How Do Prospective Employers See Your Facebook?

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

All my pictures are hidden.

The %$%$ do all my facebook friends need access to hundreds of pictures of me for?

the %+%! do you need hundreds of pictures of you on the internet?
The lives of the public/private are always looked into. fI think some of you guys are being really close minded, the lives of politicians, sports figures, etcetc always effect their line of work. yes its their personal business but the two often cross paths, and if you have a important enough position at work theywant to know who you are outside of the office.
i see where you're going, rl. but we're comparing apples & oranges. they're public figures. we're peons, man.
when i start my career on cnn, then i'll focus on cleaning up my private life so it doesn't haunt me (see: tiger woods). until that day comes, i'lllive my life as i see fit... without the worry of facebook documenting my every move.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

until that day comes, i'll live my life as i see fit... without the worry of facebook documenting my every move.
you're kidding me right?
is NT your "diary" too?
unless i start every response with "dear nt...", i don't see where you're going with this.

the answer to your question is no, you silly girl.
starzinoureyes wrote:
unless i start every response with "dear nt...", i don't see where you're going with this.

the answer to your question is no, you silly girl.

All im sayin is these Internet outlets can only "document" what you allow them to have access to.
Its not apples to oranges. I've personally heard of people getting fired for FB/Twitter/Myspace activity. Regular people, with regular jobs.
Its just the ability to whoever is in power, whether they are the president of CNN or the owner of a pizza shop to spy on whoever they want for a price.
I just think these are things no one should be oblivious to.
And FYI I'm a grown woman. So you can fall back on that.
however i've already acknowledged that we do have control over what does/doesn't get posted, herego my ultimate decision to delete facebook so as tonot concern myself any longer. not only does censoring myself on what's supposed to be a harmless socializing site sound awfully stupid, but it'sapparent that in this world of technology it is absolutely necessary, considering all these employers/coworkers have such easy access to it.

and i applaud you for being a grown woman, i really do. but with questions like "is nt your diary, too?" being written in an obvious attempt to getsome form of reaction out of me or other readers, i can't take you seriously.
Its silly people have to censor their lives just because of a damn job.

I feel like if i'm not doing anything illegal in my profile pictures and not sayin anything blatantly offensive I shouldn't have to worry aboutanything as long as my job performance is up to par.
companies are paying facebook for access and info
that's why there is debate going on whether fb is allowed to own you pics
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

if i drink/party on weekends, it's really none of my coworkers'/employers' concern. what i do on my private time is my business. granted one shouldn't be putting up compromising pictures in the first place, but i think it silly to have to censor one's self so as to not upset those that really have no say in what i should or shouldn't do.
one of the main reasons as to why i just said *!%! it all & deleted fb was due to the growing # of people registering, namely those that i work with. it was no longer a place to mess around with current friends & keep in touch with old ones. instead, people from my workplace (accepted their friend requests for the sake of not being thought of as a %!%$@) were making comments in real life as to what i was doing on weekends. it got to the point where i'd actually duck, hide my face or step out of pictures because i didn't want anything of my personal life being put on fb, which is exactly where it was headed. such precautions needn't be done for a damn socializing site. so opposed to putting myself through such a hassle, i ended the madness once & for all.

if they do in fact need to know who i really am, they'll do so under my conditions. not from a socializing site where my personal life can be open for interpretation by the viewer. (i.e. what's this? a picture of her playing beer pong? oh, she must be an alcoholic.)

/wall of miserable txt
yea, i've had this discussion the past two times at work. my sup wants no part of any social networking... he also works for a militarycontractor though. my other coworker is the polar opposite, and doesn't think it matters either way. i'm in the middle, more on the side of caution. i don't really have much to hide on fb (tagged or untagged), but knowing you can get judged simply by association with certain people and their photos/posts/activities/etc. is both unavoidable and a damn shame. i pretty much locked everything down except for friendsto see (and not even all of them). plus, i duck cameras on the regular, only because ppl tend to take the worst pics

imo, it's better to have a least a minimal online presence (as opposed to none at all) if only so you know exactly what's out there. it's kind oflike checking your credit report every so often. you can get away with not having credit cards or loans or renting... any of that, but usually the benefitsoutweigh the risks. you just gotta stay on top it... be vigilant.
But is it necessary to put your life out there in the first place.

Dudes crying when they get exposed, they do it to themselves.

Attention is what peeps want and thats what they get, good or bad.
Originally Posted by RL Treyce

No it isn't ridiculous.... Its key to finding out who you really are, not just what you put on mon-fri @ work.
If my company cared about what we did outside of work, they'd have to fire 90% of the employees. Because they know this, they don't care.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

however i've already acknowledged that we do have control over what does/doesn't get posted, herego my ultimate decision to delete facebook so as to not concern myself any longer. not only does censoring myself on what's supposed to be a harmless socializing site sound awfully stupid, but it's apparent that in this world of technology it is absolutely necessary, considering all these employers/coworkers have such easy access to it.

and i applaud you for being a grown woman, i really do. but with questions like "is nt your diary, too?" being written in an obvious attempt to get some form of reaction out of me or other readers, i can't take you seriously.

smh your assumption that I care whether you take me seriously over the internet or not.
I never post anything to "get a reaction", I post just to post. If you take it upon yourself to feel some sort of way and "react" or resultto name calling, especially questioning my maturity level, that's on you.
- I don't care how prospective employers see my current pic accounts for this claim.

- FB is way past stale for me, anyway; might be time to wrap-it-up. It's so much different now, compared to 5 years ago, doesn't even feel the same

- 2010

I assisted my HR on the hiring process of these applicants and we had to google search them... oh the things you find on Google!

well out of the 12 applicants... only 11 made the cut. We found all 12 on Facebook.
And surprisingly, we had access to each and every one of their profiles except for 1 female (Younger & Wiser) of course... She set her profile to privateand her pictures were set to private as well.

For the gentleman that didn't make the cut... it was due to what was on his Facebook. All the partying pics and pics of his body and the fact that he hadan album dedicated to female body parts... we declined his application because our company is 95% female.

Key tip: go into your FB photo albums and set those to viewable by: "friends only"

Originally Posted by BALLYNN


I assisted my HR on the hiring process of these applicants and we had to google search them... oh the things you find on Google!

well out of the 12 applicants... only 11 made the cut. We found all 12 on Facebook.
And surprisingly, we had access to each and every one of their profiles except for 1 female (Younger & Wiser) of course... She set her profile to private and her pictures were set to private as well.

For the gentleman that didn't make the cut... it was due to what was on his Facebook. All the partying pics and pics of his body and the fact that he had an album dedicated to female body parts... we declined his application because our company is 95% female.

Key tip: go into your FB photo albums and set those to viewable by: "friends only"

Straight from the horses mouth.
And his HR department didn't even need to pay FB to unlock profiles or hire private contractors.

Google FTL/FTW.
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