How much has Obama's race and ethnicity played in his successes & failures as President?

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

A huge degree the black community worships this guy and beleives he does no wrong when he barely even addresses them and when he does it's usually in a patronizing manner

You can insert white community and almost any other president.
Presidents get elected on charisma and promises. Obama was no different. 

I dont understand the hate for dude. Of course the economy could be better but history will be kind to him since he hasnt really messed anything up in his first term

I think his 2nsd term he'l go YOLO

All this right here.
But to answer your exact question sillyputty, his failures have been hugely magnified and his successes have been hugely minimized. I don't

think I have to elaborate anymore than that, cause anybody not wearing blinders or not having a huge bias knows exactly what i'm talking about.
Hilarious! Look who's actually got the blinders on, in addition to whatever the auditory equivalent is
Originally Posted by IronHorse

I'm not sure what type of line of work you are in, but imagine how professionals in Congress feel when they have to work with someone with ZERO experience in a leadership role... calling shots

It's not that they are going against him, but protecting us from whatever puppet master is behind obama

It'd be like someone fresh off the street replacing your boss and trying to tell you how things are going to go down at your work

Obama is a Harvard graduate. Intelligent, charming, eloquent, calm and I personally think he has the potential to be a great leader.  Those so called Republican "professionals,"
 sorry I just had to laugh, in Congress needs to understand that over 6.6 million Americans voted for this man to lead us. So regardless how they feel, the GOP members of Congress needs to get their act together and work with him regardless of these stupid party line votes.  But instead... what was the GOP's agenda?  Stupid #@@! like proof of his birth certificate?  
 That's not professionalism... that's hatred and bitterness and has gotten us where?  
Originally Posted by IronHorse

Guarantee if Brotha Herman Cain was POTUS we'd be on such a quick road to recovery and prosperity its not funny....but those white dems took him who to blame ??
gotta be a troll

not even a good troll

you sucking "brotha herman cain" off

but obama only gets love cause hes black?

you said

At what other time in history has a man with absolutely zero public record and extremely minimal congressional service record *voting present the majority of the time* been able to be a candidate
for one of the most important positions of power in the world.

herman cain is the ceo of a #+%**@ pizza joint.......thats not even nationwide...

wasnt even president of his middle school class


horrible trolling.

of course you believe these things completely independent to ideologies and race


Originally Posted by CDUNK

Just wow.  Stop with all the assumptions and putting words in my mouth man.  Like I said, I've never talked to the man before, I wasn't being facetious with my comment of " I wonder if he voted for Obama on his issues or just because he's black?".  I never said he sucked or said he was stupid.  So you don't find a person who wears different Obama shirts every single day at the gym (I go 5 times a week) a bit amusing?  I'd find a guy who only wore McCain shirts amusing in the same way.  And no, I don't care what he wears; I'm just the type of person who pays attention to details.

okay buddy

you werent criticizing him......

and you didnt assume he voted for obama only cause he was black......

you got it guy.



But I know of some black folks that voted for him just because he's black, and I'm sure that holds true for a large % of the black community.  

Funny side story, there's this old guy at my gym who ONLY wears Obama shirts while working out; he also rocks a 34-36 inch gold franco chain with a pendant of a gun.  Dude is at least 65.  I wonder if he voted for Obama on his issues or just because he's black?



yeah, you find his "shirts" amusing, dude
to the small minded child above, just because mtv and bet tell you it's cool to be down with obama doesn't exactly mean that's the case

you can call people trolls but you made yourself look ridiculous not only by posting big #@! text which reflects your intelligence, but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
while your failure in chief savior had only amounted to be a community organizer (agitator)
I have never read so much @#%#!*#% and ignorance in one thread during my time here on Niketalk.
One day the truth will shatter the glass house you guys live in.
Originally Posted by IronHorse

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by cartune

You can insert white community and almost any other president.
Presidents get elected on charisma and promises. Obama was no different. 

