I feel bad for today's youth... (Vol. #80sBaby, #TechnologyTakeover)

those were the days.

me and my friends used to play soccer, basketball, football, and baseball all the time.
also make ramps and jumps of them with bikes, roller blades, and skateboards all in one day. My group of friends back in the day were kind of like the Rocket Power crew
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Grew up in the 90s. An did just about anything to be OUT of the house. And saturday and sunday mornings i would take off on my bike with pegs and go places with homeboys and get home as late as i could.

**** staying home playing video games, keyboard life, and never bein dirty or have cuts.

Wen i was a pre teen me and my potnas would talk about. All kinds of ****.

Nowadays i hear my lil cousins talmbout nothin but god dam call of duty and BS like that.
Ghetto games(basketball on crates, grocery baskets)
Football in a parking lot
So many memories but in the 80s-90s neighbors actually watched all the kids and neighborhoods were actually "neighborhoods" were people talked and knew each other...I would be scared now because pedo bears walking around, kids and parents don't have manners...stuff done changed
Grew up in the 90s. An did just about anything to be OUT of the house. And saturday and sunday mornings i would take off on my bike with pegs and go places with homeboys and get home as late as i could.

I remember on the weekends asking my parents for any kind of cash and I'd split. GONE. Back then as kids, $5-10 bucks and you were solid.
then, just come home for dinner. :lol:

I would be scared now because pedo bears walking around, kids and parents don't have manners...stuff done changed

And see... that's the problem. Things definitely have changed. That was my whole point. Not our time being better or superior, but changed. Whether it's technology (which I think is part of the issue) and/or fear of letting the kids out because of nuckleheads... Again, why I feel bad for these kids.

Nowadays, as parents you're always worried about that kinda stuff. So, I understand being reluctant to let the kids out.

We NEVER worried about that. it wasn't such an issue as it is now.
The funny thing is there were pedos back then, there just wasnt a TV show about it.
1. Lack of imagination. Electronic gadgets were prominent when I grew up as well, but it was more or less the action figures that kept me entertained. For that reason, I think our generation had more of an imagination. To this day, I feel as if my imagination is second to none. 
Born '78

Garbage pail kids

Magic vs Bird

Jordan 1's


Riding my bike to hang out at In N Out

Playing ninja and rambo outside

Showtime Lakers

Run D.M.C.

My Super Soakers never lasted a whole summer :frown:. Parents stopped buying them for me after I broke the third one. I do miss playing with all of my action figures though, wish I still had them.
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Elbows and knees ****** up from the slip n slide...
The funny thing is there were pedos back then, there just wasnt a TV show about it.
Yea but now it's easily accessible to people because u can be incognito with **** and social media/technology has really messed up parenting in itself( I get why op made thread) but real spit the 80s-90s( until about 98) are always going to be superior because those times we saw more of an evolution in music, movies,social interactment, plus those times were hard(80s crack,wars, a lot of racial uprising), plus tv was a lot better... Men and women worked together but as our parents start divorcing and families torn apart by drugs,etc our social moral and what is acceptable has changed. I want kids one day but it will be bittersweet in the since they never will truly see a world evolve through all kinds of facets... Now everything is instant and all about me and if u can't work it out when it's hard/take the easy way to get famous... I just don't see it changing...long tangent sorry
IMO Gas prices have highschoolers all effed up too. Gas is so high most highschool age kids I encounter dont even want a car. They have this defeatist all or nothing mentality of "If its not a M5 I would rather take the bus" and would rather sit at home pretending to drive a Bimmer while playing gran turismo than actually get out in their bucket.

I remember regularly fitting 6+ deep in my buddies Lincon Towncar with moderate comfort :lol: or loading 12 people into a Chevy20 van with nothing to do and just riding around until we found something. I just loved the group dynamic of cheap cas, large cars, cruising, picking people up, dropping people off, jam packing and getting to know wimminz from other schools on your lap :evil: , And my absolute favorite was when EVERYONE talked over each other to the point nobody could understand ANYTHING... followed by that sudden bout of silence when everyone tries to make out what was just said :lol:

Now due to gas and insurance prices even the most kids that drive are restricted to driving little ecobox 4cyl sardine cans that dont really provide room for the same kind of experience. Just plain point-A to point-B mobiles.
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Water ballon fight.

