How to watch sports and save your time

ooIRON MANoo wrote:

Have you ever tried to have a sports conversation with a "box score/highlight watcher" or the guy that just tracks fantasy stats,

I agree with those sentiments, but it's impossible to watch all games all the time, so highlights and stats are better than nothing.

Even with the NBA package, for example, I can only make time for so many games, and on the nights when there are a lot of games on at the same time, I like tochannel surf and catch a little of each. That along with looking at box scores and highlights is what the so-called "experts" do too. It's mytheory that as fans, you can really only be "experts" on your own team since that's the team you're going to follow and watch religiously.

I also want to make the point that one thing I like about fantasy sports is it gets you interested in teams you otherwise would not be interested in. Itsparked my interest in watching certain players on teams not my own, which in turn led me to like watching those teams and follow them a little bit more.
Irony at its finest

tell me bout it, you'd think clown(not EB) thinks he's the next in line to peter gammons or is calling shots since Stoneman left.


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put the brakes on and get outta here noob.
my favorite is DFish, too. Even tho i remember just spazzin after he made it.

damn i forgot about the Horry shot. Wow, i cant choose.
my favorite is DFish, too. Even tho i remember just spazzin after he made it.

damn i forgot about the Horry shot. Wow, i cant choose.
I watch EVERY SINGLE Reds game. but since there are baseball games every day almost, i can't watch them all live, so i DVR them. i even got it down patwhen Harang is pitching...when he looks in for the sign (with no one on), press the fast forward button twice, then press play immediately.

when UK is playing and i can't watch it live due to work, i've got the plan to get home w/o knowing the score down to a science.

1. put my TV on MTV when i turn it off to go to work, that way when i turn it on when i get home, i won't see the score.
2. when getting out of my car when i get to work, make sure a CD is playing and not the radio when i turn off the ignition. that way when i get back in to gohome, i don't catch some dude on the radio saying the score when i start my car.
3. make sure everyone at work knows not to tell me the score or i'll kill them.
4. do not answer my cell phone or check text messages.
5. (this one sucks) no TV/internet while at work, this really sucks when there's another good game on that day.
6. don't wear any UK gear. another step that saves me from going to jail. say i gotta stop and get gas or food, not wearing UK gear will prevent some dudewho sees me wearing a UK shirt from saying something about the game.

but every plan has its flaws. i wasn't very specific with step 3 one day and some girl said "i won't tell you the score, but Kentucky lost."

nothing worse than a 2 o'clock game when i gotta work 3-11 and have to go 8 hours or so w/o hearing something about the game, but getting home w/o knowinganything about the game successfully almost makes me feel accomplished.

^ just resemblance and that's it. not playing style



my brother is the same way, he does not want spoilers on Laker games... or #4....

and he usually just watches laker games, its tough to follow other teams outside of your favorite, unless you got time on your hands. and I agree withSleepyBlueDemon the PROFESSIONAL analysts/experts (notsome psuedo analyst kid on NT who just watches sports 24/7) only catch bits and pieces usually from the stat line, highlights - outside of the games they arecovering..
Watch the whole game.

Have you ever tried to have a sports conversation with a "box score/highlight watcher" or the guy that just tracks fantasy stats,

If you want to know results, fine. However, you will sound unknowledgeable most of the time.

Yep. Co-sign.
ok so I don't profess to know it all in sports or watch as many games as I would like to, but if there's one thing I know is a Clipper fan who deepdown inside loves the Lakers.

[h3]Best Buzzer Beater Ever?[/h3]

[table][tr][td]27th4theHood[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#10[/td] [td]http://[URL="http://"][/url][/td] [td][-][/td] [/tr][tr][td]

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11/19/07 10:49 PM
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my favorite is DFish, too. Even tho i remember just spazzin after he made it.

damn i forgot about the Horry shot. Wow, i cant choose.


Team Saints

Last Edited By: 27th4theHood 11/19/07 10:59 PM. Edited 1 time.
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Wow, you let me down with this one, dyyhard.

You have to watch the whole game, man.

If you were a chess fan, would you learn anything by just watching the final checkmate of every match you saw?

If you were a billiards fan, would you learn anything by just watching the final shot?

You have to see the whole thing.

Now I the event of a blowout, like the Pats/Bills, sure, I changed the channel with about 4 minutes left in the game. But it wasn't because I was sure thePatriots would win. Heck, if that were the reason I changed the channel, I would have done so midway through the 3rd. No, the reason I kept watching was to seeexactly how much the Patriots would score, and with about 4 minutes left in the 4th, I was sure their offensive production was finally over.

