How To Make Money Selling Drugs.

I understand your point, but man it's not right to compare creating facebook to selling drugs. You wanna teach our kids something good? Don't give them that create facebook crap. Tell them to be REAL heroes the way dope dealers are seen. Let them be firemen, lawyers (not always heroes) teachers. Compare something like that to dope dealing.

No risk of jail, benefits, you become a role model to your community and people.

I agree with what you are saying. I just wish we would aspire to do more.

Zuckerburg did it. Not to mention Jack Dorsey did it with Twitter, and Warren Buffett started his fortune by running a paper route, taking over other people's route and consolidating them all under his control. He was making $1500 a week as a kid, BACK THEN. Then he invested in the railroads and blew up. These should be the people we look up to as our financial role models.

Not the fairy tale rappers with the rented Bugatti, costume jewelry and extended rap sheet telling us how to have success, in a business with a broken business model. Drug dealers have to build clientel. Which means that they have to tell everyone that they are doing something illegal. And evntually, with the way things are these days(snitchin, robbers, no honor among thieves, Crimestoppers hotline, satellites zooming down from space in real time, cameras everywhere) someone or something is gonna tell on you. The chances of success are low.

But yet I could go into ANY hood in America and find 10 drug dealers in the first 20 mins. But in that same neighborhood I probably wouldnt find 2 business owners if I searched all day. Why is that? Its because if we start businesses we will be competing against their businesses, and they lose money. So they keep us fighting and killing each other over thousands so that they can make billions.

But I think we are saying the same thing.
As for a real life example
Let's take a look at NT's own Ricky409
Our NT brother went to school for 5 or 6 years and got an education. Now he just got a great paying job pulling in(I know its more that this ricky, but for example's sakes we will say) lets just say 70K a year. Which breaks down to about $1460 a week. Its not facebook money, but good money nevertheless. And without taking penitentary chances. And he can use that money to invest in something that will make him even more money. Legally.

Ok. Im done ranting NT brothers.

Sorry for the wall of txt guys
Wanna make money, copy those that are good at it like Warren Buffett not rappers
Wanna get drugs out the neighborhood? Stop selling them
Start businesses. Make REAL money
ricky409 did it right. Kudos. Follow his example
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umm, i don't think the documentary is what you think it is

as in the article posted with the first documentary, this one is a real bummer

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I agree with what you are saying. I just wish we would aspire to do more.

Zuckerburg did it. Not to mention Jack Dorsey did it with Twitter, and Warren Buffett started his fortune by running a paper route, taking over other people's route and consolidating them all under his control. He was making $1500 a week as a kid, BACK THEN. Then he invested in the railroads and blew up. These should be the people we look up to as our financial role models.

Not the fairy tale rappers with the rented Bugatti, costume jewelry and extended rap sheet telling us how to have success, in a business with a broken business model. Drug dealers have to build clientel. Which means that they have to tell everyone that they are doing something illegal. And evntually, with the way things are these days(snitchin, robbers, no honor among thieves, Crimestoppers hotline, satellites zooming down from space in real time, cameras everywhere) someone or something is gonna tell on you. The chances of success are low.

But yet I could go into ANY hood in America and find 10 drug dealers in the first 20 mins. But in that same neighborhood I probably wouldnt find 2 business owners if I searched all day. Why is that? Its because if we start businesses we will be competing against their businesses, and they lose money. So they keep us fighting and killing each other over thousands so that they can make billions.

But I think we are saying the same thing.
As for a real life example
Let's take a look at NT's own Ricky409
Our NT brother went to school for 5 or 6 years and got an education. Now he just got a great paying job pulling in(I know its more that this ricky, but for example's sakes we will say) lets just say 70K a year. Which breaks down to about $1460 a week. Its not facebook money, but good money nevertheless. And without taking penitentary chances. And he can use that money to invest in something that will make him even more money. Legally.

Ok. Im done ranting NT brothers.

