How do you feel about the term "culture vulture"?

Nowhere, but that's beside the point. I like Latin women. If you segregate the world, you saying I can't be with who I want to be with. Unfortunately, solving this problem isn't simple. I find it highly ironic that a black person could even allude that segregation is the way to go. You pretty much saying white supremacist had it right in the beginning.
You obviously do not know what White supremacist want.
This is true. I honestly believe the human mind truly cannot process the idea of equality, but that don’t mean we should take steps back and go back to segregation because a group of people can’t act right.
Who in here is asking for actual segregation though?

You mind quoting that?
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

i kinda do

Name one place on the planet where white colonizers have gone, with their leaving the indigenous people of that land in a better place mentally, physically or spiritually. Name... After you do that, then state why the world would not be better off, without their influence.

And they way he's coming at me, I can only conclude he wouldn't mind as well.
White supremacy is about world domination, not segregation. On the surface, a white supremacist will tell you that he only wants to deal with his own kind. Beneath all of that they will interfere with the economies, and military strength, the politics and security of other nations. If you take a look at what they do, how they behave, the last thing they will want to do is to be on the wrong side of the stick. They know of what they have done, and they fear the reprisal of those that they have done wrong to.
If the Native American's could turn back time, do you think that they would allow white people upon the shores?
Do you think that the African nations would still welcome white people to come and trade?

The question is about CULTURE VULTURE.

If aptly applied, who were the ones who blew off the nose of the sphinx? Who painted the Greek statues white? All of indigenous Africa is Black, and they want you to believe that the original Egyptians right in the middle of Africa, were white. They even made people think that Jesus was white. That is a culture vulture.

So the kid who doesn't learn real history in school grows to think that Egyptians were white, Jesus was white, the Greeks were white, and Elvis Presley was the king of rock and roll.

The world would have been fine, without the interference of those who deemed themselves white.

If anything, they give Vultures a bad name. At least Vultures are incredibly caring of their young.
Didn’t even know about the Greek statues....preciate ya putting me on ... doing some independent research to get hip...
White supremacy is about world domination, not segregation. On the surface, a white supremacist will tell you that he only wants to deal with his own kind. Beneath all of that they will interfere with the economies, and military strength, the politics and security of other nations. If you take a look at what they do, how they behave, the last thing they will want to do is to be on the wrong side of the stick. They know of what they have done, and they fear the reprisal of those that they have done wrong to.
If the Native American's could turn back time, do you think that they would allow white people upon the shores?
Do you think that the African nations would still welcome white people to come and trade?

The question is about CULTURE VULTURE.

If aptly applied, who were the ones who blew off the nose of the sphinx? Who painted the Greek statues white? All of indigenous Africa is Black, and they want you to believe that the original Egyptians right in the middle of Africa, were white. They even made people think that Jesus was white. That is a culture vulture.

So the kid who doesn't learn real history in school grows to think that Egyptians were white, Jesus was white, the Greeks were white, and Elvis Presley was the king of rock and roll.

The world would have been fine, without the interference of those who deemed themselves white.

If anything, they give Vultures a bad name. At least Vultures are incredibly caring of their young.

Ok so why should we all be segregated?
Ok so why should we all be segregated?
Who told you that we should be? I am speaking to what a culture vulture is. Fair and honest trade had always existed, until they showed up. Your question should be, how should a culture vulture be viewed?

Culture Vulture = Colonizer
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Didn’t even know about the Greek statues....preciate ya putting me on ... doing some independent research to get hip...
In a catalogue essay for an 1892 exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago, the classical scholar Alfred Emerson said of polychromy that “literary testimony and the evidence of archeology are too strong and uniform to admit of quibble or doubt.” Nevertheless, Emerson continued, “so strong was the deference for the Antique, learned from the Italian masters of the Renaissance, that the accidental destruction of the ancient coloring” had been “exalted into a special merit, and ridiculously associated with the ideal qualities of the highest art”—from “lofty serenity” to “unsullied purity.”

