How to get girls in college...?

Go to class, tell a girl "we should study together sometime", get her number, b.s. thru text convos, bring her to the room, hit it.

Really that's the LONG way. I just go downstairs to the freshman girls floor, n say hi....
Originally Posted by Nelson

Originally Posted by Shaky3

How to get girls in college...?

its really that simple

i was really think how he got back down to 2 posts i was like
Originally Posted by Master Zik

You might have to make yourself seen by doing something funny/embarrassing at a house party

Make yourself seen.
Just for sex?

Where are your standards ...
Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

Originally Posted by Master Zik

You might have to make yourself seen by doing something funny/embarrassing at a house party

Make yourself seen.
Just for sex?

Where are your standards ...
I mean like when the college has those events and get together. Be a model for the fashion show, enter in the talent contest, participate in thepoetry meetings, etc.

That might be embarrassing to some ppl but it'll sure as hell get girls to focus on you.
Hey you got notes from last class?
Mind if I photocopy/borrow it?
What's your name?

*take it from there.

...dude, if you cant strike a simple convo like that, you suck.
Originally Posted by JRose5

Nelson aka OrenthalJames is now banned on site.

JRose I sent you a PM. Check it out

and to all the NT members I AM NOT NESLON

Although I find "Nelson" to be hilarious

-The Juice
Everyone is clowning dude, but I feel ya bruh.

I didn't smash my first semester either. I got caught up in the fact that there were so many "dimes" on campus that I really went after the wrongwomen. Once I realized how much I was passing up I started to be more realistic with my endeavours. It is relatively easy, but you probably have to lower yourphysical standards, or upgrade your social status. College is the time where women peak physically, and where they can easily get with guys a couple notchesabove their own level. I'm not saying you should go out and get a chubbster, but if she's marginally cute and not overweight, go for it. If you'renot completely wack, there's probably a couple decent looking broads checking for you right now. Join a club, go to a party, or do anything social. Therewill be opportunities, but you have to learn how to read and react.

Good luck and if you continue not to smash, don't let other people make you feel bad. Enjoy life, don't let what other people think of you affect yourhappiness.
freshmen college girls will smash just about anyone. you just have to put yourself out there and shoot the +#%* with them and they'll start getting'll barely have to put in any work...just have to want it.
Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

freshmen college girls will smash just about anyone. you just have to put yourself out there and shoot the +#%* with them and they'll start getting at'll barely have to put in any work...just have to want it.
truth. And it doesn't hurt to tell them you are not a freshman. Females are silly enough to actually believe just because a guy is a coupleyears older that he actually mature.....

-The Juice
Haha yeah thanks North Dade...

but I mean I think I've been going after all of the wrong girls, and I overthink things a little too much

but good responses. I party every weekend, I've clubbed... I just cant seal the deal and it sucks, but I think it has something to do with my overthinkingand my mindset.

....I'm gonna try my best to put in work this month
Originally Posted by Shaky3

Haha yeah thanks North Dade...

but I mean I think I've been going after all of the wrong girls, and I overthink things a little too much

but good responses. I party every weekend, I've clubbed... I just cant seal the deal and it sucks, but I think it has something to do with my overthinking and my mindset.

....I'm gonna try my best to put in work this month

You party every weekend and STILL don't smash?

The first problem people make is "trying" to smash. If you look for it, youll never find it.
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