I dont understand the hate for dude. Of course the economy could be better but history will be kind to him since he hasnt really messed anything up in his first term

I think his 2nsd term he'l go YOLO

All this right here.
But to answer your exact question sillyputty, his failures have been hugely magnified and his successes have been hugely minimized. I don't

think I have to elaborate anymore than that, cause anybody not wearing blinders or not having a huge bias knows exactly what i'm talking about.
Hilarious! Look who's actually got the blinders on, in addition to whatever the auditory equivalent is
So...are you actually gonna give reasons why you think I have blinders on, or will you just try to provide some lulz
while not providing any basis for your statement?
Originally Posted by IronHorse

to the small minded child above, just because mtv and bet tell you it's cool to be down with obama doesn't exactly mean that's the case

you can call people trolls but you made yourself look ridiculous not only by posting big #@! text which reflects your intelligence, but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
while your failure in chief savior had only amounted to be a community organizer (agitator)
so barack obama was never a senator? just a community organizer?


if supporting herman cain while shunning barack obama for a lack of executive experience isnt trolling, you maybe the dumbest NTer of all times.

no hyperbole.

you can call people trolls but you made yourself look ridiculous not only by posting big #@! text which reflects your intelligence, but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
the big text was a quote highlighting the hilarious contradictions the genius arguing with me before made.

now, on to you.

   but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
  Cain's success at Burger King prompted Pillsbury to appoint him president and CEO of another subsidiary, Godfather's Pizza.

yeah, cain wasnt a ceo, that's not fact....

thats not his claim to fame.

thats not the most referenced job title hes held......that HE even goes to when listing his experience...

you right


this idiot cain cant even speak in interviews without contradicting himself multiple times.....


if you arent trolling, you gotta be one of the dumbest dudes on here.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by IronHorse

Originally Posted by Peep Game

All this right here.
But to answer your exact question sillyputty, his failures have been hugely magnified and his successes have been hugely minimized. I don't

think I have to elaborate anymore than that, cause anybody not wearing blinders or not having a huge bias knows exactly what i'm talking about.
Hilarious! Look who's actually got the blinders on, in addition to whatever the auditory equivalent is
So...are you actually gonna give reasons why you think I have blinders on, or will you just try to provide some lulz
while not providing any basis for your statement?
I really didn't think I had to explain myself as his biggest and only achievement has been taking out OBL, which was a continuation of someone else's work, but big ups for having tcb
Everything else has been utter failure and disaster, from how countries around the world now ridicule us, we aren't as respected or feared anymore, healthcare - which everyone and their mother is trying to get a waiver for, the economy, transparency, border safety, and all those other broken promises he made to try to win over independent voters (which are the reason he is in office)

His incompetent as$ should have gotten booted out, but the media has his back, thus minimizing how turrible he's actually been

there you go
Dudes are defending Obama like they actually know what he is talking about. You sound like you watch CNN and FOX News all day.

You are a fool if you vote for Obama again in 2012. All of you.
Originally Posted by IronHorse

Originally Posted by illwill24

If Obama was white, A LOT more of his bills would have passed by now. No one in Congress is feeling a black President, you hear what they say about him....

A lot of white people are on edge with him as President, for whatever reason, which goes to show you that racism is still alive and strong in the most powerful country in the World
Good thing they have been able to block his bills, otherwise who knows how out of control govt size would have gotten.

We need less of that govt intervention, and I don't dont buy that people want to see him fail just because he's black.

Guarantee if Brotha Herman Cain was POTUS we'd be on such a quick road to recovery and prosperity its not funny....but those white dems took him who to blame ??

Not sure if this guy is srs....
If that is how u really think Iron Horse I will pray for you tonite...
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by IronHorse

to the small minded child above, just because mtv and bet tell you it's cool to be down with obama doesn't exactly mean that's the case

you can call people trolls but you made yourself look ridiculous not only by posting big #@! text which reflects your intelligence, but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
while your failure in chief savior had only amounted to be a community organizer (agitator)
so barack obama was never a senator? just a community organizer?


if supporting herman cain while shunning barack obama for a lack of executive experience isnt trolling, you maybe the dumbest NTer of all times.

no hyperbole.

you can call people trolls but you made yourself look ridiculous not only by posting big #@! text which reflects your intelligence, but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
the big text was a quote highlighting the hilarious contradictions the genius arguing with me before made.

now, on to you.

   but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
  Cain's success at Burger King prompted Pillsbury to appoint him president and CEO of another subsidiary, Godfather's Pizza.

yeah, cain wasnt a ceo, that's not fact....

thats not his claim to fame.

thats not the most referenced job title hes held......that HE even goes to when listing his experience...

you right


this idiot cain cant even speak in interviews without contradicting himself multiple times.....


if you arent trolling, you gotta be one of the dumbest dudes on here.

