how do you think we're going to look back at LOST?

Nov 26, 2012
been watching the first season and i've been told by friends to stop after the first season 

seems people didnt like the ending , but from an experience point of view people loved going

on and on with theories during the show's duration . despite everything the show was the most

polarizing show of the 2000's , 2000-2010 . were the theories on the internet better than the show's ending? ive noticed thats the case with alot of new shows , was lost the first show that was a victim of this? also if you guys have a favorite theory that didnt happen can you post it? 0_o
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You can't stop after season 1, it's still one the best 1st season of tv I've watched, so naturally you'll roll into season 2 which is actually good as well. After that the writers strike took its toll. You missed the whole culture of watching it with others though which I feel was a part of the experience.
i only seen the first episode

can somebody give me a very brief summary of the entire premise.

in line 2 sentences sum up what the overall thing was with this show.
Dont eem bother you're just gonna get mad :lol:

I stopped after they got off the island and jack was like "we have to go back" :x :smh:
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Man, LOST was a movement. I remember checking into the LOST thread back on YUKU all the damn time to see the theories on what people thought was going on in the show....the whispers, the smoke monster, Jacob, the numbers, the weird 3 toed statue on the island....etc.

I loved every bit of Lost.....except the ending.

I'm gonna look back at LOST like it happened during my lifetime, and one day when i'm old and gray and i've lost most of my memories regarding the show to relive it again.
It was good for a few seasons, IMO.  Season 4 is where it started going downhill for me.  It was watchable, but the whole time travel thing was too much.  

Season 5 pretty much deaded any real interest I had in it.  I still finished the series, but them going back to the island almost made me stop watching.  

I had to will my way through the last season.  And that finale......disappointing.  
There was no plan, the writers didn't know what they were doing.

The original writers left after the first season.
Dont eem bother you're just gonna get mad
I stopped after they got off the island and jack was like "we have to go back" 
That made me go WTH?

That made me go WTH?

uh they did have to go back.:lol:

did people even watch the ending??

its almost as if people wanted to be angry about the end of Lost.
That made me go WTH?
uh they did have to go back.

did people even watch the ending??

its almost as if people wanted to be angry about the end of Lost.
Everyone didn't have to go back. That black guy's son was supposed to go back, but he didn't go.

Then Jake was saying that only the "candidates" needed to come back. But Jake knew that Jack was the one who needed to come back.

What I'm saying is that they didn't need to go back, but they did need to go back to get Jack to go back(to save the island).

Hope that nonsense makes sense to you.

Also I liked Lost from beignning to end.

I didn't watch it when it aired.
During the final season, I hated the fact that every week ABC ran the commercials for LOST saying "questions will be answered" and then every week was an hour long story about Jacob. Still love the show, second to last tv show I've ever watched, now I only watch sports.
What could have been, I mean a lot of mysteries were never even attempted to be explained, and someone from the writing team, better tell me what the **** the point of Walt was. 
The series finale of Lost was the only episode I watched when it first aired on TV. Everything up to that point I had seen on my own time with a small group of friends. Full control over how many episodes I wanted to run through and all that.

I avoided anything Lost related on the internet until that day. Only people I talked to about it were those that watched it with me. Never ventured in threads, didn't go to fan websites, no type of social media interaction about it, etc. None of that ****.

I know my method was different than most but the only reason I bring it up is because IMO it was the best way for me to enjoy the show. A lot of the hypothesizing that goes on w/ TV series & films is cool and all...but sometimes it can detract from the overall experience. Looking back, I can say we were into the mystery and mythology **** as much as everyone else. But it was a character-driven series with a huge cast of recurring/non-recurring people and, for the most part, they did a hell of a job touching base with each figure and keeping them relevant to the major themes of the story.

To me...a plothole couldn't take away from that.

I get that it's not all roses & daisies though. The last season was bad. Walt. The temple storyline was unnecessary and felt like a bunch of filler once it was over. I wasn't mad about how it ended, more confused than anything else. Felt like the general idea behind it was fine but poorly executed. Some other items they swung & missed on. Once it was all said and done though...I can't sit here and say the bad outweighed the immensely great things I got out of it. I'll remember it as a very unique series that resonated with me.
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I hate how so many thing weren't wrapped up. Can't think of any right now since it's been so long since I watched it. Loved the series though.
Missed shows like these when you was too broke to afford cable. No netflix, wifi or converter box.
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