I just got sent home from school today.

Oct 8, 2005
Alright. Today at lunch, my brother, 3 of our friends and myself went to go
in the forest behind our school at lunch. Everything was going good until 2 copscame by. The 2 cops confiscated the substances, and confiscated the pipe. The pipe actually belonged to my math teacher's son but I still got the blame forholding it. The school suspended me for three days, and was told I was lucky to have not been arrested for possession of uncontrolled substances and that Icould have been sent to jail. I'm not condoning the use of marijuana, but I'm definitely not saying that it is at all bad, and that it is morallywrong. Does anyone else think that marijuana is taken a bit too seriously?
Yes but you are lucky cuz they would have arrested most people on the spot so actually you are lucky.
Wow, you got so lucky that you didnt get arrested, its not even funny.
hm, i would expect you to hear from the school some time soon regarding this situation. i wouldnt think a school would just let a student go home when theyjust caught you with some weed.
dudes blazed up in the senior parking lot last year
all got arrested lol
and kicked of the football team that sucked cuz it was thier last year
I'm not trying to get people to side with me that it was a good idea to blaze up at lunch. I understand and I'll accept my punishment. I just thinkthat the marijuana isn't that big of a problem.
Did you really just call smoking weed "morally wrong?"
Maybe it's morally wrong for a high school student to smoke during school...
Originally Posted by ajt33

I'm not trying to get people to side with me that it was a good idea to blaze up at lunch. I understand and I'll accept my punishment. I just think that the marijuana isn't that big of a problem.

Marijuana is illegal, what did you expect the officers to do? Let you off with a slap on the wrist. And thats basically what they gave you. You could havebeen arrested, so you're really lucky you got only 3 days of outdoor suspension
I think you guys are missing his point. He probably understands why he got in trouble and that he is lucky that it didn't turn out much worse. But I thinkhe's trying to point out the bigger picture as in "should marijuana be legalized," or are the punishments too harsh for marijuana users.
Down here in Vancouver, they search schools during break and lunchtime. I'm not white, and I'm Filipino. So most of you probably already know thatI'm in deep doo doo with the parents.
Man you'll be iight...and stop od'in like OMG YOUR SO LUCKY im smoker and ive been caught a couple of times not once i was arrested like really who isgonna arrest you for just some weed not like you got an O on you trying to sell it you was just trying to get high cops know tht ..
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