Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Sighfur

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Science can't explain everything..

We all feel a certain higher power in us at some points/moments in our life. Its what made Mike score 38 with the flu against the Jazz in 97. Its what gave Dr. King the courage to speak his mind for his people. Its a mothers unconditional dedication to her children, its the will, fight and desire in all of us.

Seriously, nice job belittling astounding accomplishments and courage by chalking it up to some fictitious entity. Bravo. Did MJ just pray a little harder than the Jazz that day? Somewhere Lance Armstrong is laughing his one nut off.
The point I was making had nothing to do with prayer. Did I say MJ prayed? Maybe he did, you and me have no idea. But what we do know, is that people do amazing things in times of desperation. Do you think you have a Soul? Don't you sometimes feel something beyond basic emotions? Are living beings just given life as a scientific result? Is the drive inside humans fictitious? Is it just luck? People just don't climb mount Everest relying on equipment and physical strength. Divinity is channeled through all of us.
My point is what made MJ more 'blessed' than the Jazz that day? What was on his side that wasn't on the Jazz?

Also, a person's drive has nothing to do with god or a soul or anything like that. I have a drive and I don't believe a shred of that stuff.  Do I have a soul? Nope. Neither do you.

Let's say I climb Mount Everest. I am an Atheist. Did I do it just with physical strength and equipment? OR can I not do it because I don't subscribe to a religion?
Excellent points but have you considered that perhaps God gave you the ability to climb that mountain in order to test you in your faith of him? Think about it. Every one wasn't born with the physical ability to complete such a task. Since some are born blind, with mental illness, etc couldn't it be that when Allah gives you the ability to climb the mountain, He is testing to see whether you give thanks to Him for the bounties He's given you or if you claim that it was your own abilities that got you to the mountain?

Whoa this is only interesting because I have actually met the first blind man to ever climb Mount Everest, Erik Weihenmayer.

I can tell you if I climbed a mountain, I climbed a mountain. God had nothing to do with it.
You asked the guy why did Jordan pull off that amazing victory rather than the Jazz that day and I gave you a reasonable answer. I used blindness as an example but apparently it wasn't an accurate one. What about someone like Stephen Hawkings who is suffering from a terrible disease that leaves them unable to speak let alone move? For someone who claims to be so rational, that last statement sounds a lot like blind faith

I don't understand how having faith in yourself could be considered blind faith.  If anything it is the realest faith there is. It's not based on anything unproven or of the D&D persuasion.  The same reasons you give for the existence of god are the exact same ones that I use to prove the lack thereof.  You call these 'test' and think that they are mandatory. 
If God existed, then why is there still evil in the world? If you have the power to do something good and you don't do it, that makes you yourself evil. God has the power to rid the world of evil, but he doesn't. Does that not make him evil.?
There's a radio DJ in Pittsburgh and he signs off everynight with, "If you're living like there aint no God, then you better be right."

I always liked that.
This is how I view the whole God situation. I live my life treating other people the way I'd like to be treated. Living by the Golden Rule. Now I feel that if there is an all-knowing being such as God, he would look at my life and think I've done good all my life or at least done things with the best of intentions. I don't think they'd get mad at me because I didn't go to a temple to worship them every week because "our God is a jealous God." Quite frankly, to me that isn't very Godlike. I know people who have gotten over jealously. You're telling me this almighty being can't?
But 'living like there ain't no god' isn't that different than how most people that believe in god live. So nice catchy saying....just no substance.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

If believers really tried to question their respective religions in a rational way then they wouldn't be believers anymore.

It really bothers me when people say this.

It's so much easier to lump all the people who don't hold the same position as you as irrational, lazy, and in denial of the facts, rather than to accept that there is a legitimate alternate way of looking at the issue.
Do you know how many religions there are in this world? Somewhere in the hundreds, if not easily in the thousands. What's the probability that yours is even the right one, assuming there is a right one? Less than .5%. Where would you ever play those odds? But people are willing to bet their life on it? Wow.
I am as 100% full blown Athiest as you can get. I've made my decision on my beliefs and nothing will turn me from it. I don't need to have a "god" or whatever to get me through my life, I choose to enjoy life with my daughter friends and family and that's it. Do I wish to know how we really came to exist? Sure. Will I find out when I die? I don't know. I guess ill see when I die.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

This is how I view the whole God situation. I live my life treating other people the way I'd like to be treated. Living by the Golden Rule. Now I feel that if there is an all-knowing being such as God, he would look at my life and think I've done good all my life or at least done things with the best of intentions. I don't think they'd get mad at me because I didn't go to a temple to worship them every week because "our God is a jealous God." Quite frankly, to me that isn't very Godlike. I know people who have gotten over jealously. You're telling me this almighty being can't?
I hear this a lot, and I can only answer this based on the Islamic perspective I am educated and a devout believer in.

