I Finally Did It


Congrads man.
Used to do this all the time with the class calculators in middle school. Then everybody got graphing calculators and you could just type the word out, but it wasnt the same.
damn i just got to 80,000 and now im passed 80085, didnt even notice. how long it take you by the way??? or anyone else. took me 9 years
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

damn i just got to 80,000 and now im passed 80085, didnt even notice. how long it take you by the way??? or anyone else. took me 9 years

Wow......9 years to get 80K miles???

You must live around the corner from your job/school or ride a train to work or something.
Originally Posted by Club29

as soon as i read it, all i could think was of Michael Scott, when he had that computer voice-program which would say whatever he typed

Robotic voice: BOOBS!

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