How I Met Your Mother Post Series Discussion. Rustled Jimmies to the Maximum

Everyone's reaction on IMDB/Reddit is negative.

There goes any lead-in success for How I Met Your Dad.
How would this show even go now, knowing full well that she dies.

Why can no shows ever end correctly. WHY. Its like they want to anger people.
The two shows are seperate from what I believe
Everyone's reaction on IMDB/Reddit is negative.

There goes any lead-in success for How I Met Your Dad.
How would this show even go now, knowing full well that she dies.

Why can no shows ever end correctly. WHY. Its like they want to anger people.
It's a different Mother.
I see. I will give it a chance based off of how much I love this show. I will get over this ending eventually and will continue to watch it when its on. May even buy it.
I'm also pissed they spent this entire final season on Barney's and Robin's wedding only to have them divorce later. Like really there was no ******* point. Could've spent 3 eps on it then the rest of the season building up Tracy and Ted even if they were gonna kill her.

Not showing Barney's baby mom makes no sense. They could've at least gave us a surprise guest there like Ellen Degeneres 
It seriously felt like a huge waste of time.
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Somebody in this thread posted a quote about this show was one part LOST along with some other shows like Seinfeld of all things. They were definitely right about LOST given this ending.
I just knew deep down they we're going to do that. It's over and I'm accepting it. I...I just wanted Ted to FINALLY be happy with someone. And the writers just did an awesome job with making you think to yourself this is who Ted ends up with. And I'm not going to lie I teared up when he said she was sick....and that part with Barney and his daughter.

Watched the show around 14-15 now I'm 23 I feel like I've just learned a lot from this show which each character.
I'm also pissed they spent this entire final season on Barney's and Robin's wedding only to have them divorce later. Like really there was no ******* point. Could've spent 3 eps on it then the rest of the season building up Tracy and Ted even if they were gonna kill her.

Not showing Barney's baby mom makes no sense. They could've at least gave us a surprise guest there like Ellen Degeneres :lol:

:rofl: that would've been legendary
I will miss the characters more than anything, especially Ted. Barneys the best character, but I felt that I learned the most from Ted. Hes the quintessential make lemonade out of lemons guy. Unwavering hope. Makes you feel like everyone has that one person out there waiting for them. 
It was just really rushed.

Give us some grief with the mother dying.. not one brief shot.. then the kids just saying "She's been gone" in passing. Let that **** breathe and marinate..

They should have known that ending would have been divisive, so they should have absolutely NAILED IT. And they didn't. I'm not saying we needed 4 episodes of "the mother's dead, now what", but kill the mother off, cut to commercial, come back with 7-8 minutes of wrapping it up and going after Robin. Even that would have been better. We literally got so much story crammed into 3 minutes it didn't have any kind of chance to resonate. It just ended.

Like I said, I think people's opinions will soften.. I think some insightful things will be said about the finale and the overall message.. but it was still handled poorly.
I was so pissed at everything, I didn't even take into account that the kids were all happy to get him together with Robin. I feel the same way, it was very rushed.

I still think it was a poor ending to another lack luster season though. Don't think my opinion will budge too much.
Ted told his kids the story just so he can ask Robin out again :stoneface: :smh: :stoneface: :smh:

I fell in love with Cristin Milioti


I wouldn't mind Ted and Robin being together if they hadn't portrayed the mother being so perfect for and with Ted. Makes me sad the way her story ended :frown:
If there’s a message here—and there doesn’t have to be, it’s a sitcom for crying out loud—it’s that chance only takes you so far. Choice is finally the story of a life. The options we get to choose from have are dictated to us by the universe, but we decide how to respond. Have I wanted Ted to meet the mother for the last nine years? Yes, of course. But not because that’s what the story was supposed to give him. Really, and most of all for the last half of the series, since Stella, I’ve wanted Ted to be happy. I really have. And what was most beautiful about this finale wasn’t the details of what happened to Ted, but that he seemed so happy. We don’t even see him grieve over Tracy; that’s not the point. Happiness breeds confidence. Confidence means being who you are. And that blue French horn isn’t just the ultimate call-back, a salute to symmetry. It’s Ted, all in and unafraid.

Excerpt from the AV Club's write-up

As expected, the comment section largely dislikes the episode. :lol:
Agreed with NT fam in here who said that they should've shown a quick montage of Ted grieving the Mother's death.

I honestly think even a 10-second montage would've convinced a lot of people towards a more positive review.
Agreed with NT fam in here who said that they should've shown a quick montage of Ted grieving the Mother's death.