Cain at least has a resume - obama never ran a thing

and as far as speaking, look how well obuma do when he dont got dat teleprompter

Originally Posted by IronHorse

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by IronHorse

to the small minded child above, just because mtv and bet tell you it's cool to be down with obama doesn't exactly mean that's the case

you can call people trolls but you made yourself look ridiculous not only by posting big #@! text which reflects your intelligence, but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
while your failure in chief savior had only amounted to be a community organizer (agitator)
so barack obama was never a senator? just a community organizer?


if supporting herman cain while shunning barack obama for a lack of executive experience isnt trolling, you maybe the dumbest NTer of all times.

no hyperbole.

you can call people trolls but you made yourself look ridiculous not only by posting big #@! text which reflects your intelligence, but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
the big text was a quote highlighting the hilarious contradictions the genius arguing with me before made.

now, on to you.

   but by stating that Herman Cain was in face a CEO
  Cain's success at Burger King prompted Pillsbury to appoint him president and CEO of another subsidiary, Godfather's Pizza.

yeah, cain wasnt a ceo, that's not fact....

thats not his claim to fame.

thats not the most referenced job title hes held......that HE even goes to when listing his experience...

you right


this idiot cain cant even speak in interviews without contradicting himself multiple times.....


if you arent trolling, you gotta be one of the dumbest dudes on here.

Cain at least has a resume - obama never ran a thing

and as far as speaking, look how well obuma do when he dont got dat teleprompter


what youre not understanding is that herman cain is the clown

and you, because of a bias, think hes even remotely %%!%!%# with barack obama in any compacity whatsoever.


yeah, ill be a clown.







even with a teleprompter cain is a joke, hence why he stopped running MONTHS ago

you vote for him, tho


write him in.
Not to throw the entire debate off...but religion and bigotry aside, Herman Cain is very well established for a black man in this country. Dude was a rocket scientist in the navy.

I really can't hate on his resume.
I do find it funny that his wife is a registered Democrat though... 
Originally Posted by IronHorse

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by IronHorse

Hilarious! Look who's actually got the blinders on, in addition to whatever the auditory equivalent is
So...are you actually gonna give reasons why you think I have blinders on, or will you just try to provide some lulz
while not providing any basis for your statement?
I really didn't think I had to explain myself as his biggest and only achievement has been taking out OBL, which was a continuation of someone else's work, but big ups for having tcb
Everything else has been utter failure and disaster, from how countries around the world now ridicule us, we aren't as respected or feared anymore, healthcare - which everyone and their mother is trying to get a waiver for, the economy, transparency, border safety, and all those other broken promises he made to try to win over independent voters (which are the reason he is in office)

His incompetent as$ should have gotten booted out, but the media has his back, thus minimizing how turrible he's actually been

there you go
For you to believe the media has "minimized how turrible he's actually been", just shows how much the wool has been pulled over your eyes.
I actually shouldn't even address you, cause based on other people's responses to you, you're a troll, but I'll do it anyway.

The media has gone through great lengths to make it look like Obama hasn't done anything, or has done a terrible job like you said. Even people

who supposedly have his best interest make it hard for him to get anything down, and the media jumps all over it. Even insignificant things that has

nothing to do with his presidency get blown out of proportion. You say his "biggest and only achievement" has been the capture of Bin Laden....

now that was a huge deal, but was it treated as such? Nope. 

And the fact the you mentioned his capture was a "continuation of someone else's work" just further proves my point. Bin Laden's capture had 

nothing to do with Clinton, and definitely had nothing to do with Bush. You're probably someone who thinks that Bush do so much good for the 

country when it's entirely the opposite. Anyone becoming president after Bush was gonna be screwed regardless, with being deeply in debt with

everyone viewing us as the enemy. And until you figure all of that out ironhorse, I don't think I can help you out at all.   
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Not to throw the entire debate off...but religion and bigotry aside, Herman Cain is very well established for a black man in this country. Dude was a rocket scientist in the navy.

