I just broke off my dads van door

Originally Posted by AJChick23

they didn't even notice you were gone?
Originally Posted by jermz101

what the hell? Who even does that dance anymore?
hehheheeheheh N0obs
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

it really looks no different i just broke the little hook the that opens when you pull the handle, no biggie but damn that was the hardest thing ever. im a pretty big dude i squat 600 and im 16 and was sitting there just kicking for straight 30 minutes
Nobody is calling dude out on this? That's the uber ducktales right there my dude
Lol yeah, the Harlem Shake thing went directly over my head. Someone care to school me?
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

im a pretty big dude i squat 600 and im 16 and was sitting there just kicking for straight 30 minutes
Alright let me stop for a minute................
annnnnnd I'm outta here
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

^no way im paying for it, he told me to get him something i just wonder how hes gonna drive it to a shop to fix it
you;re definitely gonna pay for it... one way or another.
baby hercules said the van was caged so he couldnt get to the front to honk the horn.
@ your parents not noticing you were gone after an hour and ten...
Let me get this straight...you broke a g*ddammed car door, but you wouldn't break the cage? That's logical. OF COURSE breaking the door was the rightidea. Hahahahaha.

Sorry for your misfortune. All jokes here.
LMAO FAIL! Next time bring a cell phone genius!!! j/p. Yeah, it's your dad's fault for having a crappy van. And you for being dumb and locking yourselfin.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

LMAO FAIL! Next time bring a cell phone genius!!! j/p. Yeah, it's your dad's fault for having a crappy van. And you for being dumb and locking yourself in.
Dude said bring a phone to unload the van!!!!
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