Water gun fights.


Pokemon cards/Yugi-oh cards


Bball till dusk.

Cops and Robbers

Boxing(We instigated the little kids that didnt like each other to box

(Juking right in front of you

Chilling at the park doing nothing on a nice day
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'83 - brooklyn

Blimpie's ... there were plenty of arcade spots but it was always crazy there as a youngin' (ninja turtles, simpsons, street fighter II)
Kick the can
Red light, green light
Man hunt
Freeze tag
Carmen san diego in elementary on floppy disks :pimp:
Fire hydrants opened during the summer
Block parties
Playing ball on the crates
Playing baseball in the streets and climbing up houses when the ball was roofed
street hockey
I was mad hyped when i got my mongoose bike w/ the pegs
bottom's up
roller skating at empire

good ol' days
Looking at the Kids from 2000+ it seems like they will have it bettter

More access to knowledge
Smartphones being standard equipment.
Video games being what they are
The funny thing is there were pedos back then, there just wasnt a TV show about it.

If you are old enough, you remember watching that episode with Different Strokes with the bike shop owner taking pics of Dudley with his shirt off. That episode was crazy.
If you are old enough, you remember watching that episode with Different Strokes with the bike shop owner taking pics of Dudley with his shirt off. That episode was crazy.

I'm an 90s baby, so I don't remember that. But I do remember the episode of "Smart Guy" when that guy had that surfing video game in his basement and tried to get them to take their clothes off.
Discovery Zone
Hide n go get it
Bacon club
Teepee'n houses
Going into gas stations/corner stores with a empty backpack..leaving out with the backpack full
Basketball tournament..the rankings were Platinum, Gold, Silver, bronze, & blue ribbon Smh
Going to the movies 10 deep
Playing basketball from 10am-10pm everyday
Saturday morning cartoons
Street football
When I got a cell at 13..they had to blow my phone up for me to come home
Geauga Lake
Ix center
Discovery Zone
Hide n go get it
Bacon club
Teepee'n houses
Going into gas stations/corner stores with a empty backpack..leaving out with the backpack full
Basketball tournament..the rankings were Platinum, Gold, Silver, bronze, & blue ribbon Smh
Going to the movies 10 deep
Playing basketball from 10am-10pm everyday
Saturday morning cartoons
Street football
When I got a cell at 13..they had to blow my phone up for me to come home
Geauga Lake
Ix center
Dat Carmen Sandiego..... :smokin. I used to watch that tv show all the time and kill it at home. Imagine the salt I felt when I got to HS and found out my orchestra partner was on the show. Took a closer look at her and recognized the episode she was on. FF to college and a friend of mine tells me he was on the show too but I didn't remember his face. They both told me they got to keep the jackets too. Yeah I was salty as hell :lol:
If you are old enough, you remember watching that episode with Different Strokes with the bike shop owner taking pics of Dudley with his shirt off. That episode was crazy.

I'm an 90s baby, so I don't remember that. But I do remember the episode of "Smart Guy" when that guy had that surfing video game in his basement and tried to get them to take their clothes off.

Same premise. That post was more directed at Tr1ll, but yeah both were basically the same premise except the "Smart Guy" one had a girl that was left alone with the creep.
Looking at the Kids from 2000+ it seems like they will have it bettter

More access to knowledge
Smartphones being standard equipment.
Video games being what they are

Trust, I have NO problems with that. I already notice it with my kids. I want them to have it better.

I didn't touch a computer in my home until our first PC in 1994. I was 12 at that time. My girls have been navigating through websites on our laptop for a few years now... they're 9 and 8. So they're already ahead of me and my wife at this point. I have no issues with them being provided with the technology that's available now.

My thing is I want them to get out and have fun. Enjoy being under the sun. Come home with a bruise or scab. Kids don't need an iPad, iPod Touch, video games, etc. to have fun. Those are just luxuries parents try to accomodate their kids with because "they never had those when they were growing up".
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