How does it feel to have a friend with benefits? (I'm so serious though)

shoulda been making pancakes in boy shorts...

it was complicated--- it wasn't that I wanted to be with him, but I was wondering why he didn't wanna be with me... if that makes any sense. Looking back, we never woulda worked because he's too stubborn/demanding. When he's sweet he could be REALLY sweet. The problem was that didn't happen often. Once in a blue moon.

I'm good now though :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

In terms of FWB, I've never done that before. I mean, not on some ALL we do is bone and no spending the night etc. I couldn't imagine what that would feel like.... a dude rolling over and looking at you funny cuz you spent the night, or worse insinuating that you should leave. Probably feelsbadman. EVEN with the dude I mentioned before when he left for work he let me sleep in, just told me to lock up after I left.

The beginning of this trailer :rofl:
if you want it to legitimately work, it's gotta just be on the level of sex, nothing else. You guys can text a little but but outside of sex and maybe chillin in a group, don't have any other contact.
If you start planning activities and taking girl out, she will catch feelings. If you console her or you confide in her when things get bad, she will catch feelings.
Women are irrational and alway want what they can't have. If you tell her straight up to NOT catch feelings, but still act like you're in a relationship, she will catch feelings.

Lay down the boundaries from the beginning and enforce them like the law, if she steps out of line, call her our on it straight up, don't play no games, she's your friend after all, you'll be doing her a favour in the long run. If you find yourself catching feelings, lock it up or stop messing around immediately.
if you're going to find a FWB i recommend getting it in with a girl you wouldn't mind losing, don't start with a close friend. You gotta prepare yourself for the worst.
I've have 2 FWB go sour because they caught feelings, broke up friends circles because of it, not a good look on you.

other than that, wrap it up and enjoy fam.
How do u even get a friend w/ benefits? I'm assuming you guys were just  friends with these girls before you established this kind of quid pro quo relationship. Help me out

you like a certain chick
you get to know said chick
find out if the chick likes you
if she does flirt with her and hint at your true intentions
if shes with it she'll see what youre getting at and let you get da yambz
rinse wash and repeat

70% of the time it works everytime
(atleast for me it does)

idk why dudes complain when the chick catches feelings you have more power over her now :smokin and you can still keep smashing with no strings attached :lol:
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How do u even get a friend w/ benefits? I'm assuming you guys were just  friends with these girls before you established this kind of quid pro quo relationship. Help me out

-Chick either lets you know she's attracted to you, or lets a friend know.
-Text chick, but not too often
-Invite her over, but always after dinner time (so she doesn't think a meal is in the plans)
-Don't be like, "Yo! You tryn' let me smash?". Just tell her if she needs to she's more than welcome to crash at your place. If she brings pillows and blankets... Find a ******** ID. If she brings nothing but clothes to change into... you're more than likely good to go.

I used to go to the bars/parties and if it wasn't looking good for me, just shoot her a text. Chances are she was there. Was getting the yambs a solid 4x a week for like 3 months. Should've ended it when she started bringing me food and telling me her mom wanted to meet me and that her step-mom used to ask if she was going to see, "Glenn The Booty Call", whenever she came up later than like 11. Ended badly and we don't talk anymore and she dates a dude I'm cool with. She just transferred up here and I wouldn't be surprised if I run into her at the bars and take her home. I ain't s**t. :smh:
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It's all good in the beginning but somebody ALWAYS catches feelings. I've been there bro it doesn't end well, but the ride down was great :tongue:
:smh: My last chick who was just a "friend" caught feelings...


We had a deal, we **** until we decide we want to move on and do relationships or something but we always let each other know whats good so we would be on the same page..

Well, she caught feelings after a few months and we definitely weren't on the same page anymore...

But damn, that ***** was bad... And she was my RA at the time...
So every girl I have had this agreement with ended up catching feelings...

The first I met a party, we made out that night...She knew I was smashing other girls so she said, "That's fine, I get it we can just be FWB." after we smash for the first time (a wk after I met her)...I smash a few times more and drunk one night at a party she says, "I think I'm starting to like you..." Her bday comes around a week later (been smashing for 2-3 now) and I am visiting my sister away at college...Don't send her a happy bday text or anything, she goes off on me and I cut her out .

LESSON ONE: At the first sign of them showing ANY feelings, bolt

Story two...

Smashing this girl who knows the deal...But I spend a little too much time with her, always call her when I'm drunk to scoop me up...So pretty much use her for rides and the smashing...Starts posting on my fbook wall 24/7, I don't realize that she's starting to really have the feelings until she calls me one night and says, "I love you." During this time she wasn't hooking up with ANY other guy...

I continue to smash, she sees me make out with a girl in front of her on a party bus (being young and dumb, I invited 4 girls I was messing with...)

Week later give me THE TALK...

LESSON TWO: Always know where you both stand...Should have known better when she started posting on facebook all the time, smh at me...

Story three...

Most recent knew the deal, but she dropped every guy that she was talking to and focused on me...I thought cool at first, then realized she was trying to be my gf...Set me up with the, "Come over no one is here..." Get there and her parents are waiting to meet me :/

LESSON THREE: Don't trust them at all.

Hope these stories help at all...Made me smarter, young and naive ftl.
Every. Time. It always ends the same for me. They're cool being a FWB for a while, then they slowly but surely start treating it like a real relationship.

Jealousy, wanting to spend time outside of the bedroom, etc.

Having this problem currently.

The theater across town ftw :pimp:
Honestly its cool to have friends with benefits the females who start catching feelings just stop hitting them up for a month or two ive noticed this slows down their catching feelings moniter. Dont hit em up so often thats feelings start to get in the way they think u want more when u give them more attention. Also u gotta be carefil of them SUPER YAMBS. SUPER YAMBS are them yambs that are so wet and gushy and just make u catch feelings. Some females who got them SUPER YAMBS know they got em and wanna be ur fwb because they know u gonna end up falling head over heals over em
boys sleeping if they think " only yambs" is the best solution.
That home girl that you can chop it up with, have fun with, and still get the yambs...
We need to coin a term for that... Its above JO status, but below girlfriend status...
On par with friends with benefits... But a lil more intimate...

You my friend understand the game.

A down chick, who you can chill with, who's NOT your girlfriend, and still talk to her about other biddies.

It don't get no better.
The theater across town ftw :pimp:

Wise woman once told me, if you two are sleeping together and hanging out in public, title or no title, you're in a relationship.
Wise woman once told me, if you two are sleeping together and hanging out in public, title or no title, you're in a relationship.

Someone always catches feelings, the girls always ends up wanting a title, and when you dont give it, you go from FWB to not even friends anymore
Cool. Had them in high school and college. A couple in high school got out of line and thought we were a couple though. In college it was ideal. I could even go hang out with them. Had once named Chelsi who played wing man more than a few times in the clubs.
Cool. Had them in high school and college. A couple in high school got out of line and thought we were a couple though. In college it was ideal. I could even go hang out with them. Had once named Chelsi who played wing man more than a few times in the clubs.
Agreed. In college it's perfect. I had one last semester and it just ended because she transfered schools. But id say you definately want to lay the ground rules first before anything so you can avoid some complications
Great experience! After 6 months, the girl started acting weird and wanted something "more"...that was the end of that.
It feels good to know when you're backed up with a call or txt you can easily solve that :D

Wise woman once told me, if you two are sleeping together and hanging out in public, title or no title, you're in a relationship.

But what if she knows and doesn't care that you're doing the same with other girls too? :nerd:
Polygamy :smokin
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