I'm hitting up that IMAX 3D opening night.
As soon as I heard they were making this movie I decided to read the book, and I thought the book was really good.
Read it in about a day it was that good.
From the clips and trailers I've seen on Youtube I can see they changed some things but I still think the movie will be great.
I've been more excited for this movie to come out then The Dark Knight Rises. They should make the last book's rated-R. well all the movies should be an R due to it's content.
I'll be seeing this in IMAX opening day with the girlfriend, she's crazy about this book as well!
great book series, but most movie's from books disappoint, and contain some differences or shortening of important scenes. I've hopes for this one.
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Yea these movies should def be rated R.
This. Really wish they were, but I will definitely be seeing this. 
I thought the books were cool, didn't love the ending, but still dope
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