I honestly think even a 10-second montage would've convinced a lot of people towards a more positive review.
Him standing around a grave with Marshall, Barney, Lilly, and Robin would have been enough, but we needed something.
Excerpt from the AV Club's write-up

As expected, the comment section largely dislikes the episode. :lol:

I always thought this was a well written show, at least the first 5 seasons and this past season, but this last episode really made the first 9 seasons pointless. Especially all of season 9, which was about a wedding that was over after 1 commercial break.

I thought the show did have a point and message, and it was to show how a guy who believed in destiny was eventually rewarded for his faith. But in this one episode, they changed it into a story where a guy just wants to get approval to date a friend after his wife died. If that was always where this was going, it really just wasn't built up well at all. I'm not sure how the Robin ending, even if thought out since they filmed the cutscenes season 1 or 2, fit into any of the themes of this show.

What was the point of the story (and really, the show)? If it was about 2nd chances, moving on, or even just how special Robin is, they should've focused on that, and they could've built more of those ideas into the storyline. If it was about how the universe leads you to different girls and decisions, or how he was destined to be w/ Robin, fine, but they should've at least done something so that in the end, the story of how Ted met Tracy and the final Robin-Ted encounter would at least seem meaningful. I'm guessing the writers wanted it to seem like a triumphant moment when they see each other at the end, but instead it just seems like they're all dancing on the wife's grave (especially the kids) and 9 seasons of Ted's stories and beliefs throughout the show were pointless.

I'm not mad at the ending, I like when people try to do something different. It just felt to me like they executed this really poorly, building this show up to be about the perfect girl, when it was about something else.

And if they make the spinoff about how some girl eventually meets Barney (and he's the dad), then :smh::x
If there’s a message here—and there doesn’t have to be, it’s a sitcom for crying out loud—it’s that chance only takes you so far. Choice is finally the story of a life. The options we get to choose from have are dictated to us by the universe, but we decide how to respond. Have I wanted Ted to meet the mother for the last nine years? Yes, of course. But not because that’s what the story was supposed to give him. Really, and most of all for the last half of the series, since Stella, I’ve wanted Ted to be happy. I really have. And what was most beautiful about this finale wasn’t the details of what happened to Ted, but that he seemed so happy. We don’t even see him grieve over Tracy; that’s not the point. Happiness breeds confidence. Confidence means being who you are. And that blue French horn isn’t just the ultimate call-back, a salute to symmetry. It’s Ted, all in and unafraid.

Excerpt from the AV Club's write-up

As expected, the comment section largely dislikes the episode. :lol:

Great write up there.

Yeah the fact you don't see him sad at all of her being sick was just off.

I felt legit hurt when they went from the pictures of the family to her in the bed looking at Ted like that. I agree they needed to let her passing away and the moment he realized he even wanted to get with Robin again be shown. Maybe that could have swayed me but it's whatever I guess.

Anybody going to catch Colbie on Letterman?
Lol, Mcgee's was awesome. Got to shake hands with Cristin Milioti (the mother) and Carter Bays. Damn pushy fans were pushing and shoving and cutting me so I didn't get the chance to take pictures. I came away with some autographs thanks to my sister. I got to say hi to Pamela Fryman and Craig Thomas (director and Co creator).

Got to try some Robin Sparkles and Pineapple Incidents and chat with other fans and dudes dressed like Barney and got to try The Best Burger In Town (don't know what I'm talking about, watch the burger episode) . Legendary night.

The episode itself was great. The entire series makes sense now. It was always going to be Ted an Robin in the end. I will gladly stand corrected about everything I said about Ted and Robin. I didn't think they were going to go that way before tonight, but the ending was so beautifully executed that I ain't even mad.

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I'm sort of at a loss.... Not quite sure what to say because I don't know how I should feel.

Part of me hates it, but at the same time; its almost sort of fitting with how the last 30 seconds unfolded.

The whole episode was just executed poorly I guess
I kinda have that same feeling when my team loses a close game because a ref messed up. Does that make sense? Lol
the overall story was kinda acceptable to me. it shows what happens in life and all the different directions it could go. divorce, not seeing best friends anymore, and unexpected pregnancies happen as much as dont want it to 

forget that it was just plain horrible, it didnt even feel like an episode of himym . say what you will about how bad the past seasons have been, i didnt want it to end like this.

sooooooooo disappointed 
Alan Sepinwall with a great, critical review

A couple things he points out were how could the same writers who nailed the first meeting between the mother and Ted, along with the great turn for Barney when he meets his kid, botch that ending so badly? I don't even care Barney and Robin broke up.. to me that relationship never made that much sense.. I just care they waited until the last few minutes to rush through so much story.
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My just finished watching synopsis:


Ill give my pretty heated synopsis later, when I can rap my head around all dat ****.
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