How do you cleanse your mind? Vol. Formatting ur hard drive


Aug 5, 2017
How do guys cleanse your mind of all the thoughts and clutter and get to a clean slate to start thinking more clearly?

Is it a daily thing? Or something you do after a period of time?

I want to hear techniques and ideas that fellow comrades use so we can share and see what works for different people.
Working the 9-5 and living in a city it can be overwhelming after some time and it's hard to find the balance for me sometimes.
If there is something running in my mind that I cannot get out. Write it down and try to come to a conclusion even if the conclusion is "these are my options, but I'll have to put more thought into it."

If there is a stressful situation that I'm in the moment with: deep, slow breaths, close your eyes if you can and think of your happy place with a loved one.

Meditation works for many, get a free guided one to start ya off.
- Roll up and zone out
- take a trip somewhere. Even if it's just a Saturday trip. Say eff the phone and disconnect
-Go to the beach.
-Go to a park where I'm away from people and play relaxing music(Bossa Nova, modern jazz, chillhop, R&B, etc.).
-When I have a hard time sleeping, I tend to play light classical music(Moonlight Sonata, Chopin-Nocturne, Gymnopédies, Nuvole Bianche, etc.) to unwind.
Get my VR headset on and start watching porn. There's this crazy one about a zombie apocalypse where Adriana Chechik has to start sucking this guy's dink.
I nap or read comic books to reset and not think of what's bothering me.
it’s counter intuitive but do not set goals. do not write down specific benchmarks. it actually creates anxiety.

Most people inherently work toward success and all that’s needed is persistence. The real enemy is that people get so caught up in the goal they stranglehold themselves from taking all the baby steps to get there.

A daily journal of absolutely nothing really does seem to work the best. Write whatever comes to mind.

And accept yourself for who you are. It’s the best you can be. The more you are aware of your feelings the easier it is to objectively separate yourself from them in pursuit of something.

There’s so many times i’ve felt emotions about sometin, accepted the emotion (eg being scared to give a speech / tired to run another mile), and the simple act of accepting your feelings gives you power over them to move on and do wtv it is anyway.
I take a bike ride to my local park...
Pull up under a shady tree
Lay down
Listen to music with headphones
Crack open a pack of M&M’s

Or I’ll just play some video games at home with a plate of fresh cut fruit.
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