I really can't hate on his resume.
I do find it funny that his wife is a registered Democrat though... 

you cant hate on his resume? whos hating on his resume? hes controlled like 40 different companies.

no, im hating on the fact that he cant articulate a single sentence....

and everything he says sounds more rehersed than mitt romney's responses.

dude was touting a 9-9-9 plan

and if you asked him a simple question about the details


he is a complete joke, politically

i really dont care if hes an amazing CEO of fast food joints

dont care that he was in the navy

how about the fact that he says stupid things, people gasp, then he says "OH, THOSE WERE JOKES. EVEN THOUGH I WAS SERIOUS AS *@!%, I WAS JOKING. LIGHTEN UP."



he also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy.[sup][9][/sup]
not a rocket scientist

definitely not even the top half of rocket scientists worldwide, at the time OR now...

when you google ballistics analyst, herman cain comes up


such an amazing doesnt even bring up anything but articles citing him as a ballistics analyst


funniest thing is, i dont even have to sit here and clown the joke that was herman cain running for president



pretty sure "rocket scientist for the navy" is a much better position to brag about than "CEO of godfather's pizza"

maybe im wrong tho


"hey herman, you say 9% fed tax, so people will have to pay an additional state tax, which would raise taxes on them all more than just simply 9%, right?"

" dont understand the plan, but, no, it wouldnt raise taxes"

"but herman, how? you just dont pay any state tax?"

"no, you just dont get it."

in other words, he cant explain it because he has absolutely no idea what the plan is

he was repeating things people told him to say

it was painfully obvious

you can keep being mad, too


and mitt romney have zero chance of winning this election.


dude is a mormon, b.


thats worse than not even believing in god.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

 thats worse than not even believing in god.

You made some fantastic points until that right there. Now you left the door open for people to solely focus on that and
take this thread in a whole different irrelevant direction it doesn't need to go. There's already multiple 25+ page threads

on that already 
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

 thats worse than not even believing in god.

You made some fantastic points until that right there. Now you left the door open for people to solely focus on that and
take this thread in a whole different irrelevant direction it doesn't need to go. There's already multiple 25+ page threads

on that already 

   i meant as far as being electable by american people.

i honestly dont give a +*$@

but mormonism might be the goofiest religion there is


this is their strongest candidate...a guy who believes in mormonism...


hes splitting states with NEWT GINGRICH


maybe yall are too young to even remember who NEWT GINGRICH is...


Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

"hey herman, you say 9% fed tax, so people will have to pay an additional state tax, which would raise taxes on them all more than just simply 9%, right?"

" dont understand the plan, but, no, it wouldnt raise taxes"

"but herman, how? you just dont pay any state tax?"

"no, you just dont get it."

in other words, he cant explain it because he has absolutely no idea what the plan is

he was repeating things people told him to say

it was painfully obvious

you can keep being mad, too


and mitt romney have zero chance of winning this election.


dude is a mormon, b.


thats worse than not even believing in god.
Im not a mormon, but that's some extremely bigoted and ignorant language right there...last reply to your hateful as$
It will be funny when the Mormon makes odumbo a 1 term president
I'd love to see the look on your face
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Not to throw the entire debate off...but religion and bigotry aside, Herman Cain is very well established for a black man in this country. Dude was a rocket scientist in the navy.

I really can't hate on his resume.
I do find it funny that his wife is a registered Democrat though... 

you cant hate on his resume? whos hating on his resume? hes controlled like 40 different companies.

no, im hating on the fact that he cant articulate a single sentence....

and everything he says sounds more rehersed than mitt romney's responses.

dude was touting a 9-9-9 plan

and if you asked him a simple question about the details


he is a complete joke, politically

i really dont care if hes an amazing CEO of fast food joints

dont care that he was in the navy

how about the fact that he says stupid things, people gasp, then he says "OH, THOSE WERE JOKES. EVEN THOUGH I WAS SERIOUS AS *@!%, I WAS JOKING. LIGHTEN UP."



he also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy.[sup][9][/sup]
not a rocket scientist

definitely not even the top half of rocket scientists worldwide, at the time OR now...

when you google ballistics analyst, herman cain comes up


such an amazing doesnt even bring up anything but articles citing him as a ballistics analyst


funniest thing is, i dont even have to sit here and clown the joke that was herman cain running for president



pretty sure "rocket scientist for the navy" is a much better position to brag about than "CEO of godfather's pizza"

maybe im wrong tho


Hey, I dislike the guy as much as you do, as much as I do the other GOP candidates.
Don't take your liberties there. 

But he did well for himself in the private sector. There is no denying this. 

Its like me hating on Mitt Romney for making guap. I can't hate AT ALL. He used the current law to his advantage to exploit tax holes as well. 

My point is, ON PAPER, Herman Cain doesn't deserve that sort of criticism.

Now, when he opens his mouth? Yes, then the stupid falls out.

Mormonism is fascinating because within recorded history we've witnessed a church go from a cult into a full blown and influential religion.
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