How often do you approach girls?

Bigmike23 wrote:

you dont like posting in the college bball thread anymore?
if you notice, I stopped quite a while ago, maybe even before the season?

It just got to the point that it was just an argument everytime I said something, even if I was 100% correct. Obviously my hatred of dook didnt go over well there

Originally Posted by young lad

Originally Posted by jupiterjaywall

Originally Posted by soggymayo

Every day.

1.I walk up to them or I tap them on the shoulder depends...
2.Me: Hi sorry to bother you but hi, my names (name)what's your name? Girl: My name's (name) Me:Oh (name) it's nice meeting interesting beautiful people. Speaking of beautiful you have beautiful eyes.
Me: You seem like an interesting person lets get together sometime. Ends with a number every time
shut yo simpin *%@ up.
this made me bust out laughing

yeah that is comedy gold
Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

dude, let me see if I can help you out a little(work with me here I can already tell I'm about to ramble a little)

There's 2 ways this can play out:
1. She gave you the number to get rid of you
2. She gave you the number because she's interested

Option 1: Females will give their number out just because they don't know how to turn you down, they don't want to hurt you, or they're afraid you might go crazy and harm them in some way if you don't get the number. I'm not saying that's what she did, in fact I DON'T believe that's what she did because you guys text a lot, and females using option 1 generally avoid calls and contact from the people they give their numbers to unwillingly.

Option 2: She's probably interested really, just because she doesn't talk to you at her place of business means NOTHING...that IS where she makes her money and she(just like I and probably most people that care) probably does not want to risk messing that money flow up on someone that can't provide a new flow of money that she needs/wants/desires. You guys talk when you have time so obviously there's SOMETHING brewing there, let it brew though.

Instead of always asking if she wants to go out, ask other questions around that and get your answer indirectly. You know she works 40 hours/week, she's probably tired and the last thing she wants to hear is the same damn question out your mouth after she already told you she couldn't go out with you before BECAUSE she hardly has time/is tired. Instead of asking if she wants to do_____with you or whatever, bring up a movie, play, place, event, restaurant, whatever and see where her interests are, including if she wants to/likes to go. From there you could throw in a line of agreement, throw the quick "you know we should do that" in there, and plan from there.

Also if you can why don't you try to change your schedule around one day so you and her can do something when she's free, such as maybe taking the day off or re-arranging how your day is set up to work something in with her one time. You don't have to do that every time (in fact, don't conform to her schedule each time), but maybe the first time because it shows you have a real interest in her when y'all go out, and she'll like you that much more off the top. Make sure you set something up BEFORE you go changing your schedule and taking days off though, I'm just saying...

Don't write her off because she's busy, you're trying to take time out of her life so you need to get in where you fit in, you can't barge in like you run things...but you also can't be the silent dude in the corner that she doesn't notice either. Maybe whatever she's doing outside of work is something you can do together, and that'll get you and her together. If her schedule is really that much of a problem for you maybe you should move on to the next girl anyway, she's not the last one left in the world or anything, you can find someone else.

ok I'm done for now
There was a time where I would ask questions or make quick comments to girls nearby, then go from there, but I'm usually so stressed and in a hurry these days, I can't get in that "im the !@%*" state of mind, it's disappointing.

The thing to do is just say something, anything, don't just sit and have awkward silences, specially if you can easily open her. Example, you're sitting in a library and you're hand-writing a paper, ask her the date. If you need a piece of paper, don't go ask a friend or the librarian who is far away, ask the girl next to you. People forget girls are people and should be treated like so, not some untouchable, unapproachable, god-like creature that one has to be scared of.

I need to find a place aside from clubs to meet females, I come in contact with an average of 0.5 a day, at least that are even in my age group.
Originally Posted by manamazing55

Originally Posted by Regal Black

Originally Posted by manamazing55

not hardly, but the other day I was like eff it and did it...

I approached this chick that works at a restaurant my buddies and I frequent. I asked her if she'd like to go out to dinner sometime...she said yea and gave me her number.

So we texted some that weekend...and it was pretty cool but now ive asked her to actually go out like twice.

