D. Jones is killed after holding the same gun Kenny held in a meeting

C. Main character again identifies himself as Murphy

B. Media Break 4 (Note: Deleted scene)

A. Main title

Now let’s go through each of these points to see their similarities in greater depth.

A. Main Title

RoboCop title bookends.

This is pretty straightforward. The movie is bookended by its title. “RoboCop” is the first thing we see. No “A film by Paul Verhoeven” or “Orion Presents” preceding it. And “ROBOCOP” is the last thing we see before the end credits roll.

B. Media Break

Media Breaks 1 and 4.

In the first Media Break, we learn that a police officer is in critical condition after a gun battle with Clarence Boddicker. Plus, OCP Senior President **** Jones says of the cops who are threatening to strike, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” In the final Media Break, which was deleted from the final cut of the film, Officer Anne Lewis is shown to be recovering after a gun battle with Boddicker. She repeats Jones’ line from her hospital bed.

C. Main Character’s Identity

The main character introduces himself as Murphy at the start of the film and at the end.

When Alex Murphy arrives at his new precinct, he tells the Police Chief, “Hi. Murphy, transferring in from Metro South.” At the end of the film, when the Head of OCP asks for his name, he replies, “Murphy.” It’s a subtle thing, but it’s meaningful because it shows how RoboCop has regained his humanity by returning to his level of self-identity from the start of the film.

D. OCP Executive Killed During a Meeting

OCP Junior Executive Kenny gets brutally killed by ED-209 and OCP Executive **** Jones gets brutally killed by RoboCop.

In the first demonstration of ED-209, a junior executive on the OCP Board points a gun at the giant robot and is promptly shot to pieces, landing on a scale model of the planned Delta City. In the final scene, a desperate **** Jones uses that same gun to take the president of OCP hostage. However, RoboCop soon shoots Jones many times until he falls outside the building.

E. Bob Morton and **** Jones

**** Jones gives a murderous stare to Bob Morton and later gets the same from RoboCop.

An ambitious junior executive named Bob Morton literally goes around Jones to pitch his idea for RoboCop to the Old Man after Jones’ ED-209 demonstration fails spectacularly. Jones gives Morton a murderous look as Morton walks off. Later, when RoboCop is asked for evidence that Jones is guilty of murder, he simply provides testimony from Jones himself saying, “I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake.” His mistake, of course, was making Jones look bad in front of the Old Man.

F. Clarence Boddicker’s Introduction and Farewell

Clarence Boddicker is angry in his introduction and at his demise.

The first time we see Clarence Boddicker, he’s angry at his cohort for frying the money they stole, and he gets violent. The last time we see him, he’s angry at Lewis for frying his last henchman, and he again gets violent.

G. Car Chase with Boddicker and His Cohorts

A car chase is brought to a sudden halt after Clarence Boddicker kills one of his gang members.

Murphy and his new partner Lewis engage in a high-speed pursuit of Boddicker and his henchmen. Boddicker kills a wounded member of his team by throwing him out of his van, bringing the chase to a sudden halt. Later, Lewis pursues Boddicker in another car chase. Boddicker accidentally kills one of his wounded team members, which leads to an unexpected end to the pursuit.

H. Partners Split Up

Anne Lewis and Alex Murphy-RoboCop split up to go after Clarence Boddicker's gang.

After finding Boddicker’s abandoned van, Murphy and Lewis go in different directions to try to find his gang members. Lewis is wounded and unable to help Murphy until it’s too late and he’s been killed. Later, Lewis drives a car while RoboCop draws the bad guys’ fire on foot. She gets shot by Boddicker and she’s unable to warn RoboCop in time to prevent him from getting crushed by falling metal beams.

I. RoboCop at the Shooting Range

RoboCop tests his targeting system first to show off and later to work out a few kinks.

One of the first things RoboCop does after being created is test his aiming ability at a police firing range. He hits dead center with every shot. After taking heavy damage, his targeting system is off by a few inches. Lewis helps him correct it so he’s perfectly accurate once more.

J. Causing Property Damage

RoboCop causes a lot of property damage in the name of law and order but his enemies cause a lot of property damage in the name of chaos.

His first night on the job, RoboCop causes a lot of property damage in the name of serving the public trust and protecting the innocent. On the night that the Detroit Police Force goes on strike, the city’s criminals cause a lot of property damage in the name of chaos and self-gratification.

K. More Media Break

Media Breaks 2 and 3.