So I switched to watch the rest of the AMerican Music Awards, with Carrie Underwood's fine self.
^ Ska, my whole point was this....if your schedule is getting busy -- how do you fit in time for sports/multiple games? or now my question is also how do youwatch sports with so many games going on?
I love sports, watched/read more than your average person out there, not as much as some NTers in S&T, but still a lot in comparison to most people Iknow....

my quote in my first post in re: to the boston/orl game
"WHAT A GAME!" while watching the last few minutes was an attempt at sarcasm...I didn't watch the whole game, but found the last few minutesentertaining of what I could catch.
I didn't say that you could understand the whole game if you didn't watch it at all or advocate/suggest "talking out of your@#*#" if you onlywatched a part of the game(nor would I)
but there isn't any reason not to comment on games, when in fact you only caught portion(s) of the someone else in this thread said, most expertsaren't watching the whole game of most teams as well...and I know most of you aren't watching the whole game of every single game out there, night innight out...
Of course you're going to follow your favorite teams the most(if you have one), if your team the Lakers, how the hell are you going to watch the SacQueensor Clippers game in entirety throughout the whole season, and get a good idea of what the team is like unless you read recaps or stats, or you watch theirgames in entirety? How much sports are you really watching for your analysis/opinions?

which brings me back to my main question, when your schedule doesn't call for time for watching sports, as is mine right now, how do you watch sports?(I'm not going to be spending time watching games while my studies fall behind, papers are due, when chores need to be done around the house,responsibilities, when your girl wants to go watch a movie/out to the mall/eat.... etc...) or how do you watch sports all together when there are so many gamesgoing on? watch the games in full if you can, but if you can't - how do you?
Honestly, I do watch other team's games. And if I have a Sacto/LAC game circled, I'm watching the whole thing.

And I'm more than positive that most of the people in this thread are doing the same thing.

Of course Im going to watch an entire Lakers vs. _______ game, but if I'm interested in watching Chris Paul and Dwight Howard, I'm watching the entireHornets/Magic game, not just the last quarter, or bits and pieces. Just because it's not my team means nothing to me.

And I've got a 9 week old son I take care of every night (because my wife works nights), and an 18 hour school schedule. But the sports fan in me makessure that the responsibilities are taken care of by gametime, so I can enjoy the game.

Now, have there been times when I'm watching a game while cramming for a test or working on a paper... or all 3? Of course. Definitely. But it's notbecause I'm disinterested because my team's not playing, or disinterested because my team IS playing but figure I'll just catch the highlights. No,it's because I HAVE to take the test in the morning and turn that paper in, but if I had every thing MY way, I would never multi-task during a game I wantto watch and then catch the highlights later.

And in my opinion: no, if you didn't watch + take notes on the entire game, your opinion isn't as valid as someone who did.
^ ska that's exactly the type of response I wanted to hear....

And in my opinion: no, if you didn't watch + take notes on the entire game, your opinion isn't as valid as someone who did.

and btw, this is the reason why people on the board have problems with the so-called analysts - they aren't watching the whole game of your favorite teamin most cases. You think Cris Collinsworth has watched every single game in the NFL/the game you were watching this past week? cmon now..

And I'm more than positive that most of the people in this thread are doing the same thing.
probably, but I also assure you that some on here/friends outside NT aren't able to manage their time as well as you do especially ifyou're still in academic probation - I've seen it during my freshman/soph year in college...and no one is going to readily admit they watchtoo much sports and neglect other responsibilities going on in their life.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

ok so I don't profess to know it all in sports or watch as many games as I would like to, but if there's one thing I know is a Clipper fan who deep down inside loves the Lakers.

[h3]Best Buzzer Beater Ever?[/h3]

[table][tr][td]27th4theHood[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#10[/td] [td]http://[URL="http://"][/url][/td] [td][-][/td] [/tr][tr][td]

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Posts: 2772

11/19/07 10:49 PM
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my favorite is DFish, too. Even tho i remember just spazzin after he made it.

damn i forgot about the Horry shot. Wow, i cant choose.


Team Saints

Last Edited By: 27th4theHood 11/19/07 10:59 PM. Edited 1 time.
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the irony.

i must've messed up but it shourd read , "even tho i hate thelakers" but hey whatever helps u sleep at night. U act like the cippers have had a better buzzer beater than that? Unlike u, i watch the whole games ofother teams and im able to appreciate great plays when i see them.
and can u find the quote where i said i knew it all?
^ You need to take the image (emoticon) out of your sig, please.

And speaking of sigs, I, for one, am completely glad we decided to put this automatic limit on, that automatically truncates sigs that are over the limit.
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