I Have An Infection On My Right Big Toe...Is It Safe To Drain It?

Dec 25, 2003
I've had an infection in my right bod toe for about 4 days, and it looks like it's about ready to explode.

Yes, I went to see my doctor, and I've been taking antibiotics.

I wanna just drain this !+*! myself already. The pain is getting to me.

Nah, y'all don't want a pic. Trust me.

I saw a doctor, by the way. I just called to get advice and he wasn't at the office. I'm waiting for a call back.
OP look @ this, pics or youll die

It is very possible to die from an infection in your toe. Especially if you are diabetic. Diabetics very commonly develop a condition called neuropathy, thatdamages the nerves going to the hands and feet. This causes a numbness or a tingly-pins-and-needles sensation. This causes diabetics who have neuropathy to notalways be able to tell when their feet are injured or exactly where they are in relation to their bodies. This makes them more prone to small injuries orinfections.

Diabetics are also more prone to get infections, because high blood glucose levels cause white blood cells not to work as well, and also slows and prevents thehealing process from occurring due to poor blood flow, as well as other reasons. These infections tend to be with bad bacteria, such as Pseudomonas, or otheratypical bacteria or fungi.

With poor sensation and bad bacteria, this is a poor mix, and if diabetics are not careful, they can get very serious infections very quickly. Sometimes, allit takes is a poorly fitting shoe to cause an ulcer, which gets infected, which can make the person very ill and in need of serious IV antibiotics andsometimes treatment in the ICU.

Sometimes, the infection gets into the bone, a condition called osteomyelitis, and can result in the need for prolonged IV antibiotics or amputation. Death mayresult from any of these serious infections, or as a result of a complication from these infections, such as sepsis, heart attack, or muli-organ failure.
anyone got pics of the fat chicks big toe from harlem nights, or boogie nights or whatever that movie was called...
inject lidocaine, lance it with a scalpel, and drain the ##%$. depends if there's MRSA (after culture/sensitivty), you might have to leave it open and getit cleaned every 48 hrs. (change dressing and cleaned with normal saline) see a doctor if its not healing coz it could mean that your resistant to theanti-biotics.

lol, now if you can only do this yourself
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