Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

It was going to be my first hurricane.
Especially one this big.It's historic has not happened in a century and won't probably happen again.I won't get to experience it now.
Dude just be happy you and your neighbors don't have to suffer through a natural disaster of historic proportions
It still hasn't shifted.What are the chances it shifts towards yesterday's morning track since it changed so quickly yesterday? from 8 am to 11 am all my exicitement gone.
What buses are running, during a hurricane fam? And, county wide, shelters can only accommodate 100,000 people. Everyone isn't fiscally able dude.

There are still a bunch of shelters open, and the emergency line is still working
But if you're posting on the internet saying you can't afford to leave surely you can afford a bus ticket to a shelter

Same for those saying they can't afford to leave but they own a home

I'm also reading that police are literally picking up homeless ppl with a psychiatrist in tow and declaring them mentally unfit if they're not leaving with them willingly for a shelter

So let me get this straight. If you have web access and own a home, you can’t be poor? Cmon’re sounding extra privileged right now. Like I said, you don’t know extreme poverty. That much is clear.

And like dude said, what buses are running? Maybe they were, but they aren’t now.

I know it isn’t pretty to have to face, but there ARE people in our society who slip through the cracks. Generally they’re the poorest of the poor.
Yea I'm sorry I don't see how you can have access to the internet or own a home but not have the means to evacuate.

The way I see it, if you can afford a meal, you can use that towards getting out of dodge

But I do see the argument regarding the fact that there are limits to how much a shelter can hold. That is an issue
People live paycheck to paycheck with no savings. You could own a home, rent a home, live in the projects or live with your mama. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck, odds are that there isn’t money to afford to go anywhere. Or maybe the money used to go somewhere is your food money? What do you do?

Or what if you have no transportation? Or what if you have nowhere to go? I could go on and on but you get the point, hopefully. Not everyone has a life situation where they’re able to just dip out, even when that’s the best thing to do. It really is that simple.
They had free buses to shelters tho.

They said even homeless people used those

But yea I think staying and leaving is dependant on many things on an individual basis

That looks forboding.
Crazy, saw no sea life in that video... wonder how far in advance sea animals know that these type of natural events are going to happen, and where do they all go.
Lol I wonder if some of y'all understand that "Miami" is a sprawling metropolitan area and more than just "a strip of buildings across the street from the Atlantic Ocean"

Ron McGill says the Miami zoo Isbis is still there though, said its always the last bird to leave before a cane... will be telling when it bounces
yes, the Ibis is usually the last to leave but the first to show up once the worst has passed. The Ibis is the official mascot of the university of miami.

Lol I wonder if some of y'all understand that "Miami" is a sprawling metropolitan area and more than just "a strip of buildings across the street from the Atlantic Ocean"
the actual city limits are quite small, but yes the whole metro area is HUUUGGEEE

most people think of miami as only miami beach, but those of us who have lived here long enough know that it's a completely different city
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