The second Media Break focuses primarily on RoboCop and how he is on his way to eliminating crime in Old Detroit. The third Media Break focuses on the Detroit Police Force’s impending strike, which will cause crime to skyrocket in the city.

L. “Murphy, It’s You”

Anne Lewis reminds RoboCop who he really is and is glad to see him.

At her first opportunity, Lewis stops RoboCop and says, “Murphy, it’s you.” This reveals his real name, which he had forgotten. Later, RoboCop removes his helmet, revealing his face, which he hadn’t seen since his death. Lewis says, “It’s really good to see you again, Murphy.”

M. RoboCop Goes Back and Tries to Remember His Family

RoboCop goes to where he used to live and tries to remember his family but later he goes to where he died and realizes he can't remember.

After learning of his own murder, RoboCop visits the old home and finds it abandoned. He has a few flashes of memories of his wife and son, but nothing substantial enough to rekindle his old self. After surviving another attempt on his life, RoboCop hides out at the abandoned factory where Murphy was killed. He laments to Lewis about his family, “I can feel them… but I can’t remember them.”

N. Predators Hunting Their Prey

Leon Nash helps RoboCop track down Clarence Boddicker and **** Jones helps Boddicker track down RoboCop.

RoboCop goes to a night club to find a member of Boddicker’s gang who can lead him to the crime lord’s hideout so he can kill Boddicker. Later, Jones gives Boddicker a tracking device to lead him to RoboCop’s hideout so Boddicker can kill him.

O. Boddicker Working with Jones

**** Jones hires Clarence Boddicker to kill Bob Morton and then to kill RoboCop.

Boddicker shows up at Morton’s home and tells his girlfriends to leave. Then Boddicker plays a recorded message from Jones, showing that he works for Jones. Later, he goes to Jones’ office and hits on his receptionist, who not so subtly tells him to get lost. Then he gets another assignment from Jones to take out Morton’s creation, RoboCop.

P. RoboCop Survives a Firing Squad

RoboCop survives an onslaught of gunfire from drug dealers and barely survives a similar onslaught from his fellow police officers.

When RoboCop finds Boddicker, he’s greeted by more than a dozen bad guys all firing bullets at him. He’s unharmed by their attack and kills almost all of them. Later, RoboCop is heavily damaged by ED-209’s guns and then he faces more than a dozen cops who mercilessly fire on him. He’s weaponless, so he can’t fire back and he barely survives the ordeal.

Q. RoboCop’s Arrests

RoboCop arrests Clarence Boddicker and attempts to arrest **** Jones.

The turning point of the movie is when RoboCop arrests Boddicker. Up ‘til then, he’s been indestructible and able to handle anything that comes his way. But after throwing Boddicker through several glass windows, RoboCop is about to crush his throat when he’s reminded that he’s a cop. His programming takes over and denies him the ability to kill Boddicker. He arrests the criminal instead. Then, when RoboCop confronts Jones, he’s prevented from arresting him by his programming. And RoboCop gets knocked through several glass doors/windows by ED-209.

Seeing Double

I have no idea if the makers of RoboCop intended for it to be so symmetrical. The fact that they accomplished this feat while still making a fast-paced action film that never feels like it’s repeating itself is simply amazing. It shows that it’s possible to make a work of art, even when making a movie with a silly title and in a genre that usually doesn’t call for much depth.
I took a film class last semester and we watched Robocop. It was my professors favorite movie. Guy spent so much time on it. 
OG RoboCop is such a great movie. One of those rare movies that works as an escapist popcorn entertainment action movie, but that also has plenty of depth below its action packed surface.
That late 80s early 90s violence
There was a censored cut of RoboCop where the violent scenes were trimmed by some seconds. But the irony is that in the end, that made the movie look more brutal because in its original cut, the violence goes on to a point where it becomes over the top and has a comedic effect.
On young jeezys album- the recession, track: get allot

On the intro he says "niko on the track, shouts ouy to my mexican homeboy you know its a recession right?"

All this time i thought he said 'shout out my mexican homeboy, you know this for cesar rigHt'

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On young jeezys album- the recession, track: get allot

On the intro he says "niko on the track, shouts ouy to my mexican homeboy you know its a recession right?"

All this time i thought he said 'shout out my mexican homeboy, you know this for cesar rigHt'

My whole life i thought this song was called teenage wasteland

Your fingerprint is not protected under the 5th ammendment.
Police can ask u to unlock your phone with it...but not with a password
2 of my 3 favorite things in the same thing? Long as theres no herpes or hiv involved in the brewing process, n i dont need a kondom to drink it, i might try
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