
OP when you walk to Charleston, SC from Charlotte on a turkey sandwich and water...with a few rice cakes, then talk to me about hunger. 
If I am sober, I eat Karoun's Honey Yogurt. It is a perfect late night or before bed snack. It is not the healthiest food ever but it still has a ton of protein, not too much fat or sugar so not a ton of calories and it is rich and silky like ice cream. Yogurt is also good before going to bed because it aids digestion and ensures that the person eating it won't be gassy or get heartburn or indigestion and good, culture rich yogurt prevents diarrhea and/or constipation the next day.

If I have had a small to medium amount of alcohol, I like a little cheese and European style ham. I am partial to the Spanish combination of quince paste and hard white cheese and slices of Jamon Iberico de Bellota.* Fresh fruit and nuts and maybe a little pastry are a great way to cap the night.

If I have really been drinking, Roscoe's or Canter's or Daikokukya Ramen get it done. I wish that boiling crab was open late and was somewhat North West of Korea Town and the SGV. When I am here in the suburbs, Del Taco soaks up booze quite ably. When I am up North in SLO County, I can go home and whip up some spaghetti carbonnara or some other very quick and easy pasta dish.

* Seriously, this semi raw and thin sliced Spanish ham will change will change your life. Spanish and Portuguese pigs are fattened on barley and corn, they spend a couple months in oak forests gorging on roots, grubs and acorns and a few weeks before slaughter they gorge on nuts and olives. Their Hams are minimally salted and hung up to cure. They are like a great Italian prosciutto but they have less salt and no smokiness, the primary flavor is the pork and the pork is marbled like Kobe Beef. The flavor is stronger than normal pork but it is not gamey in the slightest either.
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