How To Organize iPod?? No Time

May 13, 2008
Man I just copped an iPod (120GB)

I thought I had al my files pretty organized... Albums in there own folder, artists, tracks.. etc


When I add them to my iPod some are like floating around and stuff... UNKNOWNS etc....

For the iPod heads.. How to you organize ALL the songs perfectly, Albums Artists Years ALL THAT??? like 80 out of 800 songs are just floating around the iPodand I dont have all the time to do it manually!!!!

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Took me like, 3 hours to organize all my music...
Ouch I thought so......... SOO PAINFULLLLLLL I CANT DO IT!!!!

any shortcuts out there?

Maybe there's some app out there that does it quicker

But I just bit the bullet and spent a day doing it a while back. And now, I edit tags as soon as I add new songs in.

The best thing to do is keep everything simple:
  • Don't use 5 different names for the same genre like R&B + soul. I basically use rap, jazz, r&b, and pop.
  • Use only the main artist's name even if there's a featured artist, i.e. I tag "Chopped N Screwed" by T-Pain + Luda as T-pain only. That way when you scroll thru "artists" on your iPod you don't have one listing for T-Pain and one for T-Pain f/ Ludacris. Also remove the featured artist from the song title.
  • If you have whole albums, make sure the songs are in order (they usually are already).
  • Capitalize, punctuate, spell check all names. List them the same way iTunes has them listed so you can "download album artwork."
  • Download all album covers. If iTunes don't have it, try Amazon or CD Universe. It irks the hell out of me to see a song missing the artwork.
  • Optional, but I convert everything to AAC format, 128khz. To me, it sounds pretty much the same as CD quality or MP3 192khz. Saves a ton of space too.
The 4 main tags I use are:
  • Artist (not album artist, see above)
  • Album
  • Year is pretty important (you can search iTunes or Amazon for the original release dates). I have a playlist called "80s and 90s" and the songs are in order by year, so that's pretty handy. Also if you got someone with multiple albums, like Jay-Z, it's nice to have all his albums listed in order.
  • Genre, again see above.
Best thing is locate all the songs floating around (sometimes they got no artist name so you'll find them at the bottom). Then just go in and edit thetags, use command+n to go to the next song. If you're editing whole albums you can select all the songs and edit them at once.

And this is what you end up with:

Organization at its best:
^ i am working very hard to get there lol. its hard when you have a huge amount of songs and i mean HUGE. (39 GB)
When I download the songs I edit them on the spot ..

I just do them by Artist name and Song and Genre
Originally Posted by Air23Jordan707

^ i am working very hard to get there lol. its hard when you have a huge amount of songs and i mean HUGE. (39 GB)

Try organizing over 45 gigs.

I organized 28 gigs faily easily. artist, genre, album (if I had the full album) and eliminate doubles.

what I did

have itunes sorted by artist, go down the list from the beginning, highlight all the songs from that artist and go to the properties and change the artist nameso that it makes them all uniform. then do the same within the artist for the album. I did genre last.

To check that I did everything right I would sync the ipod and scroll through by artist and make sure there were no doubles then do the same for albums. ittook like 3 syncs to work out the ones I missed. If you stay off NT for a day you'll have plenty of time to clean your mp3s up.
I took a lot of time out of two days and just organized it as you the album titles, artist, genre, and year. I had no fun doin' it.
Damn, I got a Zune (FTL).

Bought it a year ago, still organizing tags, SMH.
took me about a month, but i manage to keep 117 GB almost perfectlly organized. I'm anal about tags
My iTunes deleted itself yesterday and it took me until 4 AM to reorganize everything. There were so many doubles and triples that got added to iTunes. ItunesFTL indeed.
related to iTunes how the hell do I get album work?

After I finally situate and correct all the albums now I can't even get the right album work

Be listening to my iPod just looking blank
^ just google the album art and click/drag photo to the song you wanted the album art in.
i have over 50 gigs of music and i dont have the patience to do all of that i just roll with it. Sometimes i end up hearin songs i forgot i had, and if i dontwana hear it i skip to the next one. i probably have the most unorganized music collection ever. Sometimes that makes it fun though especially with the songsive gotten from places like limewire, everything is labled wrong from there.
My friend has a 160GB ipod.. That's ridiculous, most the songs on there that he has.. he doesn't even know he has it.
Originally Posted by JCH3

Damn, I got a Zune (FTL).

Bought it a year ago, still organizing tags, SMH.
I have both and it took forever to correct the tags in zune and itunes software. I always edit the tags when i have a new song added to thelibrary.
i have a 28g music library... all of it is completely organized.

some say i have ocd, i say i hate not being on top of things... pause.

some advice for you,

only fill out artist, song title, album title, track number.

the rest if irrelevant.

also on the artist, only fill out the name of the main artist, leave the features blank.
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