Both times she said she couldnt because of work. Granted, she does work odd hours, and 40 hours a week but heres the thing I dont really get...

when im IN the restuarant, shes not like talkative at all or whatever. But if I text her she is.

Whatsup with women?
You should have offered her YOUR number instead of you getting hers.  Just charge it to the game.  You asked her out twice and she declined and gave the same exact reasons.  Nobody is that damn busy.

she HAS my number, we text.

True, I mean if you are dying to do something, you can make time, but what if she just is like, yea id like to go, but not to the point that she wants to rearrange her entire life ya know?
I mean, she works 40 hours a week and its day and night shifts
If y'all text regularly, she's probably looking at you as a friend she can talk to.

If you asked her out twice, and she did not counteroffer, she's probably not interested or putting you on the backburner for later.  Sorry fam. 

You should ask her when you are going to go out.  Then you'll have your answer.    
When there is patron in my cup and purple haze in my system 90% of the time sober 80% but women in la are too stuck up if I'm on foot they act like there too good for me intil they see me in my bimmer then there thoughts change
^^^^gota agree with C Money...instead of asking straight out if you wad do something just mention a place or ask her what her favorite food and sneak in the line..

i tried it a few weeks backs and it worked
never first i have a gf and secondly im extremly shy to talk to girls idk why for example the other day at school this girl came up to me and said i was cute and i didnt know what to do and i walked away lol
Originally Posted by jupiterjaywall

Originally Posted by soggymayo

Every day.

1.I walk up to them or I tap them on the shoulder depends...
2.Me: Hi sorry to bother you but hi, my names (name)what's your name? Girl: My name's (name) Me:Oh (name) it's nice meeting interesting beautiful people. Speaking of beautiful you have beautiful eyes.
Me: You seem like an interesting person lets get together sometime. Ends with a number every time
shut yo simpin *%@ up.
seriously. when guys give me that i hit em with the
and something sarcastic. i dont need that cornball %%%# in my life
Originally Posted by De La MONEY

Originally Posted by young lad

Originally Posted by jupiterjaywall

Originally Posted by soggymayo

Every day.

1.I walk up to them or I tap them on the shoulder depends...
2.Me: Hi sorry to bother you but hi, my names (name)what's your name? Girl: My name's (name) Me:Oh (name) it's nice meeting interesting beautiful people. Speaking of beautiful you have beautiful eyes.
Me: You seem like an interesting person lets get together sometime. Ends with a number every time
shut yo simpin *%@ up.
this made me bust out laughing

yeah that is comedy gold

i hope dude doesnt really approach females like that
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

seriously. when guys give me that i hit em with the
and something sarcastic. i dont need that cornball %%%# in my life
no simpin but you're not the average female
not that I would advocate that kind of behavior
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

seriously. when guys give me that i hit em with the
and something sarcastic. i dont need that cornball %%%# in my life
no simpin but you're not the average female
not that I would advocate that kind of behavior
i understand. and to clarify for captain shoot down *garden tools* , he meant personality-wise
Hardly, women get bothered enough by thirsty dudes. Speaking for myself I don't get gassed when I'm approached by a chick, I'm just like 'ok cool lets build.' Can't say the same about alot of females though...
Does giving your number to a girl work? I NEVER call a guy that gives me her number. I have no problem initiating the first contact but I never call when he gives me his number and doesn't take mine.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Does giving your number to a girl work? I NEVER call a guy that gives me her number. I have no problem initiating the first contact but I never call when he gives me his number and doesn't take mine.
It works in the sense that if i hear from her then i KNOW she feeling me. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Does giving your number to a girl work? I NEVER call a guy that gives me her number. I have no problem initiating the first contact but I never call when he gives me his number and doesn't take mine.
most of the time it does.  It all depends what type of female she is and what she prefers.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Does giving your number to a girl work? I NEVER call a guy that gives me her number. I have no problem initiating the first contact but I never call when he gives me his number and doesn't take mine.
It works in the sense that if i hear from her then i KNOW she feeling me. 
Yes Indeed....saves both time and energy. Both things that are most important to me.

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