Sorry for the wall of txt guys
Wanna make money, copy those that are good at it like Warren Buffett not rappers
Wanna get drugs out the neighborhood? Stop selling them
Start businesses. Make REAL money
ricky409 did it right. Kudos. Follow his example

I hear you and all that but I think one of the little known facts is that all these rich business men are criminals as well. White collar crime is the name of the game. People look up to these high ranking officials and executives like they aren't snakes themselves. All these neo-con business men are ten times worse than your average dealer.

Plus I think you are overestimating the resources some (keyword being some) of these dealers have to begin with. Kinda hard to start a successful business when you don't have a pot to piss in and your local public school doesn't teach you anything useful. Whereas Zuckerbergs private High School costs more than many University's not to mention he enrolled in Harvard after. Perhaps if we didn't have the poverty gap in this country what you are saying may be feasible. People move to the drug game for lack of an alternative, it's not like they made a conscious choice between dealing and starting a business. I know grown men who can barely read let alone start a business. Not that it's an excuse to sell drugs but things aren't always as cut and dry as you make it seem.

And one last observation I have witnessed with the drug game, the money is like a drug itself. For someone that had the ambition to make something of themselves, to get out here and hustle up a nice chunk of change, starting your own business or going to the corporate world is a step backward. That quick money is addictive and to not only walk away from that but to spend all your time on a business or job that doesn't see a fraction of what you were making seems like a waste of time. I can keep making $2000 a week with little to no effort or time (but with great risk of course) or I can get a job and make $2000 a month or start a business and probably make nothing for a year or two while doing ten times more work with little to no free time. It's very difficult for someone addicted to the money to take that step backwards even if it is to ultimately take 2 steps forward.

And that $70k a year you were talking about is $875 a week after taxes not to mention SS and insurance and any 401k contributions you make. You're not getting money making 70k a year especially if you live in a major city.
Mark Zuckerburg made 14 billion dollars in less than 9 years. THAT is real money. I'll take that any day over the street hustler that has grinded for the last 5 or 6 years to make 5 or 6 hundred thousand dollars.

$14 billion is beyond the real money threshold.

I'd rather sell drugs than think I can create anything near as profitable and influential as Facebook.
Of course you ain't getting paid selling bricks cause ask yourself who's trying to sniff a line these days?. Got to supply by demand and the demand is Pills and bud
people still be on white they just keep it hidden well, if i could talk freely without any repercussions i could blow up alotta people in atl that have stuff to lose. I had a rhoa as a reg and an owner of a car dealership looking to get it before i even get it. i knew owners of their own biz shooting up ( not no ringy dink biz but legit own buildings and had leases) most of my people were afraid to do pills or weed because they local dboys would lace it with what ever to make them come back 
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I don't condone selling drugs but people don't start to sell drugs to make $14 billion. They sell to make more than $875 a week. (No disrespect)
this. I think most dealers aspire to make millions of dollars and they think they can make that kind of money but that just doesn't happen
JaysRcrak shut it down.

Gonna check this out. The drug game is an early death, prison or snitching and being on the run and never being able to show your face proudly again. Who does it end well for? I've seen enough of my relatives and others go one of those three routes. There's no winning unless you're the government.
Seriously? It's not about making a billion or even making more than the average person. The average dealer isn't out to make a mill, they are out to make any kind of profit. Street-level dealers =/= kingpin. Amazing how many of them are selling to use.
I agree with what you are saying. I just wish we would aspire to do more.

Zuckerburg did it. Not to mention Jack Dorsey did it with Twitter, and Warren Buffett started his fortune by running a paper route, taking over other people's route and consolidating them all under his control. He was making $1500 a week as a kid, BACK THEN. Then he invested in the railroads and blew up. These should be the people we look up to as our financial role models.

