How to legally assault someone

Oct 9, 2007
I've got someone who lives in my apartment who has been wildly disrespectful and at the time I let it go but I really can't.

No I'm not about that life, but I'm also not about "not being about that life"

I don't want others to handle the situation simply because I need personal satisfaction.

In what kind of situation would I be in the right for beating the +@*% out of someone? I'm talking missing 2 weeks of work kind of work.

This dude taunts and pops off then threatens to call the police if an altercation arises and I'm sure he would in fact call them so I'm trying to figure out if I can instigate a situation and provoke him into doing something that gives me all the opportunity.

edit: my main issue is that I just graduated and haven't landed a job just yet so I'm not trying to mess that up but at the same time I can only allow disrespect to go on for so long.
Move, like Cam.

and we need more details cause youre story is really vayg.

At the end of the day you know and i know that you wont do anything
Originally Posted by megatron

Move, like Cam.

if they threaten to call the cops they obviously don't want a physical altercation...some things you just have to let slide...but in a lot of cases ppl need a good *** whooping to solidify the fact that theres just certain ways that you can't act..its all up to you bro
trying to fight this dude can lead to a lot trouble for you and him. if he is bothering you and your fam, report him to the apartment manager.
Originally Posted by megatron

Move, like Cam.

and we need more details cause youre story is really vayg.

At the end of the day you know and i know that you wont do anything

eh I'm not here to impress anybody or be a tough guy I was just wondering if people had suggestions.

Story is vague for a reason.
Originally Posted by megatron

Move, like Cam.

and we need more details cause youre story is really vayg.

At the end of the day you know and i know that you wont do anything
Do you sit in front of a computer 24 hours a day constantly hitting refresh in hopes of a new thread to comment on? 
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Originally Posted by megatron

Move, like Cam.

and we need more details cause youre story is really vayg.

At the end of the day you know and i know that you wont do anything
Do you sit in front of a computer 24 hours a day constantly hitting refresh in hopes of a new thread to comment on? 

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Originally Posted by megatron

Move, like Cam.

and we need more details cause youre story is really vayg.

At the end of the day you know and i know that you wont do anything
Do you sit in front of a computer 24 hours a day constantly hitting refresh in hopes of a new thread to comment on? 
 Last week I kept seeing that "inb4 megatron" and thought it was just jokes but dude really is that "first" guy... Does NT have an option to get new post notifications? Maybe thats how. 
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Just play pranks on this guy til he moves.

Wipe some dog #%%% on his door knob asap.


squeeze a whole bunch of


around his window front door and watch the ants pile up...

im not very good at pranks.. 
Physical force is usually justifiable if you feel a threat of imminent harm or are trying to protect somebody else from such a harm.
craigslist - free stuff ads...

order pizzas to his house...

does he have a wife? photoshop a pic of him and another woman, leave it in the mailbox with a ransom note pretending to be an "x" who feels bad and just wants to come clean

does he have a car? /thread if you know where he parks
Your best bet is to make him attack you first. Then you can legally beat the snot out of him.
Originally Posted by megatron

Move, like Cam.

and we need more details cause youre story is really vayg.

At the end of the day you know and i know that you wont do anything

Provoke him to swing at you first if you can, only way i can think of.
i would provoke him to do something first, just say something foul and disrespectful to him.
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