Nor did the Greeks conceive of race the way we do. Some of the ancients’ racial theories were derived from the Hippocratic idea of the humors. Rebecca Futo Kennedy, a classicist at Denison University, who writes on race and ethnicity, told me, “Cold weather made you stupid but also courageous, so that was what people from the Far North were supposed to be like. And the people they called Ethiopians were thought of as very smart but cowardly. It comes out of the medical tradition. In the North, you have plenty of thick blood. Whereas, in the South, you’re being desiccated by the sun, and you have to think about how to conserve your blood.” Pale skin on a woman was considered a sign of beauty and refinement, because it showed that she was privileged enough not to have to work outdoors. But a man with pale skin was considered unmasculine: bronzed skin was associated with the heroes who fought on battlefields and competed as athletes, naked, in amphitheatres.
Didn’t even know about the Greek statues....preciate ya putting me on ... doing some independent research to get hip...
That is incredibly wrong information. No one painted the Greek statues white. They lost their color due to age and thousand of years of exposure to natural elements such as sunlight.
That is incredibly wrong information. No one painted the Greek statues white. They lost their color due to age and thousand of years of exposure to natural elements such as sunlight.
That is a half truth as well. They were kept white to show the purity of Whiteness. There was an agenda.
That is a half truth as well. They were kept white to show the purity of Whiteness. There was an agenda.
No. Disagreed.

1. Those statues are thousands of years old which = fragile. The less people have to meddle with them, the better it is for historical preservation.

2. Due to the loss of pigmentation, some of these statues they can only speculate what they might have looked like back then. Not all of the color can be recovered from the marble. So why alter something to make it historically accurate if you can’t get down the exact material and colors used to make it 100% accurate?

3. Artistic integrity. Artists for the most part do NOT like meddling with other artists work, especially without the consent of the original artist.

I think YOUR agenda is skewing your perspective on this specific instance.
No. Disagreed.

1. Those statues are thousands of years old which = fragile. The less people have to meddle with them, the better it is for historical preservation.

2. Due to the loss of pigmentation, some of these statues they can only speculate what they might have looked like back then. Not all of the color can be recovered from the marble. So why alter something to make it historically accurate if you can’t get down the exact material and colors used to make it 100% accurate?

3. Artistic integrity. Artists for the most part do NOT like meddling with other artists work, especially without the consent of the original artist.

I think YOUR agenda is skewing your perspective on this specific instance.

In a catalogue essay for an 1892 exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago, the classical scholar Alfred Emerson said of polychromy that “literary testimony and the evidence of archeology are too strong and uniform to admit of quibble or doubt.” Nevertheless, Emerson continued, “so strong was the deference for the Antique, learned from the Italian masters of the Renaissance, that the accidental destruction of the ancient coloring” had been “exalted into a special merit, and ridiculously associated with the ideal qualities of the highest art”—from “lofty serenity” to “unsullied purity.”
How did this come about...

...and why were churches forced to replace it with this....

It must've been some of that artistic integrity....:lol:
>D Pick the point I intentionally listed as the last one = not the strongest of the bunch to attack but completely dismiss the first two points.

And look, I can cherry pick information, too.

Artists in classical cultures such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome were known to paint with a variety of hues -- a practice known as polychromy (from Greek, meaning "many colors.") So why do we always think of antiquities as colorless?

The myth of the white marble started during the Renaissance, when we first began unearthing ancient statues. Most of them had lost their original paint after centuries of exposure to the elements, and contemporary artists imitated their appearance by leaving their stone unpainted.

The trend continued into the 18th century as excavations brought more and more artworks to light. That's also when Johann Joachim Winckelmann, who many consider the father of art history, literally wrote the book on ancient art, framing our modern view of it. Although he was aware of the historical evidence that sculptures were once colorful (some discoveries even had some paint left on) he helped idolize whiteness.
"The whiter the body is, the more beautiful it is as well. Color contributes to beauty, but it is not beauty. Color should have a minor part in the consideration of beauty, because it is not (color) but structure that constitutes its essence," he wrote.