Not the fairy tale rappers with the rented Bugatti, costume jewelry and extended rap sheet telling us how to have success, in a business with a broken business model. Drug dealers have to build clientel. Which means that they have to tell everyone that they are doing something illegal. And evntually, with the way things are these days(snitchin, robbers, no honor among thieves, Crimestoppers hotline, satellites zooming down from space in real time, cameras everywhere) someone or something is gonna tell on you. The chances of success are low.

But yet I could go into ANY hood in America and find 10 drug dealers in the first 20 mins. But in that same neighborhood I probably wouldnt find 2 business owners if I searched all day. Why is that? Its because if we start businesses we will be competing against their businesses, and they lose money. So they keep us fighting and killing each other over thousands so that they can make billions.

But I think we are saying the same thing.
As for a real life example
Let's take a look at NT's own Ricky409
Our NT brother went to school for 5 or 6 years and got an education. Now he just got a great paying job pulling in(I know its more that this ricky, but for example's sakes we will say) lets just say 70K a year. Which breaks down to about $1460 a week. Its not facebook money, but good money nevertheless. And without taking penitentary chances. And he can use that money to invest in something that will make him even more money. Legally.

Ok. Im done ranting NT brothers.
Sorry for the wall of txt guys
Wanna make money, copy those that are good at it like Warren Buffett not rappers
Wanna get drugs out the neighborhood? Stop selling them
Start businesses. Make REAL money
ricky409 did it right. Kudos. Follow his example
^ But to be honest fam, how high is the reward really?

They have brainwashed the youth into thinking that you can make real money from selling drugs.
When in actuality, they have us settling for less. Got us thinking that selling a kilo of coke for 20 or 30K a pop is real money. Selling kilos aint ****.

There are 23,000 billionaires in the world. And unless you are Frank Lucas in the 70's, selling drugs wont make you one of them.

It's time to start teaching our kids something else besides the dope game.
It's time to stop idolizing rappers, who rap about selling drugs, when they themselves either dont do it, or have never done it.
And they get paid millions of dollars to lie to us and lead us down the wrong path.
We need new role models. Its time to elevate our thinking

Mark Zuckerburg made 14 billion dollars in less than 9 years. THAT is real money. I'll take that any day over the street hustler that has grinded for the last 5 or 6 years to make 5 or 6 hundred thousand dollars. And that is being generous.
And with that half of million came drug charges, jealousy from friends, robbers. Everything that comes with that life.

Truth be told they just want to get us hyped up on some nonsense, so that we might slip up and do something dumb at a young age, that will ruin the rest of our lives, before it is even started. And many young people see the trap and choose to jump right into it. Because its cool.
I think you are preaching truth. Repped. I'm tired of the whole drug talk. I understand that "Drug structure" is already built into most black and urban neighborhoods.At what point is enough enough though???

I would love to see more black tech startups. Currently Blacks account for just 1% of financed internet startups. This is a huge market to explore, but I think it involves a multifaceted approach. Traditional investors will not / are not investing in black tech startups. As a group i think we have enough one percenters that we could really make an impact in this sector. With all the Athletes, Entertainers, Media Moguls the funds are there. Imagine if instead of rappers dropping 20k at strip clubs they invested that money in black owned business ventures? I know many will say that's never going to happen, but I think it honestly could.  Also for anyone who wants to know find out more about what I'm talking about :
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Of course you ain't getting paid selling bricks cause ask yourself who's trying to sniff a line these days?. Got to supply by demand and the demand is Pills and bud

A lot of people. You think that because people don't talk about it that they don't do it?

Well they do.
I see a few of you dont like my 14 billion dollar example.
Sometimes its hard to think of ourselves being able to make that type of money. But that is the first step.
Because if you cant ever imagine yourself making that kind of money, you NEVER will. And that is part of the problem.
We have to elevate our thinking and realize that there is unlimited money out there. Unlimited.
And there better ways to get it than selling drugs

Take Jonah White for example.
Dude grew up poorer than, I would say, 95% of us. He tells a story about being so poor, that one summer he didnt have any shoes, and when he saw another kid wearing a pair of brand new shoes, he thought they were rich. His family didnt have running water or indoor plumbing, and they used to eat roadkill. He even found himself living in a cave for a year.

