How forgiving are you all?

depends what they do, but i aint seen a girl that burned me in like 3 months
i have a hard time lettin things go so if its something bad ill never let it go let alone forget about it
it depends as you say.. not with the person but with the situation
say a friend stole money from me..
its the same as if a famliy member did..
I would cut them off
and open a can of #*$ whoopin
Originally Posted by Ajwings23

I don't hold things in me that long. I make peace all day everyday.

Yep, Most things I just let go of and move on. Most important thing is to learn from it, not hate the world.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

For some reason I can't forgive strangers. If it's a ex girl, or homeboy, I can forgive and just not associate with them anymore. For family I let it go within 40 mins. I only have 1 exception for family because this dude just went out of line. He's banned from my life. Dude is nothing but a conniving, heartless, backstabbing person. It takes a lot of before I disown a family member.

But when a stranger or some idiot coworker does something stupid, I really think about killing that person. I think about following them home and just offing them. But then I realize that it's not worth it, that I'm in jail wasting my life away over somebody else's life.
lol you are insane my friend. Like most of you guys said i dont forget. It can still work out but wont be the same. Family is easy to forgive, butyou shouldnt do any of your cousins wrong to begin with.
I usually forgive after awhile and stop caring...however, I'm NEVER going to forgive my ex for how he treated me. He said he wants to be friends, but hedoesn't realize how abusive he he hella cheated and dude is just a horrible person in general.
It's actually kind of high-larious how I used to look at his posts on hereand get upset.

by the way - my ex is jumpman247, nuff said
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I hold grudges for very long periods of time, there are people from middle school I don't like. However I don't dwell on it, I'm just not one of those people who didn't like you back in the day then I see you years later in the mall and be like heeyyy bro whats good?
Like a hypocrite, right?
If someone i was already close to, like a girl or friend or fam and i'll let all types of !**% slide. I'm way too forgiving. However, if anacquaintance burns me in one way or the other, they are done for life. I'll let friends and fam get away with !**%, anyone else gets 1 strike.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Cross me once, %!@% you for life and I could care less if you're family.

quoted for emphasis

especially the family part i dont even mess with my step sister because of some stunt she pulled when i was kid
Originally Posted by kix4kix

If a girl does me wrong I never forgive.

If my boy does me wrong I never forgive

Life is too short to keep grimey people close to me.....

Family is a different story.
I recently saw this dude david who ripped the front pocet off my dress shirt when i was in kindergarten or pre-k. Dude was all "hey man hows itgoin". I didnt fight him, there were chics around I didnt want to seem petty, but if i catch him on the streets alone its on.
Not very forgiving...

When I was younger yeah...

But as I got older to hell with that you cross me or I don't like how you conduct yourself then keep it moving...

If it came to making money though then I would make money over grudges, but it depends on the situation that happened...

Like others have said I might be able to forgive... but I will never forget...
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