How much you spend on Drycleaning ?? gucci

Nov 15, 2001

I spend average 16 bucks a week.

Spent $21 yesterday.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I launder my own shirts now.

I only use the cleaners on occasion
How do you launder your own shirts?

I spend close to 20 every 2 weeks --- friends who parents own a drycleaners ftw
.. they really dont' do anything different than you can do...they just have better machinery to make the pressing go faster.

throw em in the wash.... use woolite and the delicate/gentle cycle...
once done...dryer for a few minutes on high heat... hang em up(less wrinkles)
Then I iron them when they are dry...and sometimes I don't have to iron them b/c they're generally without any wrinkles

if you like some spray starch.
I always do my own shirts.........Suits an pants on the other hand....cost me a grip. There's a dry-cleaner right next to me so I usually just go thereeven though they're kind of expensive.
I usually pay 3-4$/shirt. Going to start laundering them myself when I move though. Dry cleaners break too many buttons and screw shirts up too much.

And I would tumble dry, no heat. And NEVER STARCH.

my banner ad is for Gucci sneakers now, yous guys
^you need the initial heat though to get the steam going through the clothes.

you really should only dry them at high heat for 5-10 min max
dry cleaners do not dry clean shirts... they launder them

dry cleaning is really reserved for things such as suits, wool sweaters, etc.
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