Here’s an example of NON-MARBLE statues from antiquity re-imagined with color. IMO, they look better with the loss of pigmentation. I can see the structure argument in this instance.
How did this come about...

...and why were churches forced to replace it with this....

It must've been some of that artistic integrity....:lol:
Ok, so you’re deflecting and changing the goal posts with every new post. :rofl:

First, you stated a LIE saying the Greek statues from antiquity were PAINTED white.

Called you on that so you then change your stance to they were kept white because of the white supremacy agenda.

Again, I provide 3 points as to why that was bs and you chose to address the weakest of the 3 while conveniently side stepping the other 2.

Now you’re bringing up artwork that has NOTHING to do with GREEK ANTIQUITY to try to prove a point that I’m not even debating.

And the icing on the cake... look who’s co-signing your posts.

:rofl: :rofl:

I’m done here.
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"Color contributes to beauty, but it is not beauty. Color should have a minor part in the consideration of beauty, because it is not (color) but structure that constitutes its essence"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Those statues were created to laud their heroes, representing their culture. To ignore what they originally were intended to represent, does a huge disservice to the culture they represent.

Culture Vulture indeed.
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Ok, so you’re deflecting and changing the goal posts with every new post. :rofl:

First, you stated a LIE saying the Greek statues from antiquity were PAINTED white.

Called you on that so you then change your stance to they were kept white because of the white supremacy agenda.

Again, I provide 3 points as to why that was bs and you chose to address the weakest of the 3 while conveniently side stepping the other 2.

Now you’re bringing up artwork that has NOTHING to do with GREEK ANTIQUITY to try to prove a point that I’m not even debating.

And the cherry on the cake... look who’s co-signing your posts.

:rofl: :rofl:

I’m done here.
There is no DEFLECTING.The topic of the thread is about Culture Vultures, not Greek antiquity. My point about the Greek statues being painted white, was just like saying something was white washed, left in the image being thought of as white in origin. I will admit that mistake, it was sloppy. So I posted the New Yorker article for those who wanted to read. There was nothing to hide, as the info is right there. The point of bringing up the Black Madonna further proves how White supremacy will try and further its cause through art. Being that much of Europe was considered illiterate, the imagery in those churches was used to manipulate thought.

Simply put, the people who have deemed themselves white, are indeed magnificent CULTURE VULTURES, well beyond reproach.

If the person who is cosigning me is against White Supremacy, then I will take that nod.
There is no DEFLECTING.The topic of the thread is about Culture Vultures, not Greek antiquity. My point about the Greek statues being painted white, was just like saying something was white washed, left in the image being thought of as white in origin. I will admit that mistake, it was sloppy. So I posted the New Yorker article for those who wanted to read. There was nothing to hide, as the info is right there. The point of bringing up the Black Madonna further proves how White supremacy will try and further its cause through art. Being that much of Europe was considered illiterate, the imagery in those churches was used to manipulate thought.

Simply put, the people who have deemed themselves white, are indeed magnificent CULTURE VULTURES, well beyond reproach.

If the person who is cosigning me is against White Supremacy, then I will take that nod.
Yes, you’re deflecting the POINTS EYE brought up. Everything I have posted on this page stemmed from your initial misinformed take on Greek antiquity. The topic of the thread is irrelevant to the argument I presented.

The Black Madonna is another deflection to the debate we were having at hand. I never disputed what you presented in that post, you brought that out of left field when we were discussing GREEK ANTIQUITY. You were able to see your wrong in your initial post that I addressed and the wording of it so maybe you should look up the definition of “deflection” and do some reflecting there, too.

robtoofresco robtoofresco dont mind me liking his posts

dont even mention it
To paraphrase words you have said to me and others when something of the similar ilk has been said to you.

Shut up, I’ll post and address what I want.
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