How do you guys stay awake? Vol early mornings

Workout early morning will give you a lot of energy. If you have a long lunch break, do a 20 min run will give you enough energy to last through the day.
Ahh its important to try and keep the same sleeping schedule each day for consistency sakes. You'll feel so much better.

i.e mon - sun: sleep at 11 wake up at 6 etc..
I work 12 hour shifts myself. I shower before work and that helps me for about an hour. rest of the day its sheer willpower.
Originally Posted by oidreez

sir i woke up at 6:15a and feel fine right now (it's 11:00a)

What you want a cookie?

just playin
man take some valerian root 2 hours before bed... i started this months ago and .. its amazing... i sleep all night and wake up refreshed.
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