How Often Do You ONLY Eat ONE Bowl Of Cereal.........

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Originally Posted by Big J 33

I'm a master cereal eater. Pour me any cereal in any size bowl and I can pour out the perfect amount of milk in order to consume said cereal.

I can even factor in added fruit into my calculations.

Now you're just getting cocky.

What about if you're eating a puff type cereal as opposed to a flake. Ratio is totally different.
I'm well aware
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Fill bowl with cereal.

fill with milk.

eat all the cereal.

refill with cereal.

eat all the cereal.

drink the milk.


This is exactly what i do.
It depends on what I am eating. If I am having healthy cereal, like Kashi, I only eat one bowl. If you give me Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Krispies, ANYTHINGsugary, I will eat it non stop. I once went and bought like 5 or 6 different types (apple jacks, fruit loops, lucky charms, golden grahams, cinnamon toastcrunch and cocoa krispies), and I proceeded to eat a bowl of each in a row until I had one bowl of each. It is my crack.

I can't buy the stuff anymore because I really will just keep eating it. I lack self control.
I just had the biggest bowl of cereal ever.

I dont even eat cereal regularly but I saw it in the cabinet and said "what the heck".

Man it was great...I was gonna go for a second bowl but held myself back.
Aw, now cereal is my biggest food weakness.

You mortals pale in comparison to my cereal techniques.

-Organic 2% milk
-A jubilee of cereals in the cabinet - ranging from Kashi cinnamon Harvest to the Lucky Charms to the Choco Mini Wheats

1. If you're trying to soak every piece of cereal, but without over-filling with milk, just tilt the bowl and swirl.
2. Be sure to have you cereal supply chain good - time it right so you're always in fresh supply. And "diversify your bonds" - you may get tiredof a cereal fast
3. Mixing cereals = on a whole 'nother level
4. Don't be caught without a fresh spoon and fork - it sucks to have to wash a bowl/spoon right before you eat cereal
5. Make sure you get a deep bowl - don't want those Lucky Charms falling out of the side....especially the marshmallows.

You know you wanna eat a marshmallow that falls out of your bowl. Don't lie.
[side vent]

these companies have some REdiculous serving size suggestions. They do it so that the calorie in-take per serving doesn't look as bad. for example.they'll say 200 calories per serving but a serving size is like 1 cup. who the hell eats 1 cup? that's like 3-4 spoon fulls. just say: SERVING SIZE = 1BOWL, 500 CALORIES and let people make their own gosh darn decisions... stop trying to be sneaky

/end vent
Originally Posted by theconditioner

You know you wanna eat a marshmallow that falls out of your bowl. Don't lie.
And I usually do. It's not like I'm eating cereal on the toilet, and it falls into the bowl or anything. I'm either eating at mytable or on my couch, but are clean and I'll pick up food that falls on it.
i could never just have one bowl. i hate when theres a lot of milk and not enough cereal so i always have to fill it up.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

[side vent]

these companies have some REdiculous serving size suggestions. They do it so that the calorie in-take per serving doesn't look as bad. for example. they'll say 200 calories per serving but a serving size is like 1 cup. who the hell eats 1 cup? that's like 3-4 spoon fulls. just say: SERVING SIZE = 1 BOWL, 500 CALORIES and let people make their own gosh darn decisions... stop trying to be sneaky

/end vent

You can say that again.
@ myself for knowing that, yet trying to rationalizeit somehow.
im bad at this. i usually eat one bowl. but i sometimes dont even eat breakfast. so the cereal goes bad
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