In that cave, night after night he was determined to come up with a product that could help support him and his family.
Billy Bob teeth were born. A simple product that anyone could've made. He wasnt college educated.

As of now Jonah has 50 million dollars. Sure its not 14 billion. But its also not 843 bucks a week neither.
And there's zero chance that he FEDS are gonna bust through his doors and take away everything he owns, including his freedom.
And at this point, who has a better chance of making it to a billion Jonah or "Killa G Superthug" from the block

We all have to start somewhere, but selling drugs is rarely a good starting point.

So many times I see hustlers get in the game with honest intentions. " I just need to support my family," "Im just doing this to get on my feet," "I need start up money for my business," I got 12 felonies, I cant get any other jobs."

But then something happens after they begin. Their whole mentality changes. They get addicted to the "fast money"(I still dont believe this is fast money)
and all of that other stuff goes out the window. Next thing you know they have diamonds, new Jordans, a new box chevy on 30s, flat screen tvs in every room, a whole new wardrobe, trips to Miami on Memorial day weekend, etc, etc.

Meanwhile the business never gets started, the family doesnt get any more support than it was already getting, and worst of all, ZERO money gets saved.
When what they could've done with the money is open up a daycare. Get 100 kids enrolled. Charge $100 a kid per week. (which is a very cheap rate especially for infants) that's $40,000 a month or 480,000 per year. Open 2 or 3 of those or charge more per kid, and you can see where this goes.

The point is, there are 1,000,000 ways to make money.
Why are we still doing the one way that we KNOW is a trap and is not going to work over the long run?

Cliff Notes:
There is unlimited money out there. You can have as much of it as you want, but first you must believe you can.
Jonah White was poor AF. Made Billy Bob teeth. Now has 50 million
Drug dealers get addicted to the life and end up spending all their money on BS. So what is the point? Neighborhood superstardom maybe?
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umm, i don't think the documentary is what you think it is
I know fam.
But what they are talking about in the documentary, about the drug war not being what people think it is,
and them using it to finance the 50 billion dollar commercial prison industry, is why I am saying this.
Time to find other ways to make money, because that way is a lose-lose situation.
But how many of us from the hood actually have chances of learning computer programming? Or actually have that kind of access to that knowledge? Being from that background already set you back, but as you can see from hs graduation, not to many people make something for themselves.... So I see a lot of the cats hitting them streets or if not end up dead or locked up..... It's reality....
But how many of us from the hood actually have chances of learning computer programming? Or actually have that kind of access to that knowledge? Being from that background already set you back, but as you can see from hs graduation, not to many people make something for themselves.... So I see a lot of the cats hitting them streets or if not end up dead or locked up..... It's reality....

People are responsible for holding themselves back, not some imagery force from above.

Your gonna go as far as your drive and determination take you.

If your excuse not to do anything in life is because it's just too hard or you don't have a fair chance, well you were weak to begin with and weren't gonna amount to anything anyways.

And as for that white girl, it sells, but like any product you need to know your clientele and who and where to sell it.
People are responsible for holding themselves back, not some imagery force from above.

Your gonna go as far as your drive and determination take you.

If your excuse not to do anything in life is because it's just too hard or you don't have a fair chance, well you were weak to begin with and weren't gonna amount to anything anyways.

And as for that white girl, it sells, but like any product you need to know your clientele and who and where to sell it.
now you're just talking reckless

:smh: :smh:
Being weak is not a part of it, you ever been to the hood and seen nothing but the hood? Some people barely making it living check to check.... Never seen any other cities or nice things to give them that extra motivation.... I know ever since I got a lil money and treated myself to see the world in a different perspective it gives u that drive.... Especially if u chilled with nothing but blacks/Mexicans ya whole life... Being around different things change ya perspective...... But other than that white girl do sell a lot depends on who u know and if u selling high quantities
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