how would you handle this?

Aug 8, 1999
Alrite, on thursday me and this guy arrange to play a game of one on one after school today for money. Today we're all talkin trash and whatnot toeverybody, gets pretty big. My friend gets in on it and we're gonna play him and his friend two on two for twenty dollars. So understand EVERYBODYS sayingwe're about to get whooped. My own teamates, I hardly ever get any respect I guess having the soft !*++%++% image, i've been challenged a lot and willstill beat people but still don't have any respect, regardless, we all go to another gym after school, supposedly we all got our money. Me and my boy showours but the people at the boys and girls club wanted them to just keep it until after the game- we decide to go two out of three. We whoop em twice in a row.They talk about I aint got nothin for you and dip. Yeah i know the mistakes i made before the game-don't need to hear about em. Couple side notes- one ofthe dudes is a drug dealer, I know he got an AK. Also, the other dudes brother is one of my friends i've known since I was like eight years old, whichcomplicates things. And I was cool with the guy before this. I'm puttin em on blast on myspace tonight, telling everybody. And come Monday i'm pickin afight. Knowing i'm gonna get whooped (ain't no kind of fighter at all). But i'm tired of bein a sucker. And even though i'm on the basketballteam i still basically get treated like a *****(hope i can do that). I'm through with it- and plan to go all out Monday... yo i've only been in onesemi fight my whole life(never really had a reason) - but i'm serious about my money. I don't plan on let anyone dupe me like that, i'm GETTIN itone way or another, if I get worked then whatever. i'll feel better in a week. but what would yall do in my situation?

btw-don't bother saying cliffnotes. If you're too lazy to read it that's fine by me, just don't respond. Not that hard to read... I know whati'm doing, just trying to see what yall would do
Put em on blast and see what happens. As you get older you realize $20 isn't worth the hassle. Put dudes on blast, call em out infront of others, but tothrow hands for a petty $20 is pointless. Including you being on your schools basketball team, if you get into a fight with some1 from your own school, you canget kicked off the team. Happened to a couple of my teammates when i was on the HS baseball team.
not worth making a fuss over, move on.

if you're tired of being a sucker, start small
drug deal+AK (not the time to be taking a stand)
It's win-win for you: either you get your money, or you get to tell everyone that you whooped his !!% twice and his bum !!% didn't live up to his sideof the bargain.

For just 20 bucks, I'd take the latter.
yeah. no need to fight the dude unless he starts it, jus call him out every chance you get, if he's a real drug dealer 20 dollars shouldnt be nothin to him
Its not worth it. You should make a big deal out of the fact that you beat them...TWICE. You are the winner and the better man, you have proved your skill.Don't lose it all by starting a fight trying to prove that you "arent a sucker".

They've already lost and all the people talking about you will start talking less. Getting that 20 dollars in anyway possible is not going to get yourespect, playing it cool and knowing you are that dude is.

Just drop it before you get shot.

at you....
ok fine cliffnotes. guess i couldn't skip em. -going to play one on one for money -turns into two on two -everybodys trash talking -games are best two ofthree, we beat them twice in a row -i'm stupid for not making them show the money but they say i don't have anything for you and quickly dip before Ican even do anything -now apparently talking **** to my friend via text, about playing another game -dumb though because no matter what happens i'm notgetting that money -gonna put em on blast as hard as i can, plannin on jumping em monday at school -can't fight, one of dudes is drug dealer, i've beenfriends with the other guys brother since I was 8. but i'm tired of gettin punked, besides the 20, i'm just through takin **** Something tells me thesecliffnotes arent going to come out right, what did I do wrong?
This reminds me of this one "friend" I have.

Dude's always running his mouth, trying to crack jokes of me or of others, fails every time, lately he's been getting on my nerves.

Today he said he wanted to fight me in front of everyone, dude calls me out
, I laughed and shook my head, dude proceeds to call me a ({})

He runs his mouth so much it's funny at times but gets annoying, everyone knows I could molly whoop his @#$ but I'm not like that, just a chill dude.
Originally Posted by YuraS718

As you get older you realize $20 isn't worth the hassle. Put dudes on blast, call em out infront of others, but to throw hands for a petty $20 is pointless.
on point.

You're willin go get in a scrap knowing you're gonna get bodied over $20? You need to learn to pick your battles man.

Like everyone said, just put dudes on blast. Run your mouth and make em look bad. If they want to box over that, then you box. Why go instigating a fightwith someone you know is gonna handle you. Thats just stupidity.

You will learn. LIFE ISNT FAIR. Its not always about who is right or wrong, sometimes it just boils down to who carries the biggest stick (or gun).
This cant be real.

What kind of female says "Ima call you out on myspace"?
yea he burned you for the cash. Just learn from your mistakes or confront him every chance you get. its not worth getting shot over tho... and that's real
Originally Posted by Diego

This cant be real.

What kind of female says "Ima call you out on myspace"?

aint like thats all i'm doin. i'll be callin em on it all the time..w'e i don't need you judgin. but i mean-yall right. it is just 20 bucks, iguess i can get enough satisfaction tellin everybody we won and they didn't pay. green though man... I want money-wayy too much
Put them on blast on myspace? like they gonna care. Why dont you just let it go, it took 20 dollars to get rid of them.
Son you better kill those fools or die trying. They trying to play you for a sucka man. Feed that bummy %!* betting drug dealer his AK and pull out the cal onyour *#@+@ %!* friend.

You got the juice now.
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