I heard that they r re retroing the mettalics 1

Oct 4, 2009
My friend told me that they r retroing thr mettalics one but the whole thing is suede is this true if so someone please upload the pics for me please cause Istill having trouble finding the actual pics thanks by the way I'm not talking about the mettalics one that have sprinkle on it
they already retroed the Metalic red and greens and the purples are coming soon...if not already out...

Originally Posted by UGK4Life

they already retroed the Metalic red and greens and the purples are coming soon...if not already out...

Purple are out, international release only though. But he mentionned some suede... so I don't know which 1s they are...
I got all three Metallic I's(Red,Green and Purple) and none are suede. You can cop the Red/Green at Footaction for $69 but the purple are Internationaland go for $150-175 on must web-sites..
three joints so far (Red/Green/Purple)




I think you're talking about the retro of the actual Metallic 1s


....yea those sparkly aluminum foil joints are weird looking.....

poster is talking about the silver Is just coming out a lil bit later...
hmm tht one isnt really looked like the retro back then... just the name of the CW does...
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