Allah (God) is the Most Merciful.  There is no such thing as a "jealous God," because attributing a human quality like jealously would make God cease to be Godly, and thus no longer worthy of worship. 

You will see if you ever examine the Qur'an that Most Merciful and Most Just are terms constantly following with the name of God.  Not just Merciful, but the Most Merciful, Most Just.  People unfortunately take religious texts as a list of definitive do's and dont's, but if God is most Merciful, Most Just, then what can I, or anyone, say what will happen to you in the next life?

There are amazing examples of His mercy onto people that committed grave sins, to put it in perspective.  I can post them if your interested.  But the point I'm trying to come to is that no one can say you are screwed because you do x, y, and z, He is Most Merciful, Most Forgiving.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Hizzle

This is how I view the whole God situation. I live my life treating other people the way I'd like to be treated. Living by the Golden Rule. Now I feel that if there is an all-knowing being such as God, he would look at my life and think I've done good all my life or at least done things with the best of intentions. I don't think they'd get mad at me because I didn't go to a temple to worship them every week because "our God is a jealous God." Quite frankly, to me that isn't very Godlike. I know people who have gotten over jealously. You're telling me this almighty being can't?
I hear this a lot, and I can only answer this based on the Islamic perspective I am educated and a devout believer in.

Allah (God) is the Most Merciful.  There is no such thing as a "jealous God," because attributing a human quality like jealously would make God cease to be Godly, and thus no longer worthy of worship. 

You will see if you ever examine the Qur'an that Most Merciful and Most Just are terms constantly following with the name of God.  Not just Merciful, but the Most Merciful, Most Just.  People unfortunately take religious texts as a list of definitive do's and dont's, but if God is most Merciful, Most Just, then what can I, or anyone, say what will happen to you in the next life?

There are amazing examples of His mercy onto people that committed grave sins, to put it in perspective.  I can post them if your interested.  But the point I'm trying to come to is that no one can say you are screwed because you do x, y, and z, He is Most Merciful, Most Forgiving.

I grew up in a Muslim family. I guess at one point I considered myself Muslim because I was young and I just said that because it's what my parents are. I've even recited the whole Qur'an when I was younger. However, it never really meant much to me. There's so many flaws in religion. People pick and choose to recite things from these holy texts when it fits their agendas.
Originally Posted by AJMasta

I am as 100% full blown Athiest as you can get. I've made my decision on my beliefs and nothing will turn me from it. I don't need to have a "god" or whatever to get me through my life, I choose to enjoy life with my daughter friends and family and that's it. Do I wish to know how we really came to exist? Sure. Will I find out when I die? I don't know. I guess ill see when I die.

same here just live life
Originally Posted by Hizzle

Do you know how many religions there are in this world? Somewhere in the hundreds, if not easily in the thousands. What's the probability that yours is even the right one, assuming there is a right one? Less than .5%. Where would you ever play those odds? But people are willing to bet their life on it? Wow.
Islamically speaking (again), there have been sent Prophets for every civilization of every time.  It is impossible to properly calculate it all out, but it is widely believed the number exceeds 124,000.  Now Muhammad (pbuh) is recognized as the last Prophet, completing the transmission from God to man.

Moses spoke of two that would come after him (Jesus and Muhammad), and Jesus spoke of one after him.  Muhammad (pbuh) simply completed the message for all mankind.
Religion adapts to fit the society. 3000 years ago we all would have believed in Zeus. Religion tries to answer questions we don't have the answers to right now. They didn't know why lightning happened, so they believed Zeus threw bolts of lightning down when he was mad. The Chinese couldn't explain an eclipse so they believed a dragon was devouring the sun.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Hizzle

This is how I view the whole God situation. I live my life treating other people the way I'd like to be treated. Living by the Golden Rule. Now I feel that if there is an all-knowing being such as God, he would look at my life and think I've done good all my life or at least done things with the best of intentions. I don't think they'd get mad at me because I didn't go to a temple to worship them every week because "our God is a jealous God." Quite frankly, to me that isn't very Godlike. I know people who have gotten over jealously. You're telling me this almighty being can't?
I hear this a lot, and I can only answer this based on the Islamic perspective I am educated and a devout believer in.

Allah (God) is the Most Merciful.  There is no such thing as a "jealous God," because attributing a human quality like jealously would make God cease to be Godly, and thus no longer worthy of worship. 

You will see if you ever examine the Qur'an that Most Merciful and Most Just are terms constantly following with the name of God.  Not just Merciful, but the Most Merciful, Most Just.  People unfortunately take religious texts as a list of definitive do's and dont's, but if God is most Merciful, Most Just, then what can I, or anyone, say what will happen to you in the next life?

There are amazing examples of His mercy onto people that committed grave sins, to put it in perspective.  I can post them if your interested.  But the point I'm trying to come to is that no one can say you are screwed because you do x, y, and z, He is Most Merciful, Most Forgiving.

