I may be an alcoholic

Originally Posted by eddiee21

Sounds like every weekend for a typical male. Social drinking is not alcoholism.

this... i used to come home smashed all the time too... keep drinking... get your tolerance up!
Originally Posted by eddiee21

Sounds like every weekend for a typical male. Social drinking is not alcoholism.

this... i used to come home smashed all the time too... keep drinking... get your tolerance up!
This is pretty much me from thursday to sunday.
See if your insurance covers treatment and get an assessment. They may say you're a heavy drinker, but if you can't control how much
you drink, you might have a problem.
See if your insurance covers treatment and get an assessment. They may say you're a heavy drinker, but if you can't control how much
you drink, you might have a problem.
Originally Posted by Theta

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Dude your not an alcoholic. Read up on an alcoholic, I think you're more in a stage of getting drunk so you can do reckless things that you would not normally do. If anything you should be more aware of your limits and try not to exceed them. This is coming from a recent graduate who drank daily and partied 5 days out of the week for 3+ years, at one point i considered myself a possible alcoholic but realized I was only enjoying my college experience. Since Ive graduated I'm lucky to have a drink once a week let alone even feel like drinking. If you do indeed feel your situation needs help then go to AA and seek help. Dont ask NT about this issue because this could be more serious then how to pick up a girl at a club or how to get an Asian girl, or relationship advice. Seek professional help or ask your friends how they feel about your behavior.

i came here to say the same thing. youre not even close to alcoholism. ive had friends that have had it really bad (still do). they drink throughout the day, drink as soon as they wake up in the morning, drank liquor through a waterbottle during classes. drinking alone. drink just so they wont have to be sober, not even to feel a buzz. those are the symptoms of alcoholism. not taking a shot too much and boning some chick raw. alcoholism is much, much worse than that. once you have tremors because its been 12 hours since your last drink, then go get professional help.
Originally Posted by Theta

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Dude your not an alcoholic. Read up on an alcoholic, I think you're more in a stage of getting drunk so you can do reckless things that you would not normally do. If anything you should be more aware of your limits and try not to exceed them. This is coming from a recent graduate who drank daily and partied 5 days out of the week for 3+ years, at one point i considered myself a possible alcoholic but realized I was only enjoying my college experience. Since Ive graduated I'm lucky to have a drink once a week let alone even feel like drinking. If you do indeed feel your situation needs help then go to AA and seek help. Dont ask NT about this issue because this could be more serious then how to pick up a girl at a club or how to get an Asian girl, or relationship advice. Seek professional help or ask your friends how they feel about your behavior.

i came here to say the same thing. youre not even close to alcoholism. ive had friends that have had it really bad (still do). they drink throughout the day, drink as soon as they wake up in the morning, drank liquor through a waterbottle during classes. drinking alone. drink just so they wont have to be sober, not even to feel a buzz. those are the symptoms of alcoholism. not taking a shot too much and boning some chick raw. alcoholism is much, much worse than that. once you have tremors because its been 12 hours since your last drink, then go get professional help.
Originally Posted by TheGift23

It's not cool when a family member is an alcoholic. Is rediculous to deal with the crap when they go overboard.

It'll ruin peoples lives.

Just make sure you figure it out.
Originally Posted by TheGift23

It's not cool when a family member is an alcoholic. Is rediculous to deal with the crap when they go overboard.

It'll ruin peoples lives.

Just make sure you figure it out.
Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

Doesn't sound like alcoholism to me.

Are you drinking every day? Does it feel like you can't make it through a day without a drink?

If you just drink once or twice a week, and those two times you do drink you drink heavily, then it's not alcoholism. It's drinking.

Just take it easy...if you stopped b4...I'm sure u can stop again...
Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

Doesn't sound like alcoholism to me.

Are you drinking every day? Does it feel like you can't make it through a day without a drink?

If you just drink once or twice a week, and those two times you do drink you drink heavily, then it's not alcoholism. It's drinking.

Just take it easy...if you stopped b4...I'm sure u can stop again...
Originally Posted by Prime Suspects 36

You just explained my life from 16-23. You'll be alright.

Im 24 now and try to keep the getting hammered without my girl around to a minimum so Im not tempted.
Originally Posted by Prime Suspects 36

You just explained my life from 16-23. You'll be alright.

Im 24 now and try to keep the getting hammered without my girl around to a minimum so Im not tempted.
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