how would you handle this?

Originally Posted by mr5dollarfootlong

you already know what to do


dont shoot him, just email him a pic of this gun
That aint got nothing against an AK dude has
I dont associate with liars.
Point blank.
If you feel like these people abuse you or dont take you
seriously, then why the hell you around them?

Most of the people that are "going in on you"
are most likely just doing it because its cool.
They dont have the confidence to go by their feelings
so they leech on to whats cool.
I would remove myself from that crowd as quickly as
I could while you still have your character.
Be who you are. If you are a nice person then be you.
Dont try to prove yourself a tough guy to anybody....
if you do be willing to suffer the consequences.
ahh alrite. i just turned 17 nine days ago. senior. idk who youre talking about why I hang out with liars. I don't, i knew the guy, but not friends withhim. i'm friends with his brother. as far as the other with the gun- don't know him that well, yeah i know he's got a gun and slanged/at least 3months ago nyway. but the dude aint hard, barely pushin 5'8 and his momma buys him all his ****. It's not like I hang out with em, I just got punkednot anything more to it.
Originally Posted by wildcard

ok fine cliffnotes. guess i couldn't skip em. -going to play one on one for money -turns into two on two -everybodys trash talking -games are best two of three, we beat them twice in a row -i'm stupid for not making them show the money but they say i don't have anything for you and quickly dip before I can even do anything -now apparently talking **** to my friend via text, about playing another game -dumb though because no matter what happens i'm not getting that money -gonna put em on blast as hard as i can, plannin on jumping em monday at school -can't fight, one of dudes is drug dealer, i've been friends with the other guys brother since I was 8. but i'm tired of gettin punked, besides the 20, i'm just through takin **** Something tells me these cliffnotes arent going to come out right, what did I do wrong?
-on the basketball team, but still not respected for my 'game' due to my 'soft image'
-bet $20 on best of 3 series, 2 on 2, game of basketball
-won two games in a row, 'losers' refused to pay
-put them on 'blast' via myspace
-thinking about jumping them on monday to prove i'm not a 'pushover'

Alrite, on thursday me and this guy arrange to play a game of one on one after school today for money. Today we're all talkin trash and whatnot to everybody, gets pretty big. My friend gets in on it and we're gonna play him and his friend two...
Got about that far and gave up on your block.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

OP needs to read a book.

i could sit here and brag about how affluent a reader and writer i am- but i'm not. just know that on the internet, i don't even remotely bother totype anywhere close to right or acceptable, and yall callin me on the myspace blast- again not like i'm not gonna say anything in real life, but reallyit's the weekend, nothin else really to do. but forget the whole myspace thing, they gonna be hearing it regardless
Bullets > Fists

You're going to take a L of epic proportions if you follow through with your plan.
Originally Posted by wildcard

Originally Posted by Diego

This cant be real.

What kind of female says "Ima call you out on myspace"?

aint like thats all i'm doin. i'll be callin em on it all the time..w'e i don't need you judgin. but i mean-yall right. it is just 20 bucks, i guess i can get enough satisfaction tellin everybody we won and they didn't pay. green though man... I want money-wayy too much

I know you're a young dude so you kinda get a pass but.... if you that hard up for a $20 spot, you need to step your financial game up man.

If it were me, I'd go at it a different way. When it come to revenge/retribution there ain't no rules, and I like to see people suffer at any cost. Iknow it goes against the street code of "no snitchin" but if this dude slangs, rat him out on the sly so he gets put away. Even if he don't knowit was you, atleast you can get some satisfaction in knowing you got the last laugh and homeboy ended up gettin punked for not making good on his word and bet.
So... You know he has a gun but you want to pick a fight to prove you're not a pushover?!?.. RIP
Originally Posted by Iansmk

pics or you have no friend

u reallllly are gonna sit here and say i'm lying about having a friend ?
i have no reason to lie to you... if I knew how to post pics i would-buti'm pretty sure everyone else is through with my thread so ya. btw- 90% sure guy wouldn't pull a gun- he just got it don't even know what he'sdoin. he's a realllllllllll quiet cat though that's why I'm not gonna do nything cuz idk what he'd do.
Originally Posted by wildcard

Alrite, on thursday me and this guy arrange to play a game of one on one after school today for money. Today we're all talkin trash and whatnot to everybody, gets pretty big. My friend gets in on it and we're gonna play him and his friend two on two for twenty dollars. So understand EVERYBODYS saying we're about to get whooped. My own teamates, I hardly ever get any respect I guess having the soft !*++%++% image, i've been challenged a lot and will still beat people but still don't have any respect, regardless, we all go to another gym after school, supposedly we all got our money. Me and my boy show ours but the people at the boys and girls club wanted them to just keep it until after the game- we decide to go two out of three. We whoop em twice in a row. They talk about I aint got nothin for you and dip. Yeah i know the mistakes i made before the game-don't need to hear about em. Couple side notes- one of the dudes is a drug dealer, I know he got an AK. Also, the other dudes brother is one of my friends i've known since I was like eight years old, which complicates things. And I was cool with the guy before this. I'm puttin em on blast on myspace tonight, telling everybody. And come Monday i'm pickin a fight. Knowing i'm gonna get whooped (ain't no kind of fighter at all). But i'm tired of bein a sucker. And even though i'm on the basketball team i still basically get treated like a *****(hope i can do that). I'm through with it- and plan to go all out Monday... yo i've only been in one semi fight my whole life(never really had a reason) - but i'm serious about my money. I don't plan on let anyone dupe me like that, i'm GETTIN it one way or another, if I get worked then whatever. i'll feel better in a week. but what would yall do in my situation?

btw-don't bother saying cliffnotes. If you're too lazy to read it that's fine by me, just don't respond. Not that hard to read... I know what i'm doing, just trying to see what yall would do
you already a sucka for trynna fight someone, let alone, someone with an AK. come on, we know you're mad but aint no reason to fight unlessyou doing it professionally
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