I grew up in a Muslim family. I guess at one point I considered myself Muslim because I was young and I just said that because it's what my parents are. I've even recited the whole Qur'an when I was younger. However, it never really meant much to me. There's so many flaws in religion. People pick and choose to recite things from these holy texts when it fits their agendas.
I have grown up in a Muslim fam as well, but I mean I never really was mature enough to understand or comprehend the message until the last couple of years or so (I'm 20).  At the time, it never meant much to me either, and I completed a recitation when I was 8.  It's unfortunate, a lot of Muslim parents (please don't take this as offense to yours) tend to force their kids into reading Qur'an unwillingly and without translation.  Mine did.  I think it pushed me further away from the religion than it did towards it.  I could be wrong though, since I am currently today quite devout.

I don't agree that there are flaws in religion, because again, a flaw would be a characteristic of human nature, and therefore no longer Godly.  But I will agree that many people tend to pick and choose for their own agendas.
Mo Matic, I like your style my dude. Yo there is a great quote i heard its from a Coptic Orthodox Priest in Egypt, (I am Muslim btw) but he said

"Just like the need to eat and drink identifies that there is food and water so does the need to find faith identify there is a God"
Originally Posted by Hizzle

Do you know how many religions there are in this world? Somewhere in the hundreds, if not easily in the thousands. What's the probability that yours is even the right one, assuming there is a right one? Less than .5%. Where would you ever play those odds? But people are willing to bet their life on it? Wow.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Mo Matic, I like your style my dude. Yo there is a great quote i heard its from a Coptic Orthodox Priest in Egypt, (I am Muslim btw) but he said

"Just like the need to eat and drink identifies that there is food and water so does the need to find faith identify there is a God"
Word, that is definitely a solid quote.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Mo Matic, I like your style my dude. Yo there is a great quote i heard its from a Coptic Orthodox Priest in Egypt, (I am Muslim btw) but he said

"Just like the need to eat and drink identifies that there is food and water so does the need to find faith identify there is a God"

The need to find something doesn't justify its existence. Using that logic, the need to find a mysterious being in the woods identifies that there is a Sasquatch. Also, that's a terrible comparison because your body doesn't have a physical dependency on faith. People have lived without faith and made it to a ripe old age. That's a fact. No one has made it one year without eating. It's things like this that people say and they're marveled at like "wow, such a deep and wonderful quote." But in actuality it doesn't really mean anything.
God always existed.  He exists in eternity, while we exist in a realm completely dominated by time.  To us, everything has to have a beginning and a end.  Everything has to have a starting and ending point, and everything in between is just measured by some amount of time.  Just because God created us to be subject to time, doesn't mean that He has to be subject to it too.  God exists outside of our realm, In the heavens.  That is why when we die, we leave this realm of time and enter into a place of EVERLASTING LIFE, where there is no existence of time!!!!  We cant comprehend that because we are born in this realm, live in this realm, and die in this realm... so we cannot imagine life, or living without time being a factor.
Oh, and by the way... about all those "other religions"  go ask a muslim or a hindu person if they actually have a working relationship with their god.  I guarantee you the answer is no.  I do....
Being a believer in the God of the Bible, and in Jesus Christ isn't like all the rest of those religions because of that exact fact.  Those gods expect you to have a life of service to them, or their ways, and you hold onto a promise that you will reap the benefits, not necessarily in this life, other than what you have a direct impact on yourself, but in the afterlife.  Im sorry, but that seems very pointless.  You're pretty much walking a blind road, not knowing if the path you are following is THE PATH, until after you die... there is no reassurance along the way...

Well, in the fact that you dont reap benefits here on earth, should tell you... that you're God, doesnt exist. 

With Christ, its a two way street,  not only do I live to serve Him, in exchange for everlasting life.  He shows himself present and working in my everyday life.  Maybe not in a way that I would like... but in a way that has my best interests in mind in the long run.  

I would rather have a God, fighting on my behalf, and knowing it because I see it, than to have a god just chillin in his paradise, while Im down here suffering for him, waiting for death to join him...

I encourage questions... My God has the answers...  F.O.T.U. Romans 1:16
It seems this thread has become about proving whether God exists or not, which is understandable. 
But, I'd like to suggest a different approach to religion.

Most of the actions we take, we take because they provide us with benefits (or at least, we perceive them too), not because they are "right". Humans seek pleasure and gain. Why treat religion differently? We know that religion initially provided people with security and comfort. Now, some find it limiting. So....

What if our belief in God depended upon its usefulness, not its plausibility?

Is religion really beneficial?

If the answer is yes, it makes sense to believe in it; after all, we often do things that we don't necessarily believe in to improve our lives or benefit us, right?

If the answer is no, then the opposite will be true.

It's fun and fascinating to contemplate the existence of something we now have no way of validating; but our lives are short, and it's useful to keep a practical approach in mind as well.

..IMO, of course.
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